This publication addresses factors that promote or inhibit successful provision of the four key international public goods: financial stability, international trade regime, international diffusion of technological knowledge and global environment....
This unique book addresses recent strides at trade regionalism in the Western Hemisphere. In addition, it provides a detailed discussion of the prospects, potential content, and likely impact of a...
George Strausser Messersmith (1883-1960) was a favorite of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the quintessential New Deal diplomat. A voluble, courageous, and indefatigable man, his remarkable career took him to...
This outstanding selection of Helen Ladd's work provides an overview of the policy-oriented research she has conducted in the area of state and local public finance during the past twenty-five...
It is hard to think of anyone who has contributed so much and so widely to research in international public finance in the last 40 years as has Richard Bird....
Moving beyond the 'post-Washington consensus', this book shifts the focus of development policy debates away from expenditures and austerity and towards revenues and resources. The book explores the potential and...
This volume offers an impressive collection of scholarly papers which investigate the historical foundations of globalization before 1945. The book explores the effects of the nineteenth century technologies of the...
期權是全天候投資工具,無論在升市、跌市、悶局,還是波動市,皆有其適宜策略,大大增加你的賺錢機會!最新增訂版,除全面更新例子,更新增「騰訊恒指比率」篇,以及近10年牛熊市轉向圖等,助你全方位制定決定「勝」期權對策!知名期權分析師金曹,擅於分析歷史大數據,多次準確捕捉股巿轉勢,其中金曹於去年首季,在恒指首季跌半成情況下,也可憑著跨價期權策略,賺取七位數字利潤,戰蹟彪炳。金曹在此首本著作由淺入深解讀期權,既令你一學上手,亦傾囊相授期權制勝之道。本書先從期權基本4式說起,再以指數期權為實戰例子加以詳解。當你預計某個指數或某隻股票上升,可買入認購期權(Long Call);預計跌,可買入認沽期權(Long Put);預計悶局,可沽出認沽期權(Short Put)或沽出認購期權(Short Call),賺取期權金。金曹Sir建議,新手宜先由「贏無限、輸有限」的Long Call和Long Put學起,而且要眼觀四方,學曉如何從引伸波幅看穿期權莊家「底牌」,及以運用Delta、Theta及Vega這3個參數,減低手上持倉風險。初學者熟練基本功,就可進一步修煉基本4式下的「跨價」、「跨期」、「草船借箭」等部署,在升巿及跌巿透過不同策略,大大提高獲利機會。針對中港股巿愈益密切,作者更率先和大家分享必看的A50 ETF期權部署策略。「金曹研究期權,用足心機,睇通睇透,成為專家。」——陸羽仁 《頭條日報》專欄作家「我和金曹認識多年,一談起期權操盤,就可以談足半天。」——歐陽一心 《期權投機客獲利手帳》作者本書特點:1. 作者知名,以教授期權操盤見稱。增訂版在暢銷書《期權制勝》上更新最新例子,並加入增訂篇及附錄。2. 此書以大量例子切入,由淺入深分析期權基本理論及實戰操作3. 全書由基礎入門到進階獲利策略皆一一盡錄,助讀者更能掌握股票期權必學招式,達到學以致用。 目錄: 推薦序 周浩雲博士推薦序 邵志堯推薦序 陸羽仁推薦序 歐陽一心自序 第一部分認識期權基本部署第一課 學識期權四招 升市跌市都賺錢第二課 投資期權的具體操作第三課 對期權的三個誤解第四課 期權定價公式第五課 影響期權價格的六大因素第六課 從引伸波幅看期權莊家的底牌第七課 使用Delta控制持倉風險第八課 賺Theta就是賺時間值第九課 風高浪急...
Launched in 1996, the original Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) marked the first time that multilateral, Paris Club, and other official bilateral and commercial creditors united in a...
Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2007.Doubts about the ability of industrialized countries to continue to provide a sufficient level of retirement benefits to a growing number of retirees has fueled much...
Econometric results from an analysis of the determinants of military expenditure in 125 countries during 1972-88 are presented. The dependent variable is the ratio of military expenditure to GDP; included...
Properly used tax expenditures can play an important role in implementing countriesAcirc;' economic and social policies. But they often go unnoticed because they take many forms of revenue forgone, from...
إن تم اختيارك للمشاركة في برنامج للتطوير الإداري، أو إن كنت تفكر في برنامج كهذا، تستطيع إذن زيادة ما تجنيه من فوائد لنفسك ولمؤسستك عن طريق الاستعداد للتجربة. وعليه، يوضح...
In a world of tight legal and economic networks, tax disputes are on the increase. Until recently, mutual agreement procedures have virtually been the only means of settling such tax...
The Dance of the Millions provides a comprehensive account of the Latin American debt crisis. It examines why the bank loans came about in the first place, how most of...
This volume provides the most important essays and papers on urban and regional policy, making it a convenient summary of the key theories, approaches and research results.The study of sub-national...
It is only in the last two or three years that the taxation regime within the Russian Federation has achieved a relatively settled character. Now the clear outline of a...