'The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts' is an in-depth, comprehensive reference work that covers the cultural history of biblical texts, themes, characters, images, and the Bible itself in the literary, visual, and musical arts.
"The Complete Book of Bible Basics" introduces you to more than 1,200 key people, places, events, and facts about the Bible and the church in a friendly, easy-to-use format the whole family will enjoy.
Foreword -- Introduction: Karl Rahner, Theology and the Arts -- Part 1 Prelude - Faith, Culture, Theology, and the Senses -- 1. Faith and Culture -- 2. On the Theology of Books -- 3. God's Word and Human Books -- 4.
History Writing and Property Listing by the Brussels Seven Sorrows Confraternity, c. 1685 3SUSIE SPEAKMAN SUTCHPatronage, Foundation History, and Ordinary Believers: The Membership Registry of the Brussels Seven Sorrows Confraternity ...
... Vers une théorie de la pratique théâtrale . Voix et images de la scène , Villeneuve - d'Ascq , 2000 . PASCAL Blaise , Pensées , édition Brunschwicg . PICON Raphaël , Christologie et pluralisme dans l'œuvre de John Cobb , thèse de ...