Books of History / Asia / Southeast Asia

  • India and South Asia: A Short History
    By David Ludden

    Combining factual information with a critical approach which probes the nature of culture and identity, this concise yet authoritative account paints a graphic picture of an area stretching from the...

  • วัด-วัง ในพระราชสงค์ พระจอมเกล้าฯ
    By ผศ.ดร.พัสวีสิริ เปรมกุลนันท์

    วิเคราะห์งานศิลปกรรมในรัชกาลที่ 4 รอบด้าน ตรวจสอบกับเอกสารทางประวัติศาสตร์เพื่ออธิบายถึงพระราชประสงค์ที่แท้จริงของการสถาปนาวัตถุสถานในบวรพุทธศาสนาในรัชกาลของพระองค์ นับเป็นผลงานวิจัยที่ละเอียดรอบคอบ ทำให้เห็นถึงลักษณะเฉพาะของงานช่างในสมัยรัชกาลที่ 4 แนวพระราชศรัทธา ปณิธานในการสร้างงานศิลปกรรม รวมทั้งพระราชประสงค์ครั้งสำคัญของการสถาปนาวัดที่ยังไม่เคยมีการอธิบายทั้งรูปแบบศิลปกรรมและการวิเคราะห์หลักฐานอย่างเป็นระบบมาก่อน

  • The Mekong Arranged & Rearranged
    By Ma. Serena I. Diokno, Nguyen Van Chinh, Văn Chỉnh Nguyễn

    Flanked by a fast-growing China hungry for markets and energy and other resources, the Mekong region is a target of competing local, national, regional, and transnational as well as commercial...

  • 六四之殤
    By 袁紅冰

    內容簡介 一九八九「六.四事件」之後,每年都有與「六.四」相關的書籍出版,作者涵蓋有六四學生領袖、著名作家、學者、北京和香港的記者,及港人和北美華人等。題材多樣化:有六四事件的全記錄;六四血案的親歷見證;天安門清場內幕披露;六四事件的研究和反思;以及六四流亡者的現狀報導等……角度各自不同。按類別分:有參與者親歷者的見證與回憶;有關清場和戒嚴部隊的書、有關六四史料的披露;有香港和北京記者的採訪回憶;有理論探討和詩歌文藝創作。 《六四之殤》,迄今為止唯一一部全景式親歷六四的自傳體小說,由當時「北京大學教師後援團」創建者、「北京大學教師頭號清查對像」袁紅冰,以第三人敘事觀點,從如今已一去不復返的北京大學校園內獨立自由的學術氛圍展開,向讀者回顧那場波瀾壯闊的民主運動的發起、發展,直至被中共當局血腥鎮壓的全部過程。帶領讀者瞭解「六四事件」之前北大及各大學乃至社會的氛圍;看清「六四事件」中更深邃的背景與歷史意義;中共「血洗北京」之後,在當局的紅色恐怖之下,北京知識分子的一系列反抗運動又是如何展開…… 本書不僅是六四之殤,更是中國自由運動的悲愴長歌。

  • Vietnam, the War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968
    By Thomas Powers

    Vietnam, the War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968

  • Military Justice in Vietnam: The Rule of Law in an American War
    By William Thomas Allison

    The My Lai Massacre was the most publicized incident subjected to military law during the Vietnam War, but military lawyers in all the service branches had their hands full with...

  • Land Claims in East Timor
    By Daniel Fitzpatrick

    Exploration of the issues surrounding resettlement of the East Timorese population since independence. Effectively having a 'clean slate' to establish ownership laws and institutions to regulate land ownership and use,...

  • Creating Laos: The Making of a Lao Space Between Indochina and Siam, 1860-1945
    By Søren Ivarsson

    This book examines the process through which Laos came into existence under French colonial rule through to the end of World War II. Here, Laos's position at the intersection of...

  • Historical Dictionary of Laos
    By Martin Stuart-Fox

    Laos is the smallest state in terms of population, the weakest militarily, and the least developed economically in mainland Southeast Asia. Yet a glance at the map shows how strategically...

  • 劉羅鍋的糊塗最聰明
    By 東野君

    內容簡介 有一年元宵節,乾隆皇帝要與民同樂,於是就攜帶三宮六院妃妾宮娥,同文武百官登上了北京的正陽門城樓。眼下是燈山火海,鞭炮齊鳴,人來人往,好不熱鬧。就在這歡喜的氣氛中,乾隆皇帝捅捅他身邊的和珅:「愛卿,你看這城下來來往往有多少人?」和珅瞪了瞪眼睛,憋了半天沒回答上來。 乾隆皇帝老大不高興,就回過頭來對劉羅鍋說:「劉墉,還是你來說說吧!」劉墉眨巴眨巴眼睛,慢條斯理地說:「萬歲,下邊就兩個人!」乾隆忙問:「來來往往的這麼多人,你怎麼說就兩個人呢?」「你想,這麼多人不過是一個為名,一個為利!」劉墉緊接著回答。乾隆聽了捧腹大笑:「回答得好,回答得好!」 正在這時,一群出殯的抬著棺材和一群媳婦的抬著轎,吹吹打打地從城下走過。乾隆頓時精神百倍,心血來潮,心想:劉羅鍋這小子不是頂聰明的嗎?這次我非得把他考倒。就說:「劉愛卿,人們都誇你聰明,這回我問你,你如果答對了,加官兩級,俸銀千兩;如果答錯了,貶職為民!」 劉墉從從容容地鞠了個躬,恭恭敬敬地回答道:「陛下請提!」乾隆指了指城下鬧烘烘的人群問:「你說:一年生多少人?死多少人?」劉墉兩眼一轉:「生一個,死十二個!」乾隆不解地問:「國家這麼大,人這麼多,怎麼說生一個,死十二個呢?」劉墉忙解釋說:「陛下你想,我們國家再大,生的再多,一年也就一個生肖;一年死的再多,也離不開十二個生肖呀!」乾隆皇帝聽罷哈哈大笑:「劉墉呀,劉墉,我算服了你了!」說著,立即命人賜御酒三杯。據說乾隆這個皇帝老想找宰相劉羅鍋的麻煩,好嚇他一番。可是,劉羅鍋很機靈,每次都能化險為夷。 有一次,劉羅鍋陪伴乾隆上樓,乾隆就問劉羅鍋:「上樓梯怎麼講?」劉羅鍋馬上回答:「萬歲爺步步登高。」「那麼,我要下樓呢?」劉羅鍋心裡一驚!如果說步步向下,乾隆就會說這是詛咒皇上,馬上就會遭到指責定罪。他靈機一動,笑著說:「這是後輩總比前輩高。」這下子把個乾隆哄樂了。 劉墉(一七二○∼一八○四),字崇如,號石庵,人稱「劉羅鍋」;山東諸城人。他是一位帶有傳奇色彩的歷史人物;特別是電視連續劇《宰相劉羅鍋》的播出,更使「劉羅鍋兒」成了家喻戶曉、知名度極度揚升的大明星。自乾隆十六年(一七五一)考中進士之後,劉墉先後做過翰林院編修、安徽學政、太原和江寧知府、廣西考官、江蘇學政、江西鹽道、漕運按察使、湖南巡撫、吏部尚書、河道總督、直隸總督、左都御史、體仁閣大學士、上書房總師傅等地方和中央諸要職,官居一品,位極人臣。在他長達五十餘年的為官生涯中,雖然幾經起落,沈浮不定,但最終都能靠智慧,以幽默方式化險為夷,本書即以他的趣話人生,來闡述今日可以實際應用的方法。

  • Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Philippines
    By Robin Broad

    00 In this seminal work, U.S. development specialist Robin Broad chronicles the Philippine experiment with the structural adjustment model of development espoused by the World Bank and the International Monetary...

  • “天下—朝贡”体系及其世界秩序观究
    By 莫翔著


  • Before the Dawn
    By Mickey Block

    The author recounts his experiences as a Navy commando involved in covert combat missions in Vietnam

  • Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961
    By James Terence Fisher

    This book chronicles the life of Tom Dooley, the American doctor whose much-publicized exploits in Vietnam and Laos during the 1950s helped lay the ideological groundwork for the U.S. military...

  • South Wind Changing
    By Jade Ngoc Quang Huynh

    A Time magazine "Best Book" of 1994This is the compelling personal narrative of Jade Ngoc Quang Huynh, who was born in South Vietnam in 1958. He survived the war in...

  • The Gold and Silver Road of Trade and Friendship: The McLeod and Richardson Diplomatic Missions to Tai States in 1837
    By Volker Grabowsky, Andrew Turton

    When British diplomats McLeod and Richardson set out on their missions to the Tai states in December 1836, their aim was trade and friendship. Captain William Couperus McLeod and Dr....

  • Spring Essence: The Poetry of Hò̂ Xuân Hương
    By Xuân Hương Hò̂, Xuân Hng Hò

    Featured on NPR's "Fresh Air""Sometimes books really do change the world... This one will set in motion a project that may transform Vietnamese culture."--Utne ReaderHo Xuan Huong--whose name translates as...

  • Deadly Dances in the Bornean Rainforest: Hunting Knowledge of the Penan Benalui
    By Rajindra K. Puri

    For two years Rajindra Puri lived and hunted with the Penan Benalui people in the rainforest of eastern Borneo in Indonesia. Here he reports on Penan hunting techniques, the knowledge...

  • Vietnam Rising: Culture and Change in Asia's Tiger Cub
    By William E. Ratliff

    From Vietnam's recent acceptance into the World Trade Organization to its post-Vietnam War reform and socialist ideals, this overview concisely examines the cultural, political, and economic changes currently at work...

  • The Illustrated History of the Vietnam War
    By Brian Beckett

    An illustrated documentary of the Vietnam War, from the establishment of French rule to the secret operations in Laos and Cambodia and the fall of Saigon.