Books of Architecture / Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation

  • Douglas Johnson: Southwest Traditions and Modern Icons
    By Paul Strand, Megan Fox, Gerald P. Peters

    Douglas Johnson: Southwest Traditions and Modern Icons

  • Architecture from the Inside Out: From the Body, the Senses, the Site and the Community
    By Karen A. Franck, R. Bianca Lepori

    Introducing a basis for design that transcends fixed notions of style and emerging technologies, this book emphasizes feeling, moving and the experiential.

  • Morphosis, the Crawford House
    By Frederic Migayrou, Aris Janigian, Michele Saee

    This is the first volume to showcase the Crawford House; it is emblematic of the dynamic interplay between art, architecture, and representation that characterizes Morphosis' work. -- from back cover.

  • Designing the Exterior Wall: An Architectural Guide to the Vertical Envelope
    By Linda Brock

    The bond Colorado. of the concrete to the thin brick is dependent on a mechanical key provided by dovetailed slots in the thin brick as well as the balance between the initial rate of absorption of the brick and the cement-to-water ...

  • 建筑构造与识图
    By 申琳, 王雪妮, 贾青

    图4-41 空铺地层构造四、地坪防潮构造地面返潮现象主要出现在我国南方,每当春夏之交,气温升高,加之雨水增多, 空气中相对湿度较大,当地坪表面温度降到露点温度时,空气中的水蒸气遇冷便凝聚成小水珠附在地表面上,当地面的透水性较差时,往往会在地面形成一层 ...

  • 沃菲尔德建筑速写
    By (美)詹姆斯·沃菲尔德著


  • 美好生活:现代住宅导览
    By (西) 伊纳吉· 阿巴罗斯著, 苏畅译

    阿巴罗斯在这本书里,通过七个章节,引领读者探访20世纪的七座住宅,它们有的是建成作品,有的是未建成,有的只是电影里的场景。这些或真实或虚构的住宅,向读者们展现20世 ...

  • 建筑数字化建造
    By 袁烽(Philip F.Yuan), 尼尔·里奇(Neil Leach)编著

    “脑库”(Think-Tank)与 NGO组织曾和许多知名学府,诸如哈佛商学院、哥伦比亚商学院、普林斯顿大学的伍德罗·威尔逊公共国际事务学院等有过合作。很早之前,工业设计品牌公司已和汽车制造公司在欧洲的学术界开始建立研究工作室。自2009年开始,麻省理工学院, ...

  • 环境设计手绘效果图
    By 李军, 吕在利

    《环境设计手绘表现效果图》一书在编写过程中总结了多年的教学经验和体会,与其他表现形式相比,手绘表现在捕捉设计灵感、完善和修正设计方案方面更具有优势。作者系统地介 ...

  • 孔洞城市: 第12届威尼斯国际建筑双年展受邀专题设计课程
    By 张慧, 张彤, 瑞纳·皮尔克

    张彤, 瑞纳·皮尔克, 张慧. 杨晨的练习:三维单元的研究 Exercises by YANG Chen:Study on 3D Elements 编组工作数字模型的生成.

  • 园林景观设计手绘图技法与表达
    By 李丽

    本书以现代园林景观设计为主要表现对象,内容包括园林景观手绘表现技法的基础训练,园林景观设计的常用手绘技法,园林景观设计过程中的手绘图分析,园林景观设计手绘作品赏 ...

  • Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the International Building Code
    By Francis D. K. Ching, Steven R. Winkel

    Get this practical, illustrated guide to the International Building Code.

  • Integrated Buildings: The Systems Basis of Architecture
    By Leonard R. Bachman

    Architectural Forum CXIII (July 1960): 82–87, 185. Ford, Edward R. The Details of Modern Architecture. Vol. 2, 1928 to 1988. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996. Fratelli, Enzo. “Louis Kahn.” Zodiac VIII(1961): 14–17. Green, Wilder.

  • 建築的元素【全新增訂版】:形式、場所、構築,最恆久的建築體驗、空間觀與設計論: Elements of Architecture: From Form to Place + Tectonics
    By 皮耶‧馮麥斯

    1986年首次出版,感知性+觀念性的建築永恆之道,最新增訂版   可信的基礎,啟發正確建築觀,30年歷久彌新經典導論 最恆久的原理原則 VS 最值得一學的設計理論 交通大學建築所講座教授暨人社院院長 曾成德 選書導讀   「馮麥斯希望為建築學習揭櫫的是『設計的理論』,也稱之為『方案的理論』。『設計』與『方案』不僅是學門之外的人所難以明白的名詞,也是建築人自己說不清楚的過程。……建築師手中拿著建築方案,這是他的設計,這是他的夢想。而我們知道:『方案的理論』才是建築之夢的基礎。」──曾成德   「教授建築近二十年來,這本最適合幫助同學進入建築領域。」──林昌修   「出版至今逾30年仍歷久彌新,是引導學生認識建築的一本經典教科書。」──施植明 「在數位時代的今天,書中談述的空間觀念正在全面流失中。」──Kenneth Frampton   國內外各大建築院校指定參考書目、學術論文引用專書 這不是一本歷史也不是理論,而是一本詳盡的導論,對建築界眾所接受的概念,做一番分類總覽,書中架構出的感知性和觀念性,性質接近「設計的理論」,幫助我們了解建築設計的觀念,發現一些確實可信的基礎,學到一些方法。增訂版做了大幅擴增與修訂,後半部5-10章,是當中最具新意的部分,收錄了許多全新素材,尤其是以空間為主題的第五章,令人耳目一新,當中詳述了各種範疇的空間觀念,在數位時代的今天,這些觀念正在全面流失中。另於附錄中,收錄半世紀以來討論建築組構、城市和地景的三篇重要文章。   作者融合逾三十年的教學經驗,以一位西歐建築師的角度書寫,深受「完形心理學」、「現象學」影響,結合理論與實務,特別強調「know-how」。從不同角度談論各種建築體驗,包括秩序vs.失序、場所vs.空間、光線vs.陰影、對稱vs.非對稱。  ...

  • Gehry Talks: Architecture + Process
    By Michael Sorkin, Mildred S. Friedman

    With the completion of the celebrated Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, architect Frank O. Gehry has entered the pantheon of twentieth-century masters. In this wholly unique new book, Gehry himself...

  • An Architect's Sketchbook of Underground Buildings: Drawings and Photographs, 26 Years of Work
    By Malcolm Wells

    An Architect's Sketchbook of Underground Buildings: Drawings and Photographs, 26 Years of Work

  • Creating Great Town Centers and Urban Villages
    By Prema Katari Gupta, Kathryn Terzano

    Describes the hottest trends and innovations in design and development: creating a memorable public space, dealing with market realities, partnering with the public/private sectors, planning for development and financial complexity,...

  • Edith Wharton: A House Full of Rooms, Architecture, Interiors, and Gardens
    By Edith Wharton, Theresa Craig

    "The world knows Edith Wharton the writer: the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize, the chronicler of late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century social mores, the author of such remarkable books as...

  • Architectural Design Graphics
    By Marco Ciriello

    -- Here's the architect's single-source graphic reference to the transmittal of technical data through architectural and interior-design drawings-- This is the only resource to provide professional and student architects and...

  • Classical Greek Architecture: The Construction of the Modern
    By Alexander Tzonis, Phoivē Giannisē

    "Classical Greek Architecture is a definitive account of classical architecture, its influences, and its significance for the structures of today from leading scholar Alexander Tzonis. The work contains a wealth...