Books of Aggressiveness (Psychology) in children

  • Schoolyard Bully: How to Cope with Conflict and Raise an Assertive Child
    By Kim Zarzour

    Schools may be able to make great headway in battling bullying by providing more , and better - trained , playground monitoring . Adults on yard duty should be aware of the bullying hot spots , be able to detect subtle , covert ...

  • Battling the School-yard Bully
    By Kim Zarzour

    Adults on yard duty should be aware of the bullying hot spots , be able to detect subtle , covert bully problems and be trained to deal with them . Some of the conflict may be avoided simply by giving the kids more to do outside .

  • The Anger Solution Workbook
    By Lisa M. Schab

    The Anger Solution Workbook is designed to help children learn about the emotion of anger and how to manage it appropriately.