1258 ) She was born Lucienne of Segui , a great - niece of Pope Innocent III and a cousin of Pope Gregory IX . When Prince Bohemond V of Antioch and Tripoli divorced Alice of Cyprus by reason of consanguinity and began looking for a ...
This is the story of how Stalin became Stalin.
This biography of Slobodan Milosevic, offers an account of a man who started wars, whose rhetoric whipped up Serb nationalism to a frenzy of ethnic cleansing and yet who retained for a decade the ability to wrap the international community ...
1st September 1939 John Malam. A Cherrytree Book OUR VISIT WEBSITE Evans First published 2002 by Cherrytree Press 327 High Street Slough Berkshire SLI ITX www.eva co.uk ks Contents The day the world went to war 6 Hitler's.
The reaction from a major American foreign policy spokesman , Democratic congressman Lee Hamilton , spoke volumes about the shift of axis in the post - Cold War world : " I'm not saying that it's George Bush's fault , and I'm not saying ...
The Lenin Story Mary Hamilton-Dann. V. was resigned , if not overjoyed ... On the morning of April 30th , Svyatoi Nikolai ( St. Nicholas ) headed into the current to fight its way south . St. Nicholas was patron saint of Russia .
本书从社会主义的角度来评述斯大林的一生, 内容包括: 童年和青少年时代, 流放和逃亡, 斯托雷平改革, 第二届杜马, 布尔什维克掌握武器, 废墟中的国家, ...
权力与命运/: 入主克里姆林宫者的个人命运
Kohlblätter: Geschichten, Glossen und Anekdoten um Helmut Kohl
Ben shu shi ge er ba qiao fu zui xin hui yi lu,Zuo zhe zhan zai ren sheng bian shang,Zhong si gai ge de shi,Li qiu tu lu su lian ming yun de quan bu zhen xiang.Ta yi feng fu de zheng zhi jing yan he ren sheng zhi hui,Hui gu zhong da li shi ...
本书是前苏联最高苏维埃主席团主席联共总书记斯大林的评传, 作者以客观, 历史的视角, 记述了传主的生平, 政治理论, 思想与他对社会主义进程的影响.
Students often need concise, up-to-date information on the men and women who lead each nation. This text provides current details on each nation's recognized leaders.
The People's Emperor, Mao: A Biography of Mao Tse-tung
Mais qui était vraiment Mao Tse-toung?Depuis sa mort, les Chinois eux-mêmes se le demandent.