Embark on a heartwarming journey with 'Sister See, Sister Do: A Sibling Story of Two,' a charming book that explores the joys, challenges, and responsibilities of being a big sister. Authored by Jon Romero, this captivating short poem takes readers through the eyes of a big sister, revealing the trials and triumphs of sisterhood. From teaching her little sister to walk and talk, to coloring and dreaming together, the story beautifully encapsulates the deep bond that exists between siblings. Although the path of sisterhood is not always smooth, the poem encourages understanding, patience, and love. Brought to life with enchanting illustrations by Zion Romero, this book is not just a story but a celebration of family bonds and shared experiences. A testament to the power of family collaboration, this uncle and niece duo have created a must-read that showcases the extraordinary love that exists between two sisters.