Books of Architecture / Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation

  • The Modern Functional Building
    By Adolf Behne

    Few individuals better chart the path of European Modernism in the first decades of this century than Adolf Behne (1885-1948). Before World War I, Behne was active in the German...

  • The Pedestrian Pocket Book: A New Suburban Design Strategy
    By Doug Kelbaugh

    "Princeton Architectural Press, in association with The University of Washington"-- title page.

  • Observations for Young Architects
    By Cesar Pelli

    World-renowned architect Cesar Pelli has distilled the wisdom and experience gained through many years of practice into this deeply felt book meant for those interested in or about to embark...

  • Site Perspectives
    By L. Azeo Torre

    Site Perspectives

  • Designing Architectural Facades: An Ideas File for Architects
    By Kurt Hoffmann, Helga Griese, Walter Meyer-Bohe

    Designing Architectural Facades: An Ideas File for Architects

  • Fassaden: Gebäudehüllen für das 21. Jahrhundert
    By Dirk U. Hindrichs

    Following the highly successful first edition, this second edition has been expanded to incorporate some 70 new contributions. Innovative ideas, concepts and solutions for fa ade design, all exceptional in...

  • Modern Constuction: Facades
    By Andrew Watts

    The Facades Handbook is a textbook for practitioners of architecture, as well as structural and environmental engineers who wish to broaden their study beyond the information provided in the “Walls”...

  • Knowledge-based Computer-aided Architectural Design
    By Yehuda E. Kalay, Gianfranco Carrara

    This text contains reports by researchers working in the area of knowledge-based systems for supporting architectural design. The issues discussed concern the theories, methods and the systems implementing this research,...

  • Computer Aided Architecture & Design
    By Frederic Hicks Jones

    Based on a walk-through of an actual project from planning through completion, this book is one of the best early introductions to the general concepts of computer-aided design for professionals....

  • The Essence of Home: Design Solutions for Assisted Living Housing
    By William J. Brummett

    Written for architects, designers, and anyone involved in planning and designing assisted living facilities, The Essence of Home offers a fresh look at an area of design that is becoming...

  • Assisted Living Housing for the Elderly: Design Innovations from the United States and Europe
    By Victor Regnier

    Assisted Living Housing for the Elderly: Design Innovations from the United States and Europe

  • The Indoor Garden Book
    By John Brookes

    More than 1,000 full-color and black-and-white illustrations make this book to consider house plants as key elements of interior design a superb visual treat from the author of the classic...

  • 健康住宅設計學:陳宗鵠建築師的能量綠建築
    By 陳宗鵠

    《健康住宅設計學》唯一疾病醫學營養切入健康好宅提高綠色節能無毒住宅及社區全家人全方位高效率舒適的家東西方建築教育觀創好宅 友善高齡者終身養生保健宅創造紓壓療癒能量的快樂環境營造心靈安住宅迎接大趨勢│強力推薦│(依姓氏筆劃排列)王榮進 內政部建築研究所所長林聰明 南華大學校長林松洲 臺北醫學大學醫學系名譽教授/日本國立東京大學藥理學博士張 磊 國家住宅與居住環境工程技術研究中心副主任徐南麗 健康與建築雜誌社社長/澳門科技大學講座教授孫建行 中華學校財團法人中華科技大學董事長趙 怡 政治大學副校長/永慶慈善基金會董事長潘文忠 教育部長蘇一仲 和泰興業股份有限公司董事長蘇 禾 肯愛協會秘書長  「身體就像蓄電池,今天用完今天充」,現代人每天在外奔波耗費能量以致於 回家以後身心非常疲憊,需要一個舒適、安心、愉悅又可享受家庭和樂的「健康好宅」,補充能量恢復身心靈健康。現在市而上推出的住宅大部分以追求豪華絢麗為口號的「豪宅」,以高端富人為模凝購買對象,往往忽略了大部分消費者對住宅空間的心理威受、有效率空間合理價格、不增加社會環境負擔的所謂「好宅」產品。過去全球的住宅產業發展都以「建築物體」為主要訴求,1973年作者在美國執業建築遭遇能源危機時,大家都致力於發展節約能源建築到近年的綠建築產業,這半世紀以來,住宅產業大都關注在經濟性因素,考量建築物體為主要對象,往往忽略住宅應是以人體的「身心健康」為基本考量目標。經濟高度發達後,住的需求已經逐漸由「物質滿足」轉化提升為「心靈安住」的共同意識需求,應將使用者及設計專業考量的因素,轉化為以「身安、心安、靈安」為目的,塑造人性化居住空間,打造讓人越住越健康的幸福好宅。健康好宅應是讓人越住越健康的載體,是居住者的安全庇護所,更是終身終老、永續傳承的住所。大環境發生突發病毒傳染流行已經變成常態,現代住宅規劃概念及設計技術必需考慮減少病毒傳染的方法,形成現代住宅的基本功能以及健康住宅設計新趨勢。經過作者實踐建案體驗經驗,住宅設計之空間分區規劃可減少病菌空氣感染途徑兼具個體化舒適環境及節約能源功效、進口門廳氣密規劃及設施設備可減少病菌物體介質感染途徑,採用適當個體化空氣清淨機亦有抑制病毒活化之效益等等,許多設計技術成為現代健康住宅基本要求。本書提出如何讓你家變成「健康好宅」的設計及使用方法,内容包含:從物理環境塑造健康綠住宅、從維生要件建構健康綠住宅、降低有毒化學物質的健康綠住宅、健康友善的社區環境、心理性環境影響因素、公平性環境影響因素,分析每項因素包括的影響因子如何對身心產生疾病隱憂,如何選擇適當的使用方法及專業設計策略等。本書作者特別以實際設計興建完成「李院健康好宅」作案例實證,驗證本書所提環境影響因素可行性及可信度,消費者可安心居住避免引發身心疾病,還能儲蓄每天身體需要的能量,讓你的身、心、靈越住越健康的好宅。│本書特色│1 住得健康是邁入「高齡化社會」預防醫學的關鍵現代人壽命增加、環境卻日漸惡化,許多身體的問題來自於不當的居住環境,房子不是新建、豪華就是好宅,能住得健康,遠離疾病威脅,讓身心靈平衡,才是未來好宅的趨勢。2 專業內容深入淺出,以案例實證「健康住宅」設計作者專業橫跨學界、業界,從實驗研究與實際案例操作,驗證健康綠住宅的六大影響因素,做為消費大眾及建築從業人參考使用。3 跨領域整合健康生活、綠住宅設計的方方面面從建築、疾病、心理學、科學風水等專業面向分析六大環境影響因素,並提供與時俱進的嶄新思維,提供全齡人都適用、健康綠住宅的規劃策略與使用方法。

  • The Airbrush in Architectural Illustration
    By Tibor K. Karsai

    The Airbrush in Architectural Illustration

  • Architecture 101: A Guide to the Design Studio
    By Andy Pressman

    Working from real-world situations, students get first-hand guidance in solving design studio problems. The design process is discussed from programming to presentation of finished projects. Included are numerous sidebars with...

  • Ecological city
    By France), Luciana Ravanel, AS Architecture-Studio

    Presents a testimony to the work of one of the biggest agencies of French architecture, which along with a regard for the social, topographic and cultural contexts, has no other...

  • The Earth-sheltered House: An Architect's Sketchbook
    By Malcolm Wells

    The Earth-Sheltered House is a classic in the annals of sustainable building books, written by a legend in the field of environmentally responsible architecture. Malcolm Wells has a fundamentally different...

  • Underground Designs
    By Malcolm Wells

    Underground Designs

  • 室内手绘进阶三部曲. 基础篇
    By 周雪著


  • 室内设计手绘技法与快题表现
    By 曾添编著

    本书根据学习手绘的3个阶段来安排教学内容,即初期、中期、后期,根据难易程度,循序渐进,以满足不同基础读者的学习需求。 初期为手绘的基础阶段,所对应的是第1章至第4章的内容,主要针对绘画基础薄弱的读者,使之了解手绘工具、手绘线条表现、透视关系,进行室内家具陈设表现的练习。中期为手绘能力快速提升的阶段,是学习手绘的重要阶段,所对应的是第5章至第7章的内容,需要读者学习对颜色的理解,掌握马克笔上色技法、配色的运用、色彩与陈设的结合,以及色彩与室内空间的关系等。后期是一个综合学习阶段,所对应的是第8章的内容,此阶段主要需要掌握快题设计的制图规范及要求,该章结合实例考题,提供快题设计参考范例,帮助读者快速提升综合设计能力和手绘表现能力。