Books of Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical

  • 神奇动物在哪里
    By Newt Scamander

    Straight from the library at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a book of magical creatures that no Harry Potter fan should be without! A copy of FANTASTIC BEASTS &...

  • A Book of Unicorns

    "This book attempts to present the mystery of the Unicorn rather than to unravel it. This is a succinct gathering of the most important writings on the Unicorn in the...

  • George and the Dragon
    By Christopher Wormell

    With each passing night, Malcolm Cicchio is losing one minute of sleep. At this rate, he figures, his heart will explode in about sixteen months. But no matter how much...

  • The Tale of the Firebird
    By Gennady Spirin

    In all the world there is said to be nothing more beautiful than the Firebird. When Ivan-Tsarevitch, youngest son of the Tsar, goes on a quest for the amazing bird,...

  • Granny's Dragon
    By Lisa McCourt, Alan Watts

    A monster s in your room . . . what do you do? Call Granny s Dragon, she ll protect you! Granny knows a thing or two about scary monsters:...

  • Riding the Storm
    By Salamanda Drake

    When Breena and Moonflight go missing, it's Cara and Skydancer to the rescue, RIDING THE STORM to save them: Book 2 in the fully illustrated, highly accessible new DRAGONSDALE series!...

  • Black Unicorn
    By Tanith Lee

    With her talent for mending things, sixteen-year-old Tanaquil reconstructs a unicorn which, brought to life, lures her away from her desert fortress home and her sorceress mother to find a...

  • The Last Dragon
    By Silvana De Mari

    When the last dragon and the last elf break the circle, the past and the future will meet, and the sun of a new summer will shine in the sky.In...

  • The Paper Dragon
    By Marguerite W. Davol

    Mi Fei is a humble painter of scrolls. Between each day's sunrise and sunset, he paints scenes of the gods and their festivals' portraits of heroes and their deeds. Although...

  • 环游精灵国度的女孩
    By Catherynne M. Valente

    Traditional Chinese edition of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, Amazon Best Books of the Month, May 2011 and winner of Andre Norton Award....

  • Dr. Ernest Drake's Dragonology Handbook: A Practical Course in Dragons
    By Ernest Drake

    This indispensable workbook teaches everything you need to know to become an esteemed dragonologist. Attention, devoted dragonology students! How many classic riddles do you know that could help you...

  • 龍騎士三部曲: 降魔火劍
    By Christopher Paolini

    Chinese edition of Brisingr (Inheritance, Book 3). First volume in the sequel to Eldest. Or the third in the series Inheritance Cycle. Paolini's Brisingr is already considered a successor to...

  • 水中最強王圖鑑
    By G.Masukawa

    水中世界的最強霸主究竟是誰? 海洋王者大決鬥,震撼登場! 水中神祕生物一一浮現, 展開驚心動魄的海洋之戰! 24種水中生物展開一對一淘汰賽,每場戰鬥都令人目不轉睛! 在水中世界裡擁有最強力量的王者,究竟是誰? 上龍VS龍王鯨;日本大龍蝨VS虎鯨;奇蝦VS雨傘旗魚;南象鼻海豹VS水蠆;克柔龍VS薄板龍;河馬VS大王烏賊;狄氏大田鱉VS困惑利茲魚;古巨龜VS鄧氏魚…… 水中世界之深廣難以窺測,而在水中生活的生物們更是神祕且難以完全了解其全貌,更別說那些遠古時期的已滅絕生物,會有多令人摸不著頭緒了。但為了順利舉辦「水中最強王」淘汰賽,本書根據專家學者的研究資料,加以想像後描繪出不同水中生物的樣貌,再進一步研究牠們的各項能力,模擬出精采的對戰場面。閱讀過程中可以了解牠們的外貌特徵、體型大小、攻擊能力、絕招特色等。 除了24種水中生物緊張刺激的戰鬥場面,書中還根據力量、攻擊力、防禦力、耐久力、爆發力、速度、智慧、凶殘度,製作出各項「排行榜」,讓水中生物的各項能力一目了然。 雖然所有戰鬥畫面都是想像出來的,但只要開始閱讀,絕對會讓你沉入其中……如果這些戰鬥在現實世界中真實上演的話,誰勝誰負似乎還是未知數呢!