Books of Electronic commerce

  • Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada
    By Teresa Scassa, Michael Eugene Deturbide

    Irwin Toy v . Doe , ( 2000 ) OJ . No. 3318 . 8 If the ISP had opposed the application with policy arguments , perhaps the decision would have expounded on the ... 12 For example , under Nova Scotia's Defamation Act , R.S.N.S. 1989 , c .

  • Global Electronic Commerce: A Policy Primer
    By Catherine L. Mann, Sue E. Eckert, Sarah Cleeland Knight

    9 On 1 May, President Clinton announced new legislative proposals to protect financial privacy.10 Reflecting growing consumer concerns and citing technological advances that outpace measures to protect privacy online, the initiative ...

  • Introduction to Electronic Commerce
    By Efraim Turban, David R. King, Judy Lang

    Previous ed.: published as Introduction to e-commerce. 2003.

  • E-Business: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World
    By Gerald Trites, David Pugsley

    Does it damage J.D. Edwards's reputation to use another firm's technology for Bl when it aims to be a leader in enterprise - wide systems ? 2. Why would MicroStrategy wish to allow J.D. Edwards to brand its product and distribute it ...

  • Ecommerce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Developing a Successful Ebusiness Strategy
    By Tim O'Brien

    Ecommerce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Developing a Successful Ebusiness Strategy

  • 电子商务法律
    By 斯帕罗


  • 电子商务导论: 第2版
    By 特伯恩, .·金, .·兰


  • Microsoft.NET电子商务宝典
    By 琼斯


  • 电子商业 (e-Business): 通往成功之路
    By 鲁滨逊, Ravi Kalakota


  • 移动商务: 移动经济时代的竞争法则
    By Robinson, Kalakota, Ravi·卡拉科塔


  • 赚钱网店是怎样炼成的
    By 唐敏

    本书介绍了开设网店的基础知识和开店过程中实用的辅助功能, 收集了许多成功网店的经营技巧, 指导读者如何成为成功的网络卖家.

  • 网上销售照片诀窍
    By 罗恩·恩格


  • 电子商务法律手册
    By S.·巴特勒, 建珍·张


  • 国际电子商务: 电子商务条件下的国际贸易
    By 晓春·王, 周哲, 友玲·饶


  • 数字经济蓝图: 电子商务的勃兴
    By 塔普斯科特, Tapscott, 亚历克斯·洛伊


  • 电子商务: 技术·策略·应用
    By 郭清顺, 静·卞


  • 他們的數位化經營策略


  • 电子商务
    By 李倩, 葛志远


  • 加密经济学: 引爆区块链新时代
    By 龚健, 徐威, 阳昊

    本书梳理了区块链衍生的经济模式的架构和来龙去脉,用实际案例说明了加密经济学与区块链的必然联系,内容包括什么是加密经济学,共识机制,博弈论与加密经济学 ...

  • E-Shock 2000: The Electronic Shopping Revolution : Strategies for Retailers and Manufacturers
    By Michael De Kare-Silver

    Dell Dell are pioneers in telemarketing and selling . They have broken the mould in their industry sector by consistently and persistently selling computers direct to the consumer , bypassing the traditional network of electrical ...