Books of Anger

  • Taming Anger
    By John R. Frew

    Taming Anger

  • Beck Youth Inventories Manual: For Children and Adolescents
    By Judith S. Beck

    A behavioral assessment instrument to determine a child's experience of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behaviour and self-concept.

  • Angry Marriage
    By Mjf Books, Bonnie Maslin

    Angry Marriage

  • I Was So Mad
    By Karen Erickson, Maureen Roffey

    A toddler learns to deal with feelings of extreme anger.

  • Anger is a Choice
    By Tim F. LaHaye, Bob Phillips

    They not only examine it from beginning (its origins) to end (its effects), they also help us evaluate our own Irritability Quotient through the Anger Inventory and other exercises throughout the book.

  • Woede is Jou Keuse
    By Tim F. LaHaye, Bob Phillips, André Du Toit

    Woede is Jou Keuse

  • Maîtrisez votre colère
    By Bob Phillips, LaHaye, Tim

    Maîtrisez votre colère

  • Time Out, Grumpy Bunny!
    By Justine Korman Fontes

    Hopper is having a hard time.

  • Use Your Anger: A Woman's Guide to Empowerment
    By Sandra P. Thomas, Cheryl Jefferson

    R. Taffel , Parenting by Heart ( 1991 ) . ... Phases of divorce taken from P. Bohannan , In Divorce and After ( 1970 ) ; R. Weiss , Marital Separation ( 1975 ) . Page 305. J. Wallerstein and S. Blakeslee , Second Chances ( 1989 ) .

  • Calming Upset Customers
    By Rebecca L. Morgan

    Presents various techniques for handling irate customers.

  • Life Skills Curriculum: ARISE Work in Progress
    By Susan Benson, ARISE Foundation

    ARISE Work In Progress: Violence and Conflict includes lessons to teach youth about conflict and decision making, dealing with violent acts, police confrontation, and dealing with many more violence related scenarios.

  • Coping Skills Group: A Session-by-session Guide
    By Susan Gingerich, Kim Mueser, Msw Gingerich

    Provide the necessary ingredients to improve the lives of clients who have significant problems related to their mental illness. This guide is a step-by-step manual for group leaders using evidence-based practices for mental health.

  • When Anger Hits Home: Taking Care of Your Anger Without Taking It Out on Your Family
    By Gary J. Oliver, H. Norman Wright

    Hanna is shopping with her thirty - year - old son as he looks for a new sport coat . She never comes out straight with a directive but instead asks , “ Son , do you really think that you need a new sport coat at this time in your life ...

  • Beyond Anger
    By Larry Yeagley

    Beyond Anger

  • When Love Becomes Anger
    By Kathy Collard Miller

    H. Norman Wright, from "Handling Stress, Change and Depression," a seminar workbook, 1981, p. 21. 4. Taken from Be the Woman You Want to Be by Ruthe White, Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1978, p. 70. 5. Quoted in "Enriched Living" seminar, ...

  • Make Anger Your Ally
    By Neil Clark Warren

    Make Anger Your Ally helps readers learn to master anger and transform its energy into a dynamic force for positive living.

  • Mư̄a chan krōt...
    By Brian Moses, Michael J. C. Gordon

    A child describes his feelings and behaviour when angry, as well as ways of coping with anger. Includes notes for teachers and parents.

  • 吼-我生氣了
    By Jonathan Lambert


  • 创造性的愤怒: 让怒火成为正能量
    By Rhoda Baruch, Suzanne Stutman, Edith H. Grotberg

    本书作者将告诉你, 怎样控制愤怒这种强有力的情绪, 以使这种情绪能够产生建设性的作用, 而不是破坏性的作用. 建设性地运用愤怒激发出的能量能够释放创造的潜能, ...

  • 1-2-3 我不生气: 让情绪不再失控
    By Brenda Miles, Colleen A. Patterson

    本书给孩子们介绍了一首简单的歌谣,不仅可以放松身体,而且能够克服情绪失控.书后有科林·A.派特森和布兰达·S.迈尔斯两位心理学家"写给父母和老师的话",详细列举了《1-2 ...