This important two-volume collection draws together the most significant and instructive articles relating to comparative law methodology and offers vast and comprehensive coverage of practices, principles, methods and sources in ...
By adopting a comparative legal approach, this book explores the tensions that exist between convergence attempts and the persistence of local models of governance in the US, Europe and Asia.
Ancient Law
Derecho y factor religioso, Madrid 2011, pp. 113-140. ALZAGA, O., Derecho Político Español según la Constitución de 1978 II. Derechos Fundamentales y órganos del Estado, Madrid 2008. ANDÒ, S. y SBAILÒ, C., Detrás de la tolerancia.
Selected issues in modern jurisprudence
The book provides and updated coverage of the implementation of the Aarhus Convention at both EU level and in a relevant number of Member States, and will be useful to academics and practitioners alike.
This book serves as a single point of entry for legal scholars and practitioners interested in understanding the field of comparative judicial review in its broader political and social context.
Introduction : scope and subject -- The history of comparative law and Kuhn's oeuvre -- Historical and comparative jurisprudence -- The paradigm of Droit Comparé -- The third paradigm -- Post-World War II comparative law -- New trends in ...
This book is the first large-scale effort devoted to this controversial issue, providing a vast platform of comparative knowledge on direct, indirect, categorical, and partial takings.
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Property and trust law
Accessibly written, this book outlines recent changes to EC law, compares the civil law of France, Germany and England, examines the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet era and explores socialist legal influences and non-Western legal ...
Der Abwägungsstaat: Verhältnismässigkeit als Gerechtigkeit?
The third volume provides insightful detail on the national private international law regimes of 80 different countries. The fourth volume presents.
This book assists practitioners to make the right choice." -- (Cover)
This Handbook of original contributions provides an international and comparative analysis of central issues in consumer law and policy in developed and developing economies.
Sharia and National Law: Comparing the Legal Systems of Twelve Islamic Countries
Examining the relationship between sedition and liberal democracies, particularly in India, this book looks at the biography of sedition laws, its contradictory position against free speech and democratic ethics.
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
This is a casebook with an emphasis on Continental law, in a comparative, American-style format, with many references to U.S. and U.K. law.
The book covers the lifespan of a company, from formation to eventual dissolution, and offers detailed explanations of each stage alongside extracts from important court decisions that show how the law works in practice in each jurisdiction ...