Introduces the concept of extinction, discussing how extinction occurs, mass extinctions from the Earth's past and possible explanations, extinctions caused by humans, and current efforts to protect the endangered species of the present.
This book outlines the multiple factors that are reducing our chances of survival, including malnutrition, vegetarianism, overexercise, xenoestrogens, Internet addiction and the high youth unemployment rate.
Life After Logging: The Impacts of Commercial Timber Extraction in Tropical Rainforests
This book discusses today's key issues, from biodiversity and conservation to the threat of human extinction, and explores the major extinction events of the past, explaining how scientists know all this.
The Great Extinctions explores the history of the subjects, its controversies, its current conclusions, and the meaning of those conclusions for our efforts to preserve the Earth’s current biodiversity.” –Back cover.
The impact of extraterrestrial material on Earth can lead to effects traceable in both the geological and biological record. This study describes meteorite flux with time, covering small and large bodies capable of producing craters.
Readers of this book will be equipped scientifically, intellectually, and emotionally to face whatever the future holds.