Books of Chickens

  • New Grain Legume for Layers: Evaluation of Lathyrus Cicera as a Feed Ingredient for Layers
    By Colin Hanbury

    New Grain Legume for Layers: Evaluation of Lathyrus Cicera as a Feed Ingredient for Layers

  • Mrs. Sato's Hens
    By Laura Min

    HARRIS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 4028 03392 0076 Mrs. Sato's Hens ad Written by Laura Min Illustrated by Benrei Huang Let Me Read Mrs. Sato's Hens Written by Laura Min Illustrated by Benrei Front Cover.

  • Lessons from Chickens and Ducks
    By Bob Morris

    There is never a dull moment on a farm where a rooster, four hens, six baby chicks, and three ducks live together.

  • Great Chicken Dishes

    ... R. Guido READER'S DIGEST ILLUSTRATED REFERENCI HOOKS Vice President, Editor-in-Chief < Christopher Cavanaugh Art Director Joan Mazzco Reader's Digest and the Pegasus logo are registered trademarks of The Reader's Digest Association.

  • Chickens
    By Joy Palmer


  • The best cow in show
    By Andy Cutbill

    Marjorie is a cow but her baby, Daisy, is in fact a chicken so how will little Daisy get on in the cow's best baby show?

  • Chicken Keeper: Inspiration and Information Together
    By Alison Wilson

    Chicken Keeper: Inspiration and Information Together

  • Evil Chickens Do Not Kiss
    By Jonathan Rosenberg

    Evil Chickens Do Not Kiss

  • Which Came First
    By Susan E. Meyer, Marsha Melnick

    An entertaining look at the world of chickens explores the many ways this bird has influenced our language, lifestyles, and eating habits, with an illustrated chickenology and a collection of Fowl Matter

  • Chookie Oww
    By Hellen Scriven, Christine Tysoe, Madaline Scriven

    Abau-I' Wallace The warm-Wallace yHawes ‚Нит-9 in Madalinel'is gardenr The sail is riah and heali'hï far a ifi-narralr bui' ile has Ta waïah am far 'те :haaks ar he МЭН'? be eaten far iunah.. Keep a так ami far Wallace, he is hidden in&nbsp;...

  • Moving Day in Feather Town
    By Ann M. Martin

    Bored with their own homes, Fran and Emma agree to trade houses, but then they begin experiencing grave doubts.

  • My Hen is Dancing
    By Karen Wallace

    Full of facts and feelings about the real world, this picture book encourages children to think, feel, imagine and wonder as they learn.

  • From Egg to Chicken
    By Anita Ganeri

    This series takes a close look at the life cycles of animals and plants that we find in the world around us. This title shows how a chicken grows from an egg into a hen or cockerel.

  • Y Entonces Llego UN Perro/ Along Came a Dog
    By Meindert De Jong, Marta Sansigre

    A stray dog earns a home for himself by protecting a little red hen and her chicks from a preying hawk.

  • Cache-cache poussins !
    By James Mayhew, Caroline Jayne Church

    Picota la poule a Pondu trois beaux œufs. Patiemment, elle attend et attend encore... Mais soudain, elle entend un drôle de bruit Cot, cot ! Qui est là ?

  • La Petite Poule Rousse
    By Hélène Rioux, Ed Emberley

    Le célèbre conte, narrant comment une poule finit par réaliser et manger seule son gâteau sans en faire profiter les autres animaux qui refusèrent en tout temps de l'assister durant la préparation, illustré ici de robustes et ...

  • 我想去看海
    By Christian Jolibois, 郑迪蔚

    “生活中肯定还有比睡觉更好玩的事情!”大小卡梅拉们一直都抱有这样的信念。他们执著地追求那些种群中认为不可想象的事情。去看大海、去摘星星、去追回逃逸的太阳..... ...

  • 我能打败怪兽
    By 漪然, 郑迪蔚, 克利斯提昂·约里波瓦

    Ben shu jiang shu mei you yi li liang shi le,Xiao ji men yi ge ge e bie le du zi,Ji she li zheng zai nao ji huang.Zao cheng zhei yi qie de shi yi zhi ke pa de ji tou she guai xiao ji men jue ding wai chu qu xun zhao liang shi,Dan wai chu de ...

  • 正在跳舞的母雞
    By Karen Wallace, 華理斯, Anita Jeram


  • Chicken Little
    By Ronne Randall

    "I think the sky is falling! I must run and tell the king!" Chicken Little fears the sky is falling, so he runs with his friends to tell the king. But who do they meet along the way?