Books of Architecture / Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation

  • Skinny Streets and Green Neighborhoods: Design for Environment and Community
    By Cynthia Girling, Ronald Kellett

    Cities are growing at unprecedented rates. Most continue to sprawl into the countryside. Some are only now adopting policies that attempt to control air pollution from vehicles, reduce water pollution...

  • Peter Henry Emerson and American Naturalistic Photography
    By Christian A. Peterson

    Peter Henry Emerson (1856-1936) was a leading English photographer who spearheaded a style he termed "naturalistic photography." He argued for photography as a fine art, encouraged his colleagues to use...

  • Perspective Drawing: A Designer's Method
    By Robert Philip Gordon

    Perspective Drawing: A Designer's Method balances the need for detail with the need for spontaneity by establishing a connection between constructed perspective and freehand sketching. The techniques illustrated and discussed...

  • Housing, Dwellings and Homes: Design Theory, Research and Practice
    By Roderick J. Lawrence

    This book offers a critical review of recent housing research and policy, and architectural theory and practice. It distinguishes between housing (economic and physical commodities), dwelling processes (related to the...

  • SuperStructures: The World's Greatest Modern Structures
    By Neil Parkyn

    Showcases the most ambitious, awe-inspiring and advanced engineered structures of the last 100 years.

  • Visual Thinking for Architects and Designers: Visualizing Context in Design
    By Ronald J. Kasprisin, James Pettinari

    In Visual Thinking for Architects and Designers, Ron Kasprisin and James Pettinari unveil a solution to designing for the complex urban landscape: visual thinking. A concept twenty-five years in the...

  • Exterior Design in Architecture
    By Yoshinobu Ashihara

    For the practicing architect, landscape architect as well as the student.

  • Design by Use: The Everyday Metamorphosis of Things
    By Uta Brandes, Sonja Stich, Miriam Wender

    "No matter how competent and professional a design may be, it only comes into its own through use. More often than not things change throughout this process: clotheslines are turned...

  • 工程圖學: 基礎篇
    By 康仕仲、張玉連 著

    一本以工程圖學、建築製圖為基礎的2D電腦輔助繪圖技能入門教科書 電腦輔助繪圖技能的基礎在於建立識圖與製圖能力。本書一開始先建立學習者基本圖學能力,再針對建築圖中的平、立面設計圖案例講授建築製圖相關知識技能,詳細說明每個繪製步驟及應注意事項,讓讀者可以建立正確的繪圖習慣及實務應用的邏輯。 本書除了精簡扼要的講授圖學及建築製圖相關知識外,更能搭配線上教學影片繪製示範圖例,適合提供作為初學者或跨領域學習者的入門教材。 

  • Alexandra Stoddard's Book of Color
    By Alexandra Stoddard

    Ms. Stoddard examines the symbolism of color and reveals some of its surprising effects (yellow increases the metabolic rate; green enhances concentration). Readers learn to appreciate colors in a personal...

  • Asymptote: Architecture at the Interval
    By Hani Rashid, Lise Anne Couture

    Founded in New York in 1987, Asymptote is a highly regarded, innovative young firm whose avant-garde work includes building designs, urban planning proposals, gallery installations, and computer-generated imaging and environments....

  • MSU Campus-- Buildings, Places, Spaces: Architecture and the Campus Park of Michigan State University
    By C. Kurt Dewhurst, Linda Oliphant Stanford

    Since its founding in 1855, Michigan State University has emerged from its modest "oak opening" in the wilderness to become a large campus park. This story reflects the commitment...

  • Raising the Roof: Creating the Kibbie Dome at the University of Idaho
    By Peter Johnson

    Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for the University of Idaho Press This volume illustrates how a small company, Trus Joist Corporation of Boise, Idaho, brought together a...

  • Color in Three-dimensional Design
    By Jeanne Kopacz

    This guide includes a hands-on approach to applying colour theory to real world 3D projects.

  • Designer primer
    By Tom Porter, Sue Goodman

    A concise, practical, fully illustrated manual of objective drawing and design drafting skills for beginners, by the authors of the successful four-volume Manual of Graphic Techniques.

  • Steps & Stairways
    By Julius Shulman, Ib Melchior, Cleo Baldon

    A book on an uncommon subject which demonstrates ingenious and artistic solutions to the problems of ascent. It traces the evolution of the stair from the notched tree trunks of...

  • Wallace Neff and the Grand Houses of the Golden State
    By Diane Kanner

    Wallace Neff may have been the preeminent architect of Spanish colonial-revival houses in Southern California, but surprisingly little has been written about him, despite the publicity he received for designing...

  • 設計師不傳的私房秘技:工業風空間設計500【暢銷改版】
    By 漂亮家居編輯部

    屋主們最愛、時下最流行的工業風空間設計500暢銷改版!工業風熱潮持續延燒,只要用對傢具傢飾,比例氛圍掌握得宜,不設限的風格包容性,就是工業風的特色。工業風說穿了就是工廠調調,表現的是一種"建築結構導向"的設計概念,它不需要過多的裝飾材,而是利用"個性化"及"現有空間狀態"來設計,大量的節省木作,不但節省了大量的預算,而且利用軟裝的裝飾下,反而更顯人味,跟過度的奢華用材及大量必須以雕塑造型的歐式風格大不同。本書蒐錄了500張工業風空間設計圖片,具體告訴讀者每一個設計的手法、素材以及特色等,展現無法複製的工業風的魅力。並以天、地、壁、隔間、採光照明各面向,以圖文形式說明設計細節,並提供工業感傢具、傢飾、燈具、收藏品及生活雜貨的佈置提案,引發你對工業風的嚮往,深入解析迷人魅力與打造要領。?出版社 麥浩斯 (城邦)

  • Houses Architects Design for Themselves
    By Walter F. Wagner, Karin Schlegel

    Houses Architects Design for Themselves

  • City Reborn: Architecture and Regeneration in London, from Bankside to Dulwich
    By Ken Powell

    Story of architecture's role in the regeneration and renewal of Southwark, one of the most historic districts of London areas of regeneration. Features forty key projects, including Tate Modern, the...