Books of Health & Fitness / Beauty & Grooming

  • Carotenoid-derived Aroma Compounds
    By Russell L. Rouseff, Peter Winterhalter

    Preface 1 Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds: An Introduction 1 2 Analysis of Norisoprenoid Aroma Precursors 20 3 HPLC-MS Analysis of Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Precursors 36 4 CD Spectroscopy as a Powerful Tool...

  • New York Fashion: The Evolution of American Style
    By Caroline Rennolds Milbank

    A lively and thorough history, New York Fashion presents a fabulous fashion parade with 300 illustrations, including 100 in full color, which highlight the fascinating story it has to tell....

  • The Second Skin: An Interdisciplinary Study of Clothing
    By Marilyn J. Horn, Lois M. Gurel

    The Second Skin: An Interdisciplinary Study of Clothing

  • Fit to be Tied: Vintage Ties of the Forties and Early Fifties
    By Rod Dyer, Ron Spark

    Recollectibles delight popular culture collectors and graphic designers with their interesting design and intriguing subjects. Each book has a unique and engaging cover that is sure to charm people everywhere.

  • Théâtre de la Mode
    By Edmonde Charles-Roux

    Tijdens W.O. 2 creëerde een groep belangrijke Franse ontwerpers een collectie miniatuurmannequins en couture stukken inclusief accessoires. In 1945 reisde deze collectie in een theaterenscenering als gebaar van goodwill langs...

  • 人生再痛也要堅持美麗: 童顏女神吳玟萱不藏私公開保養、健身、飲食、穿搭四大逆齡絕招
    By 吳玟萱

    離了婚要愛美,被欺負也要愛美,慘遭詐騙仍要愛美, 童顏女神吳玟萱走過人生困境,大聲宣告──女人要愛美,更要愛自己! 完整公開女明星回購率100%的經典愛物及CP值破表新鮮好物 揭露保養、美妝、飲食、健身、穿搭全方位逆齡大絕招! 愛美這條路踏上了,跪著也要走完! 自從十二歲意識到保養的重要性後,吳玟萱在愛美這條路上已投注了近三十年的心血,這些年來,每一天不管工作多累、身體多不舒服,她都一定會確實仔細的卸妝、清潔、保養,從頭到腳,沒有一天懈怠過,因為她知道每個人一生中只擁有這一身「皮衣」,若不好好保護照顧,可沒有別件可以替換;而她也深切明白,惟有珍視自己,才能讓自己更美! 她的堅持換來了讓人羨慕的體態、容貌、肌膚,看似人生勝利組的她,其實遭遇過許多生命中的低潮,婚姻的不幸、被分隔的親情、慘遭詐騙的金錢損失……她曾經絕望,但是她堅持信念,最終勇敢走出自己的美麗人生,創造屬於她的正面能量! 保養成癮、美妝中毒的她,已累積三本美容保養書籍,持續分享美麗情報,本書並首度公開分享從裡到外、從頭到腳的逆齡大絕招,讓妳美還要更美、嫩還要更嫩、年輕還要更年輕!更打破女明星禁忌,完整記錄卸妝過程,真實呈現妝前妝後無違和晶瑩肌膚,用最真實的一面為每一個愛美的你現身說法。 美麗,不是用來取悅別人的手段,而是善待自己的表現,各位美人,跟著童顏女神吳玟萱一起從心愛自己,用心變美麗吧! 童顏女神的美麗放大絕 雪白膚.全身保養+美容食補 萌童顏.經典愛物+保養祕訣 精緻妝.必備神器+彩妝技巧 輕盈體.健身方法+美體食譜 時尚裝.私服穿搭+配色哲學

  • Indian Costumes
    By Robert Hofsinde

    Describes everyday, wartime, and ceremonial dress characteristic of the tribal groups of North America: Apache, Blackfoot, Crow, Iroquois, Navaho, Northwest Coast Indians, Ojibwa, Pueblo, Seminole, Sioux, and Indians of today.

  • The Encyclopaedia of Fashion
    By Georgina O'Hara Callan

    The encyclopaedia describes fashion's essential ingredients in A-to-Z format, beginning in the 1840's--when the sewing machine, the cornerstone of the ready-to-wear industry, came into use--through the first half of the...

  • The Visible Self: Perspectives on Dress
    By Joanne Bubolz Eicher, Mary Ellen Roach

    The Visible Self: Perspectives on Dress

  • Costumes of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
    By Phillis Cunnington

    Costumes of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century

  • Costume for Births, Marriages & Deaths
    By Catherine Lucas, Phillis Cunnington

    Costume for Births, Marriages & Deaths

  • Costumes of Everyday Life: An Illustrated History of Working Clothes from 900-1910
    By Margot Lister

    Costumes of Everyday Life: An Illustrated History of Working Clothes from 900-1910