Books of Fiction / Visionary & Metaphysical

  • The Brothers Karamazov: A Novel in Four Parts with Epilogue
    By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    "The Brothers Karamazovy is a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and an exploration of erotic rivalry involving Karamazov and his three sons - the impulsive and sensual Dmitri, the coldly rational Ivan, and the healthy young novice Alyosha.

  • 抓落叶
    By 汤米巴特勒

    我们都是生命的旅人,抵达终点就是人生的意义 如果你也偶尔思考人生的意义,常把人间不值得挂在嘴边,深夜听着《曾经我也想过一了百了》默默流泪,那么请看看艾略特的故事 ...

  • 克拉拉與太陽
    By Kazuo Ishiguro

    Nobel Prize in Literature. This is a novel about the human heart, which comes from another place. At this moment, you and I must whisper.

  • The Alchemist
    By Paulo Coelho

    Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. The Alchemist is such a book. With over a million and a half copies sold...

  • Haroun and the Sea of Stories
    By Salman Rushdie

    A captivating fantasy novel for readers of all ages, by the author of Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses   “This is, simply put, a book for anyone who...

  • Lilith
    By D. A. Heeley

    Lilith is an adventure beyond belief showing the battle between Darkness and Light. In this eternal battle, two karmically linked magicians vie for mastery of the world. Their battleground is...

  • A Rich Man's Secret: An Amazing Formula for Success
    By Ken Roberts

    It's the key to wealth and wisdom. It's an intriguing mystery. It's a novel that will fascinate and educate. It's A Rich Man's Secret by Ken Roberts. Ken Roberts...

  • Four Corners
    By Krista Madsen

    Krista Madsen wrote Degas Must Have Loved a Dancer, a novel about kismet missed and gone awry. This time in her novel Four Corners. Krista turns her eye toward fraternal...

  • The Sound of Building Coffins
    By Louis Maistros

    It is 1891 in New Orleans, and young Typhus Morningstar cycles under the light of the half-moon to fulfil his calling, re-birthing aborted foetuses in the fecund waters of the...

  • In Search of a Glorious Death
    By Carlo Mazzantini

    This autobiographical narrative provides an alternative perspective of World War I, recounting the experiences of a Roman schoolboy who volunteered to fight against the Allies after Italy surrendered in 1943....

  • 2012: The Secret of the Crystal Skull
    By Chris Morton, Ceri Louise Thomas

    Archaeologist Laura Shepherd is working late one night when she finds her colleague Ron Smith dead clutching a mysterious crystal skull. With police unable to answer key questions about his...

  • Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us
    By John Green

    The bible of Sasquatch/Bigfoot, reprinted in it's original form. With the explosion of knowledge taking place in recent decades, scientists are constantly discovering that things they have been certain about...

  • Time's Arrow, Or, The Nature of the Offense
    By Martin Amis

    In Time's Arrow the doctor Tod T. Friendly dies and then feels markedly better, breaks up with his lovers as a prelude to seducing them, and mangles his patients before...

  • The Frog Prince: A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults
    By Stephen Mitchell

    In this brilliant jewel of a book, the best-selling author of Tao Te Ching: A New English Version expands and deepens the classic fairy tale in the most surprising and...

  • 外遇的女人
    By 保羅.科爾賀

    「每當夜晚來臨,我就說謊──」 意外激情旅程過後,更深刻體會愛的啟示 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》作者──保羅.科爾賀 最具爭議性的全球暢銷作 ★韓國、德國、義大利及歐洲,上市空降暢銷榜冠軍NO.1 稱霸四十餘國排行榜,繼《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》後最暢銷的小說代表作 人們為什麼要外遇?當代社會裡,多少女人想過外遇? 用愛的禁忌,訴說愛的道理 「從我結婚後,時間似乎就此停滯了。單調無趣,何罪之有?我在長達十年的婚姻中,幾乎享盡了女人該享受所有快樂,但結婚十年還得維繫熱情火焰,簡直是不可能的任務。有一天,我開始自問:難道我就這樣了嗎?沒錯,問題大了,我愛上另一個男人了!我丈夫該怎麼辦?……我心底暗自害怕擁有的一切將瞬間蒸發,令我措手不及。我確定我會讓一個人甚至許多人受盡痛苦,但我就是無法克制自己。」 這是琳達的故事。 她知道自己很幸運,卻不明白為何她愈來愈不快樂。 她的女性朋友建議她服藥。但是琳達不想要遲鈍的感覺。 一次採訪議員賈柏,她大學時期的前男友,一股渴望重新被喚醒了…… 她不想再做從前那個可靠的妻子、母親和記者。琳達選擇奮不顧身地投入 一段令她上癮的、危險的、無法抗拒的激情關係 每一步都讓她重拾青春。 琳達想拒絕,也想要修正,漸漸地,她即將投降……陷入前所未有的恐懼之中…… 挑戰傳統,《外遇的女人》是全球知名作家保羅.科爾賀,面對上億讀者及全球2200萬臉書書迷,所創作的全新長篇小說。他以逼真文字描寫一個女人的婚外激情,宛如叢林冒險般,深入地又大膽地去探索感官肉體的種種歡愉,卻不以道德批判,企圖從愛的禁忌中找回迷失的愛。你不禁質問:「外遇是什麼?」現代成人如何面對這個「癮」憂?本書以迷人的人物和當代的人際關係,描寫出慾望與人性之間複雜脆弱的關係。出版後橫掃全球暢銷榜,成為保羅.科爾賀繼《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》後最暢銷的作品。印證他毫無疑問是當代全球最會說故事的大師。 「真正會傳染的事物是恐懼。」讀這個故事,找回真正的愛。

  • I Will Fear No Evil
    By Robert A. Heinlein

    The brilliantly shocking story of the ultimate transplant from New York Times bestselling author Robert A. Heinlein.As startling and provocative as his famous Stranger in a Strange Land, here is...

  • Raincoast Sasquatch: The Bigfoot/sasquatch Records of Southeast Alaska, Coastal British Columbia, & Northwest Washington, from Puget Sound to Yakutat
    By J. Robert Alley

    Bigfoot, Sasquatch evidence & sightings from Indian lore. Leave the civilized world behind as Raincoast Sasquatch takes you out into the rain-drenched forests of the Pacific Northwest on the trail...

  • Lemon
    By Lawrence Krauser

    Lemon is the story of the passionate love between a man and a citrus fruit, told with a fluid mixture of prose, drama, and about twenty pages of rhymed couplets....

  • La sombra del sol
    By Mario González Suárez

    En La sombra del sol, Mario González Suárez lleva su mitología personal inconfundible hasta las últimas consecuencias. Con una maestría inusitada, González Suárez nos arroja a la mitad del escenario...

  • The Sleepwalkers
    By Hermann Broch

    "Broch performs with an impeccable virtuosity." --Aldous HuxleyWith his epic trilogy, Hermann Broch established himself as one of the great innovators of modern literature, a visionary writer-philosopher equivalent of James...