Books of Attitude (Psychology)

  • CRIME-PICS II: Manual
    By Mike Maguire, Terry Honess, Neil Frude

    CRIME-PICS II: Manual

  • How to Be a Positive Kid
    By Caleb Maddix

    Caleb Maddix is a 16 year old entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, and social media influencer. Maddix is a self made millionaire and has impacted millions of people in the process.

  • Radical Contentment: The Power of Enough
    By Alan Cohen

    You will be moved, illuminated, and tickled to find that what you seek may already be within your grasp and surely within your potential. If contentment is radical, then this book may well spur a revolution of wellbeing!

  • Isabel's God
    By Sharon L. Spano

    Well , they just didn't have the right x - ray machine , ” I lie . “ This new guy is probably better , gonna work out just fine . ” The new guy does . The office is small , much too cramped for a wheelchair , so I position Michael in ...

  • Por qué los hombres se equivocan y las mujeres se confunden
    By Christine Wolfrum, Karin Hertzer

    Estrellas de Hollywood como Samuel Jackson , actores como John Malkovich , pesos pesados como Mike Tyson y raperos como Moses Pelham cultivan el look de los moscódromos pulidos como bolas de billar . Lo único que tienen estos famosos en ...

  • Beautiful Attitudes: Living Out the Christian Manifesto
    By Scott Evans

    Beautiful Attitudes: Living Out the Christian Manifesto

  • 致胜态度101: 态度是致胜或失败的决定关键
    By 约翰 C.·麦斯威尔

    致胜态度101: 态度是致胜或失败的决定关键

  • 感謝讓幸福更寬廣
    By 王宇


  • Up the British
    By Richard Osborne

    One of the greatest traits of the British is the ability to blame everyone else for the problems of the world, and for our own.

  • 態度決定一切: 你的態度,決定你的成就大小
    By 阿尔伯特·哈伯德

    態度決定一切: 你的態度,決定你的成就大小

  • 人生因此而完美/点亮生命的27种态度/Power of attitude: 点亮生命的27种态度
    By 安德森, Mac Anderson


  • 修心三不: 不生气, 不计较, 不抱怨
    By 冯涛

    修心三不: 不生气, 不计较, 不抱怨

  • 酷天下: 对一种流行的生活态度的剖析
    By 罗宾斯, David Robins, 庞坦

    Cool频繁地出现在媒体中和人们的嘴边,成为一个世界性的年轻人生活态度形成和转变的文化现象。本书作者从美国流行文化中考察了“Cool”的发展,分析了Cool的特性 ...

  • Mr. Happy and Miss Grimm
    By Antonie Schneider

    When Mr. Happy moves next door to Miss Grimm and begins planting gardens and making friendly gestures, Miss Grimm is not pleased but soon, she feels something strange taking over her bleak little house.

  • 西点的黄金心态
    By James Lochhead Jack


  • Fast Track: How to Gain Momentum and Keep It
    By Roger Fritz

    Excellent Excuses As luck would have it , Jim McCann encountered Jack Welch , CEO of General Electric , at a dinner party one evening . “ I had to fire a senior person in the company , ” says McCann . “ Everyone knew he wasn't right for ...

  • 問卷設計、訪談及態度測量
    By Oppenheim, A. N.·奥本海姆, 以荣·吕


  • Trial to Triumph: Inspiring Stories of Overcomers
    By George Bryant, Julie Belding

    He examines the "undaunted human spirit" and what motivates people to triumph over their trials ... This book is unique. It will inspire you. You will identify in some way with the stories you read.

  • The Power of Appreciation: A New Approach to Personal and Relational Healing
    By Susan Muto, Adrian L. Van Kaam

    Griffin , John Howard . The Hermitage Journals . Kansas City , MO : Andrews & McNeill , 1981 . ... H. Auden . New York , NY : Knopf , 1969 . Haughton , Rosemary . On Trying to Be Human . London and Dublin : Geoffrey Chapman , 1966 .

  • Human Diversity
    By Stuart Schwartz

    African Americans , Native Americans , and Hispanic Americans are burdened by the most severe economic deprivation of all ethnic groups in this country ( Gollnick & Chinn , 1994 ) . Women , as a group , earn less and are more likely to ...