Books of History / Asia / Southeast Asia

  • Scots in Burma: Golden Times in a Golden Land
    By Alister McCrae

    Scots in Burma: Golden Times in a Golden Land

  • Mutiny Does Not Happen Lightly: The Literature of the American Resistance to the Vietnam War
    By G. Louis Heath

    Mutiny Does Not Happen Lightly: The Literature of the American Resistance to the Vietnam War

  • A Sudden Rampage: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia, 1941-1945
    By Nicholas Tarling

    This describes the origins, the methods and the result of imperial Japan's occupation of Southeast Asia during World War II. Japanese policy makers had recognized that the region's European colonial...

  • Combat Photographer
    By Nick Mills

    Not only was Vietnam America's longest war. It was also the most photographed. A veritable army of photographers from around the world focused their still, cinema and TV cameras on...

  • POW/MIA Policy and Process: Hearings Before the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, First...
    By United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs

    POW/MIA Policy and Process: Hearings Before the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, First...

  • Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsula
    By Paul Michel Munoz

    At a period when sea navigation depended more on the skill and courage of sailors than on technology, men were none the less able to build maritime regional empires that...

  • The Co-vans: U.S. Marine Advisors in Vietnam
    By John Grider Miller

    Foreword by Edwin Howard SimmonsDepending upon where and when they served, Americans had vastly different experiences in the Vietnam War. Among the more unique experiences were those of the advisors...

  • Brecht's Poetry: A Critical Study
    By Peter Whitaker

    This is the first comprehensive, critical survey of Brecht's poetry, from its beginnings in World War I to the 1950's, to appear in either English or German. Offering a new...

  • Vietnam, a History in Documents
    By Gareth Porter

    Publisher description: This landmark volume at last gives us a full picture from both sides of the Vietnam conflict, from Ho Chi Minh's first call for revolution to the fall...

  • Launch the Intruders: A Naval Attack Squadron in the Vietnam War, 1972
    By Carol Reardon

    More than a mere combat narrative, Launch the Intruders interweaves human drama with familial concerns, domestic politics, and international diplomacy. Fliers share personal feelings about killing strangers from a distance...

  • 制度與經濟成長 (台灣史論叢 經濟篇)
    By 吳聰敏、古慧雯、韓家寶(Pol Heyns )、林文凱、盧佳慧、魏凱立


  • 伍連德新論: 南洋知識分子與近現代中國醫衛
    By 黃賢強

    本書以跨地域和跨學科領域途徑研究伍連德(1879-1960)。伍連德不只是大家熟悉的「抗疫鬥士」和「中國現代醫學先驅」,他也是被忽略的公共知識分子、外交家、社會活動家、人文主義者、遊記作者和文史學者。作者討論的問題包括伍連德為何引進一群南洋知識人才?如何鋪墊現代中國的醫療和衛生體系?又如何將中國的醫學、歷史、社會和文明介紹給西方世界?伍連德可說是世界防疫醫療史、南洋華人史,及現代中國知識生產和交流史三者互動的樞紐人物。本書從伍連德個人的身分和事業、到他引領南洋知識群體建構中國現代醫衛平臺,再到他的跨領域活動和人文關懷,以更寬廣的視野和多維角度切入,重新理解這位跨域南洋知識分子在近現代中國史上的定位和意義。  【專家推薦】 伍連德一生經歷殖民地統治,西學洗禮,民國政爭和戰火,還有世界行旅與嬗變。他以公共醫療為方法,以華人福祉為訴求,充滿人文關懷。藉伍連德其人其事,黃賢強教授叩問南洋華人知識分子與中國現代性種種關聯,考證翔實,論述精謹,寄託深遠,極其值得推薦。──王德威(美國哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系講座教授) This book re-examines the life of Wu Lien-Teh (1879-1960) across geographical boundaries and interdisciplinary fields. Wu Lien-Teh is the renowned Plague Fighter and the Pioneer of...

  • A Bibliography of the Malayan Campaign and the Japanese Period in West Malaysia, Singapore, and Borneo, 1941-1945
    By Justin J. Corfield

    If there was an honour roll of bibliographies of the Malayan campaign and the Japanese occupation of Malaya, Singapore and Borneo, this work would come close to the top of...

  • How We Won the War
    By Nguyên Giáp Võ, Tiến Dũng Văn

    Den nord-vietnamesiske forsvarsminister og øverstbefaldende Giap samt general Dung fremsætter politiske, strategiske og taktiske tanker om sejren.

  • Studies in the Art of China and South-East Asia
    By Michael Sullivan

    Professor Sullivan is a leading authority on the art of China, and has published a number of standard works on both traditional and modern Chinese art. These two volumes bring...

  • A History of Modern Southeast Asia: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Decolonization
    By John Sturgus Bastin, Harry Jindrich Benda

    A History of Modern Southeast Asia: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Decolonization

  • The Key to Failure: Laos and the Vietnam War
    By Norman B. Hannah

    The Key to Failure: Laos and the Vietnam War

  • The Lost Peace: America's Search for a Negotiated Settlement of the Vietnam War
    By Allan E. Goodman

    The Lost Peace: America's Search for a Negotiated Settlement of the Vietnam War

  • The War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968
    By Thomas Powers

    The War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968

  • Debating Vietnam: Fulbright, Stennis, and Their Senate Hearings
    By Joseph A. Fry

    In the midst of the Vietnam War, two titans of the Senate, J. William Fulbright and John C. Stennis, held public hearings to debate the conflict's future. Their shared aim...