Books of Comparative literature

  • Textos y contextos: estudios sobre la tradición
    By Daniel Devoto

    Ruiz de Alarcón , en Las Paredes oyen , usa una presión aparentemente similar : « ¡ Cuánto mejor es , sentado , / buscar los pies a una sota / que moler piernas y brazos ! » ; « patas de sota , dos a la otra » figura como « refrán o ...

  • English Influences in Dutch Literature and Justus Van Effen as Intermediary
    By William James Bennie Pienaar

    ... Mr Dacier & ses compatriotes reconnoissent présentement que toute la Nation Angloise ne pousse pas toujours le tragique aussi loin qu'il pourroit aller & que la pitié & l'humeur pacifique s'emparent quelquefois de leurs esprits .

  • Comparative Cultural Studies and Latin America
    By Sophia A. McClennen, Earl E. Fitz

    ... of writing history . We had to tell the story of Latin American culture , but we were committed to not impose closure . Our solution was a second volume that brought together institutional modes and cultural modalities .

  • El mundo trágico de los griegos y de Shakespeare: consideraciones sobre lo sagrado
    By Ludwig Schajowicz

    Para Nietzsche , Eurípides ha sido sólo un “ hombre teórico " ; no se le ocurrió nunca que era un buscador de todo ... En estas líneas , como en otras de la misma pieza , se revela el genio de Shakespeare , cuyo nihilismo , lejos de ...

  • European Intertexts: Women's Writing in English in a European Context
    By Angela Leighton, Patsy Stoneman, Ana María Sánchez-Arce

    Second , we recognise that as readers of multiple intertexts we are tracking the actual movement of texts from one location to another the migration , for example , of Woolf's A Room of One's Own from London to New York ( via the ...

  • From Ritual to Romance and Beyond: Comparative Literature and Comparative Religious Studies ; Proceedings of the ICLA Conference at Jacobs...
    By Manfred Schmeling, Hans-Joachim Backe

    Récit. contemporain. : nature. et. fonction. du. syncrétisme. religieux. dans. les. romans. polynésiens. Dans les romans d'auteurs polynésiens contemporains francophones ou anglophones, on constate un recours très fréquent à ce qu'il ...

  • Joyce, Bakhtin, and the Literary Tradition: Toward a Comparative Cultural Poetics
    By M. Keith Booker

    Joyce's use of cannibalism as a motif is most prominent in Ulysses . In the early “ Proteus ” chapter , for example , Stephen Dedalus walks on the beach musing on the fact that the French journalist Drumont had referred to England's ...

  • Edebiyat yazıları 1
    By Prof. Dr. Gürsel Aytaç

    Herbirinde, başka türlü avuntular bulabileceğini sandığım dört kadın. [...] Sonra yalnız Halide ile Betül kalıyor ortada. Biri giderek zayıflıyor, iskeletleşiyor, öbürü şişmanlıyor.» (s. 114) Kadın imajını iki çehrede simgeleme ya da ...

  • Western Influence on Malayalam Language and Literature
    By K. M. George

    The aspects of life and culture influenced through literature are particularly relevant to our discussion . ... The British rule also served to place a high premium on Western approaches and attitudes in comparison with the Indian .

  • Migrancy and Multilingualism in World Literature
    By Ping-hui Liao, K. Alfons Knauth

    1 2 3 Joe Sacco: Palestine. London, 1993. Guy Delisle: Pyongyang. Paris, 2003. Marjane Satrapi: Persepolis. Eine Kindheit im Iran. Zürich: Edition Moderne, 2004 & Wien: Ueberreuter, 2005. Zuerst in frz. Sprache: Paris 2000/2001.

  • Etiquette et politesse
    By Centre de recherches sur les littératures modernes et contemporaines

    L'ordine e la forma qualificano non solo 5. l'oggetto prodotto , ma la stessa strategia testuale che lo produce . L'ordine del discorso genera ... 68 . passione estesica : una passione che , a sua volta MEDIOCRITA E BON TON PASSIONALE 45.

  • Le roman terrifiant ou roman noir: de Walpole à Anne Radcliffe et son influence sur la littérature française jusqu'en 1884
    By Alice M. Killen

    Deux traductions de l'Italien parurent presque en même temps et peu après la publication des Mystères d'Udolphe : l'une sous le titre de l'Italien , ou le Confessionnal des Pénitents noirs , par A.-M. ( Morellet ) , et l'autre par Mary ...

  • Horace and Greek Lyric Poetry
    By Michael Paschalis

    Horace and Greek Lyric Poetry

  • How it was Done in Paris: Russian Émigré Literature and French Modernism
    By Leonid Livak

    Lalou , Histoire de la littérature contemporaine , 572 ; Ségur , “ La Jeune littérature , " 183 ; Thibaudet , Le Liseur de romans , 197 . 49. " Il lui semblait que ce temps passé ensemble était du temps perdu ” ( It seemed to him that ...

  • Echoland: Readings from Humanism to Postmodernism
    By Gerald Gillespie

    ... in Gerald Gillespie , Garden and Labyrinth of Time : Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Literature ( New York : Peter Lang , 1988 ) , 297-323 . misconstrues the ringleaders ' behavior as wicked obstruction and deception 26 Echoland.

  • Europa Provincia Mundi.
    By Joseph Theodoor Leerssen, Karl Ulrich Syndram

    Brigitte Hamann ( Hg . ) , a.a.O. , S. 379 f . 47 Bad Ischl , von 1854 bis 1914 Sommerresidenz Franz Josephs I , bietet Kohlensäure- , Schwefel- und Solbäder ; weitere Kennzeichen Bad Ischls : Salzbergbau und eine geologische ...

  • Literature East and West: Essays Presented to R.K. Dasgupta
    By Rabindra Kumar Dasgupta

    Martin Luther , The Bondage of the Will : A New Translation of “ De Servo Arbitrio ” ( 1525 ) : Martin Luther's Reply to Erasmus of Rotterdam , trans . J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnston ( London : James Clarke & Co. , 1957 ) , pp . 103-4 .

  • Literary History: Towards a Global Perspective
    By Stefan Helgesson, Gunilla Lindberg-Wada, Anders Pettersson

    445 ; Andrew N. Nelson , The Original Modern Reader's Japanese - English Character Dictionary : Classic edition ( Rutland , VT and Tokyo : Charles E. Tuttle , ( 1962 ] 1995 ) , p . 462 ( character # 2064 ) . 12 Ogawa et al . ( eds . ) ...

  • Comparative Literature: A Case of Shaw and Bharatendu
    By Rahmat Jahan

    Association which founded the journal – The Canadian Review of Comparative Literature , published by the Department of Comparative Literature , the University of Alberta . The efforts of Austrian leading comparatists like David Myers ...

  • Comparative Literature: Essays in Honour of Professor M.Q. Khan
    By Bijay Kumar Das

    This Book, As It Were, Makes An Agenda Of Comparative Literary Studies In India For The New Millennium.This Is A Well Researched And Invaluable Book On Comparative Literature.