Books of Bilingual books

  • Prince mud-turtle
    By Lyman Frank Baum

    一个炎热的夏日,唐可儿在小溪边抓住了一只泥龟,并把它带回了家.她万万没想到的是,这是一只会说话的泥龟,它向她讲述了皱褶巨人把它从王子变成泥龟的故事 ...

  • 月球之旅
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 骆名智, 宋子良

    The magic treehouse takes Jack and Annie to a moon base in the future where they continue to search for the fourth thing they need to free their friend Morgan from the magician's spell.

  • 冰原上的剑齿虎
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 王永江, 骆名智


  • 恐龙谷历险记
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 蓝葆春


  • 与海豚共舞
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 骆名智, 傅华文

    Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answer to an ancient riddle.

  • 忍者的秘密
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 骆名智, 刘云逸

    The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back in time to feudal Japan where the siblings learn about the ways of the Ninja.

  • Tales of mystery
    By Edgar Allan Poe, Jonathan Earle, А. Старцев

    Tales of mystery

  • 漫画《论语》全译本: 下
    By 于健

    The book includes a complete version of The Analects of Confucius, and represents and interprets every sentence in it with 1-3 lively illustrations.

  • 小玻的说话课
    By 彭懿, 杨玲玲


  • 小玻参加化装舞会
    By 艾力克·希尔

    Spot and his friends have a wonderful time at a fancy dress party.

  • 少数人的旅行
    By John A. Jakle, 沃菲尔德. 詹姆斯, 高蓓

    " ... 一个庆祝沃菲尔德著四十年的世界旅行和全球居民建筑研究的主要视觉回忆录"--摘自伊利诺大学新闻部.

  • 三國演義
    By 罗贯中


  • Splash Into Pre-k Teacher Package

    Splash Into Pre-k Teacher Package

  • 小紅帽

    A little girl meets a hungry wolf in the forest while on her way to visit her sick grandmother.

  • 木乃伊之谜
    By Mary Pope Osborne, 骆名智, 王宇田


  • 咆哮山莊
    By 李淑貞


  • 最好的朋友
    By 苏珊·布鲁姆, Suzanne Bloom

    When a studious polar bear meets an inquisitive goose, they learn to be friends.

  • Dear Anne Frank: Poems
    By Marjorie Agosín

    Quién te dijo , Ana , que los trenes eran rutas hacia los parajes centelleantes ? ¿ Quién te dijo , Ana , que en ese tren llegarías a la ciudad espléndida ?

  • 如果电视看多了会怎样?
    By 巩孺萍, 金典


  • 中国经典故事
    By 范晓星, 熊亮
