Books of Femininity (Philosophy)

  • Mennesket og kvinden: om oplysningen, dannelsen og kønnet
    By Karen Glente

    ... af nødvendigheden , oplysning for oplysningens egen skyld , oplysningens religiøse dimension . Og den er ganske rigtigt afhængig af den frihed , som består i ikke at være tvunget til selvhævdelse , og dermed uforenelig med kampen om ...

  • The Goddess Changes: A Personal Guide to Working with the Goddess
    By Felicity Wombwell

    ... work A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 1-85274-111-2 Printed in Great Britain by Woolnough Bookbinding Ltd. , Irthlingborough , Northamptonshire Typeset by Burns & Smith Ltd. , Derby .

  • The Concept of Woman
    By Prudence Allen

    This figure was modeled on Lady Philosophy as depicted in The Consolation of Philosophy , the most widely read philosophical ... While Socrates ' and Boethius's feminine personification of Reason strongly embodied human wisdom expressed ...

  • The Concept of Woman, v3
    By Allen

    Address Given to a Women's Society” (1938). Logos 8, no. ... “The Human-Not-Quite-Human.” In Are Women Human? ... Acheiropoeta: Not Made by Hands; The Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Holy Shroud of Turin.

  • Discover Your Woman Within: Journey to Wholeness
    By Charlene Bell Tosi

    In this book you have the opportunity to expand this knowledge of yourself and get unstuck from old patterns that may be blocking you from moving forward.

  • Polygendered and Ponytailed: The Dilemma of Femininity and the Female Athlete
    By Dayna B. Daniels

    ... triathlon), badminton, basketball, BMX cycling, mountain biking, road cycling, diving, gymnastics, equestrian show-jumping and three-day eventing, fencing, soccer, trampo- line, team handball, field hockey, judo, rowing, shooting, ...

  • Raising Maidens of Virtue: A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters
    By Stacy McDonald

    More than a fill-in-the-blank Bible study, Raising Maidens of Virtue is an engaging tool for mothers to use in training daughters who are approaching womanhood to think biblically.

  • Polygendered and Ponytailed: The Dilemma of Femininity and the Female Athlete
    By Danya B. Daniels

    This book argues that the femininity-masculinity divide prevents women athletes from being taken seriously in their sports.

  • This Sex which is Not One
    By Luce Irigaray

    In eleven acute and widely ranging essays, Irigaray reconsiders the question of female sexuality in a variety of contexts that are relevant to current discussion of feminist theory and practice.

  • Melancholie, Eros, Musse: das Frauenbild in Nietzsches Philosophie
    By Barbara Smitmans-Vajda

    ... Muße " für Aristoteles Voraussetzung und Ziel geistigen Lebens , ja " eines der Fundamente abendländischer Kultur " : " Wir sind unmüßig , um Muße zu haben . " 1 In eben diesem Sinne ist Muße für Nietzsche eine zentrale Kategorie seiner ...