Books of Journalists

  • The Deputy's Duty
    By Terri Reed, Jillian Hart

    As the eldest of six siblings and deputy chief of the Fitzgerald Bay police department, Ryan Fitzgerald is a protector.

  • Transmetropolitan: The New Scum
    By Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson

    Reporter Spider Jerusalem interviews two presidential candidates against the background of a society that is falling into chaos.

  • Follow the Storm
    By David Dick

    On the third floor of the Park Hotel was where I found Mrs. Claire Janaro of Redwood Valley , California . She had recently arrived from the United States , and she believed her two children were probably dead at Jonestown .

  • Pratt of the Argus: A Play
    By Michael Birch

    In this funny, fast-moving sequel to Second from Last in the Sack Race, we see the beginnings of Henry Pratt's career in journalism.

  • Shadow of the Racketeer: Scandal in Organized Labor
    By David Scott Witwer

    ... 1977), 8–11, “blurred Yiddish accent,” 11; Irving Bernstein, Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker, 1933–1941 (Boston: Houghton- Mifflin, 1970), 80–81; “ILGWU published,” Galenson, CIO Challenge to the AFL, 311. 67.

  • Things Worth Fighting for: Collected Writings
    By Michael Kelly

    and had won 78 percent of them in his last year in office ; in 1984 Daley tried 4,500 and won 82 percent . Today , Daley sounds like Nixon recounting one of his Six Crises - through - hard - work - I - persevered victories — as he ...

    By Sheri WhiteFeather, Heather MacAllister

    Wrangling The Rich Rancher - Sheri WhiteFeather It's the day of reckoning for Matt Clark, secret illegitimate son of a country superstar, because journalist Libby Penn is on the doorstep of his ranch seeking an interview.

  • Good Moanin': The Best of Bob Talbert
    By Bob Talbert

    Idols like Jerry Rubin , John Lennon , Abbie Hoffman , Che Guevara , Cassius Clay , Denny McLain , Angela Davis , John Sinclair , Joe Namath , Jim Brown , Huey Newton and a host of other extremist types — from freaks to fascists who ...

  • Thomas Johnston
    By Graham Walker

    If Conservatives went along with consensus ' exercises then , in Johnston's outlook , perhaps this was only indicative of the extent to which society was moving in a sensible , and therefore socialist , direction .

  • Pengamatan terbaru di medan pertempuran bersama Mujahidin Afghanistan
    By Muhammed A. Quddus

    Pengamatan terbaru di medan pertempuran bersama Mujahidin Afghanistan

  • A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice and a Chance for Every Child
    By Dave Lawrence

    Carefully selected by Mitchell Kaplan for the Books & Books imprint, this inspirational memoir comes at a time when people need to be reminded about the importance of serving others and the importance of the role of journalists as truth ...

  • Dick Greene's Neighborhood, Muncie, Indiana
    By John B. Straw

    Dick Greene's Neighborhood, Muncie, Indiana

  • Redaktøren, som ikke kunne få sig selv til at tie stille: Gunnar Helweg-Larsen : journalist og dagbladsredaktør
    By Karen Strøm

    Redaktøren, som ikke kunne få sig selv til at tie stille: Gunnar Helweg-Larsen : journalist og dagbladsredaktør

  • Before the Colors Fade
    By Harry Reasoner

    Before the Colors Fade

  • Maxine Cheshire Reporter
    By Maxine Cheshire, John Greenya

    The whole thing is a White House plot to discredit my jewels investigation , and the more we scream for someone to X - ray his bowels , the less likely it is that some Kojak will come along and believe us . Just then he took a piece of ...

  • 李普曼
    By 林珊


  • 海角家園
    By E. Annie Proulx


  • René Lévesque: Une Vie, une Nation
    By Marguerite Paulin

    René Lévesque: Une Vie, une Nation

  • 普利策传: 一代新闻大亨的传奇人生
    By James McGrath Morris

    本书通过大量翔实的细节, 讲述了普利策从一个匈牙利孤儿成长为国会议员, 并最终站上美国新闻业巅峰的历程.