Books of Business & Economics / Government & Business

  • NLRB Remedies for Unfair Labor Practices
    By Kenneth C. Huhn, Douglas S. McDowell

    This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn...

  • Myth America: Democracy Vs. Capitalism
    By William Harrison Boyer

    Exposes the conflict between the forces suporting growing corporate power in America and the needs of a democratic society to achieve a just and sustainable future; shows how the priorities...

  • The Persistence of Poverty in the United States
    By Andrew M. Sum, Stephen L. Mangum, Garth L. Mangum

    For more than thirty years, students, scholars, and policymakers have relied on successive editions of Sar A. Levitan's Programs in Aid of the Poor. Now, in conjunction with the eighth...

  • Negotiating International Business: The Negotiator's Reference Guide to 50 Countries Around the World
    By Lothar Katz

    Since the first release of Negotiating International Business in 2006, the country-specific advice the book offers has helped countless readers in the business world and academia sharpen their toolset and...

  • Guidebook on Promoting Good Governance in Public-private Partnerships
    By United Nations, United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe

    This guidebook offers training modules for the promotion of public-private partnerships in the delivery of public services. PPPs in theory are supposed to combine the best of both worlds. The...

  • Down the Tube: The Battle for London's Underground
    By Christian Wolmar

    Strikes and the threat of strikes, breakdowns, signal failures, crumblingnfrastructure and rising crime - for every Londoner, and many commuters, too,he disastrous condition of London's underground system is a daily...

  • 当代中国评论(季刊): Contemporary China Review (Quarterly)
    By 主编:荣伟

    当下,全球新冠病毒,疫情反复,人心惶惑;中美全面冲突,脱钩在即,形势迷离。解除惶惑,回答疑问,需要对全球政治、经济、军事、外交的互动的历史与现实,做出客观、中立的分析;需要深谙中美制度与文化的学者对形势做出公正、准确的判断,提供正确的理论分析。顺应这些需求,《当代中国评论》中文、英文国际季刊,在纽约创刊出版,并通过纽约博登书屋全球发行!《当代中国评论》为全球华人知识分子提供一个研究和讨论问题的平台。《当代中国评论》出版中文版和英文版。英文为 Contemporary China Review ,顾名思义就是对当下中国政治、经济、社会、文化的研究探讨和分析评论。《当代中国评论》的电子版和纸质版在全球约 70 个国家发行,把中国学者的真实的声音传播到全世界。

  • Software and Intellectual Property Protection: Copyright and Patent Issues for Computer and Legal Professionals
    By Bernard A. Galler

    A succinct, readable survey of the critical issues and cases in copyright and patent law applied to computer software, intended for computer professionals, academics, and lawyers.

  • Siting Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities: The Public Policy Dilemma
    By Mary R. English

    Many lament the difficulty of siting hazardous waste facilities that are intended to benefit the public at large but are locally unwanted. Many label local opposition as purely self-interested; as...

  • Mediating Environmental Conflicts: Theory and Practice
    By J. Walton Blackburn, Willa M. Bruce

    Decisions impacting the environment involve the interests of a broad range of stakeholders and have been among the most ... and local community leaders all express opinions about various options available to the utility in attempting to ...

  • 金錢攻略: 韓國第一銀行重生內幕
    By 單偉建

    「私市股權投資之所以籠罩在神秘之中,是因為從收購、改造到成功售出投資對象,過程曲折複雜充滿懸念,而尚未有內幕人士詳細講述過自始至終的全故事。」「中國私募之王」、「亞洲最精明的投資家」單偉建獨家講述亞洲金融史上一場里程碑式的交易《金錢攻略》講述的是韓國昔日最大銀行起死回生的故事,也是私市股權(private equity)投資大顯身手、創造巨大價值的故事。在20世紀末亞洲金融危機的背景下,金錢和權力的代表相互博弈、明爭暗鬥,上演了一場驚心動魄的大戲。在漫長的過程中,最終結局如何,不但旁觀者,連參與各方都難以逆料。但每個參與者都知道,如果成功,他們就創造了歷史—韓國金融體制改革和開放的歷史。整個故事情節跌宕起伏、扣人心弦。在21世紀,私市股權投資席捲全球,其在美國控制的企業數量就兩倍於股票市場上市的公司,創造了大量十億、百億甚至千億美元的富豪。但私市股權的內幕卻很神秘,如何呼風喚雨,鮮為人知。本書作者單偉建揭開了私市股權投資的面紗。這是第一本從親歷者角度詳述私市股權投資運作全過程的書,從收購控股、改造到最終售出,真實細緻地再現了一次亞洲金融史上極具里程碑意義的交易。無論對於充滿好奇心的一般讀者,還是想瞭解私市股權投資機構如何談判、改造企業並創造巨大價值的專業人士,本書都會令人感到開卷有益、興致盎然。-----------------這是一個在危機中抓住機遇的故事, 這是一個專業敬業的職業精神記錄。背景波瀾壯闊,交易跌宕起伏,故事娓娓敘來,人物栩栩如生。——朱民,清華大學國家金融研究院院長、國際貨幣基金組織前副總裁我與偉建都是在茫茫戈壁上度過了我們的青春年華,又都一起在數十年間闖蕩於華爾街東西。感謝偉建《走出戈壁》和《金錢攻略》這兩本書,它們讓我故地重遊,重品一路上的酸甜苦辣,重睹征途中的千姿百景。——李小加,香港交易所前行政總裁《金錢攻略》所展現的,不僅是謀略和技巧的博弈或能力和水準的比拼,更是人性和智慧的碰撞,而後者則是助力這場交易成功的核心因素。希望讀者能從此書中瞭解這場資本博弈的真諦。——和廣北,中國銀行(香港)前總裁新橋資本收購韓國第一銀行是亞洲投資業的一個里程碑。作為項目操盤手,單偉建觀察細緻,敘述生動,為投資從業人員提供了不可多得的案例研究,也為對金融有興趣的一般讀者提供了引人入勝的精彩畫卷。——竺稼,貝恩資本董事總經理兼亞洲聯席主管經濟學家出身的投資大師單偉建創造了國際金融界的一個重大成功案例。他高超的寫作水平與一流的投資能力相得益彰,使得一項高度技術性的複雜金融交易就像武俠故事一樣引人入勝。——胡祖六,春華資本集團主席,香港中文大學商學院兼任教授一家美國投資機構收購韓國大型銀行並獲得完全的控制權,其中的艱難曲折可想而知。本書既體現了金融家的專業知識,也展示了促成合作成功的談判藝術,相信你會從中學到很多。——海聞,北京大學匯豐商學院院長、經濟學講席教授《金錢攻略》記錄了併購過程中精彩的博弈、充滿智慧的決策和翔實的細節,既體現了獨具特色的投資理念,也展示了如何平衡政府、企業的利益,妥善應對公關和輿論導向的影響,以及對民眾的民族主義、排外心理等的預案處理,這對於當下都有著極大的參考價值。——常振明,中信集團前董事長單偉建和團隊在收購韓國第一銀行時,我作為分析師,是一個好奇的旁觀者。我認真讀完了這本書,這才發現,過程竟然如此激動人心。——張化橋,香港慢牛投資公司董事長無論是韓國民主政府機關內部的勾心鬥角、人與人之間的人情味和互信之脆弱,還是商界大亨要如何遊走在企業利益、法律規程、民意輿論等範疇中,爭取並平衡各方利益,以達至最基本的雙贏,無不躍然紙上。——黃裕舜,香港《信報》政治評論版專欄作家單偉建的投資邏輯、處事方法、應變能力在這本書中體現得淋漓盡致。——劉明康,中國銀行業監督管理委員會前主席外國投資者在韓國極難賺到錢,這天下皆知。但單偉建團隊收購並改造韓國第一銀行,獲利巨大,成為私市股權投資運作的經典案例。在韓國取得成功後,他將投資方向轉向中國,這本書的續集也同樣令人期待。——劉遵義,香港中文大學前校長、藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授這本書凝聚了單偉建在金融界幾十年的深厚經驗和人生智慧。一個扣人心弦的故事,那個時代最激動人心和最具變革性的併購交易,如何歷盡波瀾,起死回生,傳遞永不言棄的精神!——歐冠昇(Nicolas Aguzin),香港交易所行政總裁跨國併購中與政府和其他利益相關方打交道的難點在哪裏?如何在併購的多方談判中實現多贏?每個金融從業者都能從這本書中獲得答案並受益。——錢穎一,清華大學經濟管理學院前院長、教授這本書表明,單偉建不僅是金融大師,也是寫故事的高手。對於從事金融和投資的專業人士,乃至喜歡精彩故事的讀者,這都是必讀佳作。我讀過許多許多金融書籍,這本是最好的!——謝清海,惠理集團主席及聯席首席投資總監、香港交易所獨立非執行董事(按姓氏筆畫排序)

  • Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy: A Book of History & Strategy
    By Dean Ritz

    Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy: A Book of History & Strategy

  • Money and Power: Great Predators in the Political Economy of Development
    By Sarah Bracking

    Sarah Bracking explores the role of governments and development finance institutions in managing the markets in which the poorest countries operate. These institutions - the 'Great Predators' - are trapping...

  • Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in Europe, Japan, and the US
    By Klaus J. Hopt

    Increased regulatory competition has sharpened the comparative awareness of advantages or disadvantages of different national models of political economy, economic organization, governance and regulation. Although institutional change is slow and...

  • Corporate Misconduct: The Legal, Societal, and Management Issues
    By Ronald R. Sims, Margaret P. Spencer

    A comprehensive examination of corporate wrongdoing and its implications for business and society, plus practical countermeasures for corporate management.

  • Peace, Profit Or Plunder?: The Privatisation of Security in War-torn African Societies
    By Peggy Mason, Jakkie Cilliers

    Bogen drejer sig om den stigende privatisering af krig og sikkerhed i Afrika og er baseret på behandlingen af emnet på en konference i Prætoria i marts 1998. Men snarere...

  • A State of Risk: Will Government-sponsored Enterprises be the Next Financial Crisis?
    By Thomas H. Stanton

    A possible $700 billion problem. Are we in for another S&L crisis? If you are a current or potential investor with GSE's . . . or are merely a concerned...

  • The Resilient Homeland: Broadening the Homeland Security Strategy : Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on Homeland Security

    The Resilient Homeland: Broadening the Homeland Security Strategy : Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One...

  • Deregulation and Competition in the Insurance Industry
    By Banks McDowell

    This text focuses on insurance as an industry and speculates what would happen if the insurance industry were to be deregulated. The basics of insurance are incorporated throughout, which allows...

  • Social Youth Entrepreneurship: The Potential for Youth and Community Transformation
    By Melvin Delgado

    Youth and the future of community renewal . National Civic Review , 89 , 27-30 . Burt , M. R. , Resnick , G. , & Novick , E. R. ( 1998 ) . Building supportive communities for at - risk adolescents : It takes more than services .