Books of Concordances

  • Concordances in the Classroom: A Resource Guide for Teachers
    By Chris Tribble, Glyn Jones

    Pearson , J. 1996 , “ Teaching terminology using electronic resources ” , in Botley , Glass , McEnery & Wilson ( eds . ) pp . 203-216 . Pickard , V. 1994 , “ Producing a concordance - based self - access vocabulary package : some ...

  • The Structure of the Rational Concordance Group of Knots
    By Jae Choon Cha

    ... maps, 2006 Viorel Barbu, Irena Lasiecka, and Roberto Triggiani, Tangential boundary stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations, 2006 Jie Wu, On maps from loop suspensions to loop spaces and the shuffle relations on the Cohen groups, ...