Pertama , meskipun pemikiran keagamaan bisa saja bermula dari renungan perseorangan , tetapi sebagai gejala " sejarah intelektual ” kesemuanya baru berarti dalam konteks komunitas Islam . Bukan pemikiran per se yang menjadi sasaran ...
Spiritual Economies reveals how capitalism and religion are converging in Indonesia and other parts of the developing and developed world.
62 AM Lufhfi, “Gerakan Dakwah di Indonesia,” in Bang Imad Pemikiran dan Gerakan Dakwah (Jakarta: Gema Insani Press, 2002), 161. 63 Ibid. 64 Nurhayati Djamas, “Gerakan Kaum Muda Islam Masjid Salman,” in Gerakan Islam Kontemporer di ...
By shifting the view from the collective to the individual and from the formal to often invisible patterns of connectedness, this book provides an important fresh perspective which will be of interest to scholars and students of Area ...
2002) Bang Imad: Pemikiran dan Gerakan Dakwahnya. (Bang Imad: His Thoughts and Preaching Movement) Jakarta: Gema Insani. Djojonegoro, Wardiman (1994) “Relevansi Al-Quran Dalam Menyongsong Era Industrialisasi” (The Relevance of Al-Quran ...
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1981. Dipojono, H.K. “Bang Imad yang Saya Kenal”. In Bang 'Imad: Pemikiran dan Gerakan Dakwahnya, edited by J. Asshiddiqie et al. Jakarta: Gema Insani Press, 2002, pp.
The pattern of events leading to the formation of Boedi Oetomo is similar to that encountered by ICMI, with Dr Imaduddin Abdurrahim (who we know as Bang Imad) playing the role of Dr Wahidin Soedirohoesodo....An intellectual preacher ...
Post Tradisionalisme Islam. Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2000. —. Nalar Filsafat & Teologi Islam, translated by Aksin Wijaya. [AlKasyfu 'An Manahij al-Adillah Fi Aqa'id al-Millah: Au Naqdu Ilmi al-Kalam Dliddlan al-Tarsim al-Ideologi Li-al-Aqidah ...
At the time the Islamic Campus Preaching Organisations were moving in different directions and operating without coordination. Only a few were in contact with each other. It was felt that if this situation continued, it would disturb ...
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, there was a central figure in the activities of this mosque named Imaduddin Abdul Rahim — better known among the mosque activists as Bang Imad — who first introduced the concept of the Islamic religious ...
“Bang Imad,” as Abdurahim was popularly known was a respected Muslim scholar and former protégé of Masyumi's Natsir. He taught engineering courses at his alma mater, ITB, where he founded Masjid Salman, the pioneer of campus-based ...