Books of History / Asia / Southeast Asia

  • Dien Bien Phu: The Epic Battle America Forgot
    By Howard R. Simpson

    The fighting began in November 1953, when French paratroopers seized a small airstrip in northwestern Vietnam. It ended in May 1954 with tens of thousands of Vietminh troops overrunning the...

  • 三十六計演義
    By 李明陽, 吳希艷

    內容簡介 本書特色 為弘揚傳統文化,將博大精深的古典作品介紹給廣大的朋友和古文研讀者,我們精選版本,重新整理,博採眾家之長,以時代所賦予我們對《三十六計》的全新理解和立意,精心編寫,使其精髓的內涵不斷深化,外延不斷延伸。現在,我們有幸將這本書奉獻給這個時代的士農工商各行業人士。 《三十六計》依據中國古代陰陽變化之理,以樸素的辯證思想為依託,對諸如虛實、勞逸、剛柔、攻防、奇正、陰陽等相對關係做了詳盡而客觀的論述,內容精采廣博,說理精闢,思想深邃。作為軍事謀略,最初只應用於戰爭之中。但是,經過歷史的打磨,其思想精髓逐漸被後人挖掘出來,廣泛地運用到政治、經濟、外交等諸多領域,成為後人智慧的一大源泉。 《三十六計》領域之廣、內容之豐富、種類之繁多,遠非我們所能面面俱到,兼收並蓄。所以我們有針對性地將世人感興趣的謀略進行採編、選擇、選注、點評,並根據當代社會和市場經濟的發展需要,將謀略配以近當代在我們周圍所發生而鮮為人知的故事,從軍事和商業的角度,加深對傳統文化和優秀軍事思想的理解,使全書的主題顯現於讀者眼前,尤其可幫助對這些方面感興趣的朋友,在開卷有益的前提下,使其能夠吸納書中的精神養分。

  • Southeast Asia: Past And Present, Fifth Edition
    By D.R. SarDesai

    This thoroughly revised edition of Southeast Asia offers a well-researched and up-to-date account of the region from ancient to modern times, covering traditional history through the present day. D.R. SarDesai...

  • India: Unity in Diversity
    By T. K. Suman Kumar

    India Is A Great Country. All The People Of This Country And The People Of Other Countries Have Praise For This Land. Many Indian And Foreign Authors Have Given A...

  • LBJ and Vietnam: A Different Kind of War
    By George C. Herring

    Decades later, the Vietnam War remains a divisive memory for American society. Partisans on all sides still debate why the war was fought, how it could have been better fought,...

  • Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers
    By United States. Department of State

    The Foreign Relations of the United States volumes of the series include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation of major foreign policy decisions and actions of the United States...

  • The Undetected Enemy: French and American Miscalculations at Dien Bien Phu, 1953
    By John Robert Nordell

    The French Indo-China War of 1946-54 was one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts of the twentieth century. The French had attempted to reinstate their colonial rule over the region...

  • Historical Atlas of South-East Asia
    By Jan M. Pluvier

    Presents the historical development of Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines--from the earliest times to the present, in 64 large color maps. The content and historical...

  • The ash warriors
    By C. R. Anderegg

    In November 1991 the American flag was lowered for the last time at Clark Air Base in the Philippines. This act brought to an end American military presence in the...

  • Between Two Oceans: A Military History of Singapore from First Settlement to Final British Withdrawal
    By Malcolm H. Murfett

    Many books have been written about Singapores much vaunted position as a crucial maritime center along the East-West trading route. But one aspect of its history the military perspective has,...

  • Essays in Singapore Legal History
    By Kevin Tan

    The essays in this volume are the result of an exhibition on legal history staged by the Singapore Academy of Law in 1995. After that exhibition, a Legal History Sub-Committee...

  • Historical Dictionary of the Indochina War (1945-1954): An International and Interdisciplinary Approach
    By Christopher E. Goscha

    This first historical dictionary in English of the Indochina War provides the most comprehensive account to date of one of the most important conflicts of the twentieth century. Over 1,600...

  • Historical Dictionary of Singapore
    By K. Mulliner, Lian The-Mulliner

    Entries in this dictionary highlight and trace Singapore's history from a legendary past and its modern founding in 1819 to its evolution to its emergence as a post-war battleground of...

  • Historical Dictionary of Ancient Southeast Asia
    By John N. Miksic

    Anyone who has seen the stunning ruins at Angkor, Bagan, and Barabudur will readily understand why Southeast Asia is the host of so many United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural...

  • Historical Dictionary of United States-Southeast Asia Relations
    By Donald E. Weatherbee

    Southeast Asia consists of the countries of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Historically, U.S. policy and diplomacy with Southeast Asia is...

  • Ban Wang Hai: Excavations of an Iron-Age Cemetery in Northern Thailand
    By J. P. Pautreau, Patricia Mornais, Tasana Doy-Asa

    "Excavations at the Ban Wang Hai archaeological site at Muang district, Lamphun province, northern Thailand, revealed numerous graves of adults, infants and newborns, dating back more than 2000 years. Many...

  • Vietnam
    By Larry Burrows

    In the heat of battle, in the devastated countryside, among troops and civilians equally hurt by the savagery of war, Larry Burrows photographed the conflict in Vietnam from 1962, the...

  • The American War in Contemporary Vietnam: Transnational Remembrance and Representation
    By Christina Schwenkel

    Christina Schwenkel's absorbing study explores how the "American War" is remembered and commemorated in Vietnam today—in official and unofficial histories and in everyday life. Schwenkel analyzes visual representations found in...

  • 通往世界的植物:臺灣高山植物的時空旅史
    By 游旨价

    ◎南半球高寒植物山薰香如何跨越赤道來到中央山脈? ◎與加州巨杉齊名的東亞珍貴巨木就在臺灣! ◎臺灣唯一的特有屬植物華參你可曾見過?而它的姊妹竟遠在地球彼端的熱帶美洲? 這是第一部臺灣高山植物自然溯源史 ★由臺灣高山植物群擔任引路者,揭開百萬年來臺灣島與全世界的連結! ★以生物地理學的雙眼:生態與演化之眼,開展臺灣高山植物自然史詩。 ★突破島嶼的範圍、國界的限制、走入整個東亞甚至全球地史,大尺度深探演化的生命之網。 「福爾摩沙真是名符其實的東方之珠,她最美麗的,是生機蓬勃的樟櫧森林,以及生長在崎嶇陡峭高山上的巨大檜木與挺拔的臺灣杉。」──威爾森(Ernest H. Wilson) 臺灣高山是生物多樣性的方舟、植物交匯之所,一處神奇之地。本書透過生物地理學的生態與歷史之眼,以臺灣高山植物為主角,打開臺灣和世界的聯結,讀者將經歷一場場臺灣高山植物通往全世界的百萬年盛大冒險之旅。 在地球歷史中,高山植物在不同的地質時期進入這座島嶼,臺灣雖然地貌歷史僅約六百萬年,但其原生植物體內深藏的自然歷史卻可追溯至數千萬年前。兩百多座三千公尺以上的臺灣高山上,演化的力量究竟是如何形塑高山植物的生存與繁衍?臺灣高山是喜馬拉雅山高山植物能到的極東、諸多北方溫帶植物南遷的終點,更是偶然中,自南半球而來的過客的落腳處,除了做為這些植物旅者的全球驛站,臺灣高山也孕育出許多特有物種,它們是如何在造山運動中成為真正的臺灣之子? 我們熟悉的紅檜──大和民族口中的東亞第一巨木,是與加州巨杉齊名的世界級珍貴物種;充滿尖刺的小檗雖不被山友所喜,卻是百岳屋脊上最多變的高山植物,以十三種獨有姿態驚豔海外學人;早田文藏在《臺灣植物資料》(一九一一)中驚嘆著一株來自南半球澳大利亞植物相的神祕小草──山薰香,這個臺灣特有種如何帶我們走入達爾文著名的討厭之謎(Abominable Mystery)?從世界各地匯聚在臺灣高山的植物,見證了臺灣島的演進,也生動地保存了植物在板塊與島嶼之間旅行的記憶。 本書以恢宏的視野,鋪陳出歷史上重要的植物、生物、地質、博物學者的科學原理與世界觀,並將歷史的機遇性與科學緊密結合;透過臺灣高山植物群相,作者對地球自然史做出不同向度的詮釋。人別無選擇而有國籍,但植物沒有國籍,研究植物的人,更沒有國界。曾經有許多博物學者來過臺灣,他們以為自己登上的只是一座海上孤島,卻驚奇地在小島上發現了一整個北半球的自然,他們在臺灣遇見家鄉的花草,看見想像中的物種。藉由認識高山植物的起源,我們得以突破島嶼的範圍、國界的限制,深探生物演化的生命之網,最終揭示的是,新生命觀,以及新土地觀。 審訂者(依筆劃順序排列): 中村剛╱北海道大學附屬植物園生物多樣性中心副教授(本書生物地理學部分) 李建成╱中央研究院地質所研究員(本書地質學部分) 李攀╱浙江大學生命科學系副教授(本書生物地理學部分) 趙建棣╱中興大學森林所博士(本書分類學部分) 鍾國芳╱中央研究院生物多樣性中心副研究員(本書生物地理學部分) 推薦序(依文章順序): 鍾國芳╱中央研究院生物多樣性中心副研究員 中村剛╱北海道大學附屬植物園生物多樣性中心副教授 洪廣冀╱臺灣大學地理系專案助理教授 推薦人(依筆劃順序排列) 中村剛╱北海道大學附屬植物園生物多樣性中心副教授 古庭維╱打狗鐵道故事館館長 吳永華╱臺灣自然史研究者 李家維╱清華大學生命科學系教授|臺灣中文版《科學人》雜誌總編輯...

  • The Sea Gypsies of Malaya
    By Walter Grainge White

    The Sea Gypsies of Malaya