Books of Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Values & Virtues

  • The Little Red Hen
    By Jerry Pinkney

    Caldecott Medal winner Jerry Pinkney enlivens the beloved fable with cheerful and classically beautiful illustrations, making this the ideal edition for every child’s library.  As he did with his...

  • Did I Tell You I Love You Today?
    By Deloris Jordan, Roslyn M. Jordan

    Deloris and Roslyn M. Jordan, mother and sister of basketball superstar Michael Jordan, celebrate family in this reassuring picture book about the many special ways we cherish those we love.Apart...

  • 我很厲害,但是我不驕傲: FiFiNE et ses copines
    By 艾曼紐•斐耶(Emmanuel Veillet)

    從謙虛與互助合作中學會分辨自信與自傲的不同  菲菲妮是一隻脖子比一般長頸鹿還要長上三倍的超長長頸鹿。  多虧有了能夠看得比同伴更遠的她,大家才能提早發現周遭的危險,這使得她漸漸自滿起來,對待朋友的態度逐漸不同,開始下巴抬高高、眼睛往下看她的朋友。  但有天,一隻猴子爬上一棵好高好高的猴麵包樹,他能望得比菲菲妮更高、更遠。從那天起長頸鹿們就不再需要菲菲妮,菲菲妮原先的角色被取代了!  看著朋友離她而去、轉而圍繞著猴子的景象,菲菲妮頓時失去了信心、非常沮喪。  菲菲妮離家出走的期間,利用自己的長脖子幫助了森林裡的其他動物,並與其他動物同心協力撲滅了森林大火。漸漸地,菲菲妮重新找回了自信。  自信與自傲,有著差別。自傲是擁有特長便自以為高人一等、並因此小看了其他人;自信是知道自己的價值、也知道別人的價值,不會因為他人的對待,而高估或貶抑了對自己的肯定。原先的同伴都仰賴著菲菲妮長脖子的特長,但她卻因此自視甚高。直到原先以為自己不可或缺的角色,被一隻站得更高的猴子取而代之,菲菲妮反而感到自卑。最後,菲菲妮發現自己的長脖子不單只是賣弄、炫耀,還能幫助他人,而且透過團隊中彼此特長各異的加乘效果,能成就單靠自己做不到、更了不起的事。名人推薦  ★讀者回響:「這是一個關於友誼的故事,插畫漂亮,敘事簡潔,非常適合睡前閱讀。我們很喜歡這本書!」  ★「絢麗多彩的插畫、生動活潑的筆調、幽默機智的故事,時時讓人會心一笑,在這本樂觀、充滿正能量的書裡,每個人都能從中獲得啟發。」(書評網站Chronique d’Asteline)  *適讀年齡:學齡前~中年級  *注音:有

  • The Day the Whale Came
    By Eve Bunting

    At the turn of the century, sideshows traveled by train across the country, displaying oddities of one sort or another. Captain Pinkney stopped in Johnstown, Illinois, with his own attraction:...

  • The First Christmas Stocking
    By Elizabeth Winthrop

    "Dream your dreams, my child, and knit them into the wool." A long time ago a girl named Claire learned to knit by her mother's side. As the mother...

  • Leonardo, the Terrible Monster
    By Mo Willems

    Leonardo is truly a terrible monster-terrible at being a monster that is. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to frighten anyone. Determined to succeed, Leonardo sets himself...

  • 森林大奇案
    By Oliver Jeffers, 佛傑法

    Zhei shi ge yi ge you xuan yi, Fan zui, Kang bian, Zhi fei ji, Sen lin he yi zhi xiang yao ying de bi sai de da xiong, Suo...

  • 中华精忠故事
    By 高雪


  • Lady Muck
    By William Mayne

    A pig named Boark finds a valuable cache of truffles! He and his wife revel in their good fortune and head to town to buy a grand coach for Sowk...

  • The Taker
    By J.M. Steele

    Carly Biels tanks on the SAT's, and when she gets a mysterious note from "The Taker," she can't resist the stranger's offer to take the test for her. Once she's...

  • The Bird
    By Nicholas Allan

    A hermit, happily alone on an island, rejects the friendship of an uninvited bird and banishes him, only to miss him, while the bird has flown away to find his...

  • 校园足球日记
    By 大乐

    李勿普一心想组队参加足球班级赛,却被体育部主任百般刁难,参加招生时被全校当笑柄。更糟糕的是他必须接受验证赛来证明实力,而对手竟然是去年的冠军队......故事取材于学生最熟悉的校园生活,巧妙地利用了许多学生热爱的足球运动作为主轴发展。本书以学生日记书写的方式,透过主人翁的观点精彩地描绘出了莘莘学子的成长故事。内容以诙谐有趣的内心陈述,成功传达了许多正确的人生价值观,并让读者能从中体会和领悟到胜利与失败的意义和真谛。本书适合 10 至14 岁小孩阅读。本书是艺术理事会发起“Beyond Words” 的出版丛书之一,由书籍理事会策划,意在培养华文、马来文和泰米尔文少儿文学作家的计划,计划中的作品随后将可以通过各种形式出现,如纸本书、电子书和跨平台(戏剧、电视、游戏),以吸引更广泛的读者群。

  • العاصفة والجرح: المستوى الثالث
    By مالا كومار

    في عمق أعماق المحيط الهندي، تروي لنا قصة بيشي، السمكة الضخمة من نوع شيطان البحر، التي واجهت عاصفة هائلة أخذت منها أصدقاءها وتركت جرحًا عميقًا في بطنها. ما الإجراءات التي...

  • Jornadas de Mateo
    By Alejandro Lorenzo

    The story of a simple and kindly man, Mateo, who goes through amazing transformations, watches transformations in others, and finds a deep and beautiful wisdom about life on earth. Reminiscent...

  • Arthur in a Pickle
    By Marc Tolon Brown

    Arthur must report to the principal's office first thing tomorrow morning for telling Mr. Ratburn his dog ate his homework. That night, Arthur dreams about the weird town of Pickletown...

  • 环游精灵国度的女孩
    By Catherynne M. Valente

    Traditional Chinese edition of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, Amazon Best Books of the Month, May 2011 and winner of Andre Norton Award....

  • 尼克的神奇生日禮物
    By Valeri Gorbachev

    Chinese edition of Nicky and the Fantastic Birthday Gift. Nicky drew pictures of a fantastic family cruise for mother's birthday. Mother loved it just as much as the pictures of...

  • Once a Mouse...
    By Marcia Brown

    Marcia Brown retells an Indian fable from the Hitopadesa in this Caldecott Medal–winning tale of a mouse who becomes a tiger.When a small mouse’s life is threatened by large jungle...

  • Abuelita Fina Y Sus Sombrillas Maravillosas
    By Benjamin Alire Sáenz

    Grandma Fina loves her yellow umbrella, but everybody else thinks it's old and raggedy.Benjamin Alire Sáenz and Geronimo Garcia team up to tell us the story of Grandma Fina and...

  • Blue Star Rapture
    By James W. Bennett

    When T.J. and his friend Tyron arrive at basketball camp, T.J. quickly realizes how easy it is for college coaches and street agents to exploit kids who are vulnerable and...