Books of Crusades

  • A History of the Crusades
    By Kenneth Meyer Setton

    ... it speaks for a new aristocracy against an old one , and its leading ideas are honor and booty and luck . ... Reinhart P. A. Dozy , Recherches sur l'histoire et la littérature de l'Espagne pendant le moyen - âge , 3rd ed .

  • The Later Crusades, 1189-1311
    By Robert Lee Wolff, Kenneth M. Setton, Harry W. Hazard

    Although at first he left Odo of Montbéliard unmolested in his duties as bailie , Frederick later replaced him with Thomas of Acerra , whose conduct , as the emperor's representative in Syria , suggests that he had been charged ...

  • Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World
    By Karen Armstrong

    And, as Armstrong demonstrates in this fascinating book, their legacy of religious violence continues today in the Middle East, where the age-old conflict of Christians, Jews, and Muslims persists.

  • Perang suci: dari perang salib hingga perang teluk
    By Karen Armstrong

    Paus Paschal menyadari bahwa banyak orang yang telah mengambil Salib di tahun 1095 tidak memenuhi sumpah mereka dan dengan masa bodoh memilih tinggal di rumah . 294 ' KAREN ARMSTRONG.

  • Crusaders
    By Rob Lloyd Jones

    Synopsis coming soon.......

  • Die Kreuzzüge Ludwigs IX. von Frankreich 1248/1270
    By Dirk Reitz

    352 BARTH, Taschenlexikon der Kreuzzüge, S. 205: Die für den Militär- und Pilgertransport hergerichteten Schiffe waren rund 25 Meter lang, sie verdrängten 500 Tonnen und boten einigen Hundert, manchmal bis zu 1000 Menschen Platz.

  • Crusades
    By Benjamin Z. Kedar, Jonathan Riley-Smith, William Purkis

    Historia orientalis, ed. and trans. (into modern French) Jean Donnadieu (François-Olivier Touati) -- The Proceedings against the Templars in the British Isles, 2 vols. Volume 1: The Latin Text -- Volume 2: Translation, ed. and trans.

  • The Crusades
    By Jonathan Simon Christopher Riley-Smith

    This booklet looks at modern conceptions of the crusades and compares them with the aims and motivations of those who took part.There is also a timeline detailing the major events of this period.

  • The Crusades: A Short History
    By Jonathan Simon Christopher Riley-Smith

    Provides a comprehensive history of the Crusades, including the politics and personalities behind them.

  • Križarski ratovi
    By Jonathan Riley-Smith

    Križarski ratovi

  • Perang Salib pertama: jatuhnya Baitulmuqqadis
    By Abdul Latip Talib

    Mereka adalah gerombolan tentera Salib. Lalu, apa akhirnya bagi Perang Salib yang pertama?

  • Perang Salib ketiga: tumpasnya Richard The Lionheart
    By Abdul Latip Talib

    Perang Salib ketiga: tumpasnya Richard The Lionheart

  • Rebecca's Choice: The Surprising Sequel to the Tale of Ivanhoe
    By Alexander Balman

    Everyone involved in this story tries to fulfill his or her own ambitions: Brian wants to become king of the war-torn Crusader kingdom; Rabbi Moses tries to understand God and the Universe; Hamed, the freed slave, desires revenge.

  • The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades
    By Jonathan Riley-Smith

    The Holy Sepulchre Chapel in Winchester Cathedral. Under a massive figure of Christ are representations of his deposition and entombment. The walls were probably painted at the time of Bishop Peter des Roches's crusade of 1227, ...

  • The Crusades
    By Timothy L. Biel

    The French king immediately ordered the construction of a number of enormous siege engines . These devices were so huge that the soldiers gave them affectionate names , like “ God's own swing ” and “ the wicked neighbor .

  • Die Kreuzzüge
    By Brenda Ralph Lewis, Manfred Vasold

    Die Geschichte der Kreuzzüge des Mittelalters mit ihren Ursachen, dem Verlauf und den Auswirkungen für den weiteren Verlauf der Geschichte. (ab 10).

  • Crusades
    By Terry Jones, Alan Ereira

    900 years ago, Christian Europe was seized by a fever that changed the world forever.

  • Siege Warfare During the Crusades
    By Michael S. Fulton

    So Michael Fulton's graphic, wide-ranging and thought-provoking book is a landmark in the field.

  • Castellan
    By Peter Darman

    This, the third volume of the Crusader Chronicles, continues the story of Conrad Wolff and the Baltic Crusade in the first quarter of the thirteenth century.

  • Master of Mayhem
    By Peter Darman

    'Master of Mayhem' is the fourth volume of the Crusader Chronicles and continues the story of Conrad Wolff and the Baltic Crusade in the first half of the thirteenth century.