Books of Design, Industrial

  • GCSE Graphic Products for OCR
    By Geoff Hancock, Keith Bolling

    This student book includes: sections devoted to coursework; a summary of key points from each section; and questions and activities to develop the students skills.

  • The Lean Design Guidebook: Everything Your Product Development Team Needs to Slash Manufacturing Cost
    By Ronald Mascitelli

    Koenig, D. T., 1994, Manufacturing Engineering - 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis. Laraia, A. C, Moody, P. E., and R. W Hall, 1999, 7Vie Kaizen Blitz, John Wiley & Sons. Lareau, W , 2000, Lean Leadership, Tower II Press.

  • 器具的进化
    By 佩卓斯基


  • 工业设计史(双语版)
    By 薛红艳主编, 黄念一, 崔军副主编

    中国的古代设计(1)夏商周时期的青铜器设计中国夏商周时期的设计以青铜为代表。史学上所称的”青铜时代”就是指夏商周大量使用青铜工具及青铜礼器的时期。青铜,古称金或吉金,是红铜与其他化学元素(锡、铅等)的合金。青铜具有熔点低、硬度高等优点, ...

  • Resistant Materials Technology Revision Guide
    By Tristram Shepard, Melanie Fasciato

    This means it can also do engraving and simple milling of sheet material. • A3 axis miller has fully controllable X, Y and Z axis adjustment allowing Inn- three-dimensional cutting. y ...

  • 300 Years of Industrial Design
    By Ditte Heath, Adrian Heath, Aage Lund Jensen

    A pictorial overview of the development of design and materials in the past 300 years. It gives a picture of their interrelationship and highlights the importance between different design disciplines.

  • Design, Miroir Du Siècle
    By Galeries nationales du Grand Palais

    Covers the evolution of industrial design from 1851 to 1993, and contemporary themes in industrial design.

  • Revise for OCR GCSE Graphic Products
    By Kevin Crampton

    Question paper requirements The combination of question papers taken for a GCSE in graphic products for OCR depends upon : • tier of entry • full or short course . Tier of entry • Papers 1 and 3 – Foundation tier papers .

  • The Graphic Design Business Book
    By Tad Crawford

    General small-business advice just doesn’t work for a graphic design business. What graphic designers need is The Graphic Design Business Book, packed with directly relevant strategies for creating a business...

  • Mechanical Brides: Women and Machines from Home to Office
    By Ellen Lupton

    "Ablaze with humor" (New York Magazine), Lupton traces the practice of marketing towards women

  • Graphic Products
    By Jon Attwood

    Resistant Materials Technology Graphic Products Systems and Control Technology . Each of the five materials areas will provide opportunities for you to demonstrate your design and technology capability . You should therefore specialize ...

  • Revise for Edexcel GCSE Graphic Products
    By John Halliwell

    Scale of manufacture Type Description Examples of uses Advantages Disadvantages Single - item Single custom - made Vinyl graphics for Product can be made Slow ( one - off ) products requiring signs and transport to very exacting Labour ...

  • Graphic Products
    By Mike Finney

    In-depth case studies of the design and development of real-life graphic products are provided.

  • Product Design: Resistant Materials Technology
    By Lesley Cresswell

    This study guide matches the Edexcel specification to help students succeed at A Level. It examines resistant materials in product design and is intended to aid revision as well as study.

  • 創意設計視角下喬家大院裝飾藝術在景觀領域的傳承與發展研究
    By 李碩

    本書從設計藝術學入手,運用歷史、文物、藝術、美學等知識體系,對喬家大院的地理位置、歷史脈絡、自然環境、人文環境、建築的總體佈局及門窗和裝飾物的特點、風格進行深入分析研究,從中梳理出其豐富的藝術文化價值。 本書的學術觀點和立論依據是以創意設計視角下喬家大院裝飾藝術在景觀領域的傳承與發展研究這一核心展開的,具有創新性的學術觀點:主要是從傳統文化元素和景觀設計的關係上,重新對喬家大院在城市景觀空間中進行了定位,明確了裝飾藝術的功能價值、歷史價值,並在喬家大院的保護與發展上進行了分析,提出了有益的探討。 基於文化傳承與人性關懷的喬家大院景觀創意設計是本書的亮點,書中創新性地提出如何運用虛擬實境技術營造“融情于景”的現代城市互動景觀技術。 本書可作為藝術設計師生、研究者和從業者的參考用書。

  • 文化市場與藝術票房
    By 夏學理

    隨著臺灣加入WTO,文化創意產業能否經得起考驗?女性消費人口的增加,將對文化藝術對來什麼樣的衝擊?網際網路和電子郵件的興盛,藝術組織如何妥善運用成為行銷利器?本書為所有研究及從事文化相關產業者必讀經典之作  本書共分為四篇,第一篇「環境」篇,內容論及台灣加入WTO後,文化市場如何迎向全球化的衝擊與挑戰、探討市場與票房之相關理論及檢視台灣當前之藝術經營環境;第二篇「女性行銷」篇,籍由女性消費行為的大幅提升,探究女性在藝術文化方面的消費行為,以及如何針對女性消費者設計文化行銷方案及策略;第三篇為「藝術行銷實例」,分別以台灣及西方國家的案例,分析其藝術行銷手法及如何因應未來發展;第四篇為「太陽劇團Alegria歡躍之旅票房行銷策略」,由站在第一線的企劃人員來談論,就行銷策略中的STP策略、行銷組合、媒體策略理論,以及其他文化藝術活動常用之行銷方式,如廣告代言人、議題設定與新聞專題報導方式,運用理論,系統性分析太陽劇團二○○九年來臺之市場狀態與行銷策略。期望本書的編寫,可做為讀者們進入文化市場與藝術票房的敲門磚,也為從事文創產業者提供實際參考的策略和方法,添加大家在文創上的新動力。

  • 中國工藝美術史
    By 陳蕊, 李瑩, 鐘麗娟

    工藝美術是美學與生活完美融合的產物。設計是生活的藝術表達,源於簡單的衣食住行,卻獨具美感,潛移默化地影響著人們的品味和價值觀。 本書系統闡述了我國工藝美術的發展歷程,詳細分析了不同歷史時期的工藝美術特色;本書後面介紹了我國的民間藝術,展現了民間藝人的平凡智慧及不同區域民族技藝特色,圖文並茂。書中簡明生動地呈現出中國工藝美術的獨特美感和文化價值。 本書適合藝術學專業師生及愛好者使用。

  • Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design
    By Bill Buxton, William Buxton

    "Bill Buxton and I share a common belief that design leadership together with technical leadership drives innovation. Sketching, prototyping, and design are essential parts of the process we use to...

  • GCSE Design and Technology: Resistant materials
    By Colin Lever

    Ideal for all GCSE Design and Technology specifications Divided into short units allowing complete flexibility for the teaching of Design and Technology courses.