Books of History / Asia / Southeast Asia

  • Not by the Book: A Combat Intelligence Officer in Vietnam
    By Eric McAllister Smith

    One man's war against the NVA . . . and the U.S. Army. A true story of terror, heroism and survival in the green hell of Vietnam. 1st Lt. Eric...

  • Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development
    By Richard Ulack, Thomas R. Leinbach

    This comprehensive survey of Southeast Asia addresses the specific problems related to the uneven economic development of the region versus the rest of the world and within...

  • The Real Lessons of the Vietnam War: Reflections Twenty-five Years After the Fall of Saigon
    By Robert F. Turner, John Norton Moore

    Twenty-five years after the fall of Saigon, two prominent scholars, Moore and Turner (who debated in the 1960s), assembled a distinguished group of Vietnam experts at the University of Virginia...

  • Art as Politics: Re-crafting Identities, Tourism, and Power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia
    By Kathleen M. Adams

    Art as Politics explores the intersection of art, identity politics, and tourism in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Based on long-term ethnographic research from the 1980s to the present, the book offers a...

  • Backfire: A History of How American Culture Led Us Into Vietnam and Made Us Fight the Way We Did
    By Loren Baritz

    In a probing look at the myths of American culture that led us into the Vietnam quagmire, Loren Baritz exposes our national illusions: the conviction of our moral supremacy, our...

  • Islands and Ancestors: Indigenous Styles of Southeast Asia
    By Douglas Newton, Jean Paul Barbier, Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller

    Islands and Ancestors: Indigenous Styles of Southeast Asia

  • The Pathology of Public Policy
    By B. Guy Peters, Brian W. Hogwood

    Much has been written about how government works, but there has been little systematic analysis of how government does not work. This book analyses the whole range of public policy...

  • Vietnam and Other American Fantasies
    By Howard Bruce Franklin

    Written by a cultural historian, this text offers a wide-ranging exploration of the causes, meaning and continuing significance of the American war in Vietnam, arguing that the war was not...

  • Kinship, Status and Gender in South Celebes
    By Hendrik Theodorus Chabot

    H.Th. Chabot's Ph.D. thesis, Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes (1950), is an important source for the anthropology of South Celebes. Chabot's study, based on fieldwork in the 1940s provides...

  • Weavers' Stories from Island Southeast Asia
    By Jill Forshee, Roy W. Hamilton, Traude Gavin

    Weaver's Stories from Island Southeast Asia delves into the personal stories of individual textile artists, bringing recognition to their accomplishments, skills, and extraordinary lives. Photographs of ten women from eight...

  • Burma: An Annotated Bibliographical Guide to International Doctoral Dissertation Research, 1898-1985
    By Frank Joseph Shulman

    Co-published with the Asia program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

  • Ah Ku and Karayuki-san: Prostitution in Singapore, 1870-1940
    By James Francis Warren

    This history describes and analyses brothel prostitution in Singapore between 1870 and 1940. The vital role of Chinese and Japanese prostitutes in sustaining Singapore's pre-war economy and society has not...

  • Media, Culture and Politics in Indonesia
    By David T. Hill, Krishna Sen

    This innovative book is about the institutions and policies that determine what Indonesians write, read, watch, and hear. It covers the print media, broadcast radio and television, computers and the...

  • Charlie Company: What Vietnam Did to Us
    By Peter Louis Goldman, Tony Fuller

    Relates the Vietnam War, its aftermath and effect on their lives as seen by 65 veterans of Charlie Company, an infantry unit.

  • Great Leader, Dear Leader: Demystifying North Korea Under the Kim Clan
    By Bertil Lintner

    Great Leader, Dear Leader is an expose of North Korea under the Kim clan - Great Leader Kim Il Sung and his son, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. It traces...

  • Lyndon B. Johnson's Vietnam Papers: A Documentary Collection
    By Lyndon Baines Johnson

    The recent declassification of "top secret" Vietnam War papers of the Johnson administration provides an unusually intimate portrait of presidential decision making and fills an important gap in the literature...

  • 行走的台南史
    By 蘇峯楠

    府城的時空旅人之書,寫給故鄉的悠長情感與記憶。   該從哪裡開始認識府城,不如從一條街跟海岸線說起吧!   從「赤崁」這個地名的源起,說到府城這片土地曾經有過多少的移民,數百年來這裡的景觀是怎麼變成現在這樣?從赤崁樓邊慢慢遠去的海岸線,又留下了什麼線索,讓人看到海洋在台南人身上留下的印記?   出身府城、學習歷史學的蘇峯楠,對於故鄉有著超乎尋常的熱情。對他來說,府城的魅力來自於悠長時光中累積而成的點點滴滴,即使只是巷弄之間的一截老階梯,也是府城歷史的一份子。   他的文字裡充滿對台南的深刻觀察與感受,他的視線穿越時間,看見府城的古往今來。他必須寫下來,記錄那些重新發現、已經消失,或是習以為常的存在。   本書特色   ◎他用歷史學的訓練重新審視故鄉,踏實的走過珍愛的城市,並考據史料、傳說找尋記憶的源起。 ◎從抬眼所見的梅花、榕樹,腳下的階梯、磚石,到餐桌上的虱目魚和甜食,在台南的街道巷弄中隨手一指,他都有說不完的故事。 ◎跟著他的文字在大街小巷中穿梭,看到台南生活裡被歷史、文化緊緊包覆的歲月累積,感受台南人的深情與驕傲。  

  • Healing from the War: Trauma and Transformation After Vietnam
    By Arthur Egendorf

    Healing from the War: Trauma and Transformation After Vietnam

  • Shooting at the Moon: The Story of America's Clandestine War in Laos
    By Roger Warner

    THE CIA IN ITS GLORY DAYS and the mad confidence that led to disaster in Vietnam are the subjects of Roger Warner's prizewinning history, Shooting at the Moon: The CIA's...

  • The White Rajahs of Sarawak
    By Robert Payne

    Robert Payne tells the story of the Brooke dynasty, James, Charles, and Vyner, who, between them, ruled as Rajahs of Sarawak for over a hundred years.