In a picture book inspired by Mary Antin's classic immigrant memoir The Promised Land, Rosemary Wells brings renewed freshness to the story of Masha, a young Russian girl. In the...
Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Award for New Talent in Illustrations, EMIERT/ALA Notable Books for a Global Society, International Reading Association (IRA) Amelia Bloomer Project - Feminist Task Force, American Library...
Depicts the life of the vigorous and unconventional woman from Savannah who founded the American branch of the Girl Scouts.
"This is the story of Martin and Coretta King- their courtship and marriage, their life together,their children.
Wangari Maathai, winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Green Belt Movement, grew up in the highlands of Kenya, where fig trees cloaked the hills, fish...
Evita: The Legend of Eva Perón, 1919-1952
A powerful picture book biography of one of the abolitionist movement's most compelling voices.Sojourner Truth traveled the country in the latter half of the 19th century, speaking out against slavery....
Philosopher, mathematician, teacher, and scholar, Hypatia was one of the leading minds of the fourth century. At the height of her career, she was assassinated, her works pulled from the...
★★美國2020年亞洲/太平洋地區文學圖畫書獎★★★★美國國家英語教師理事會Orbis Pictus童書獎★★世界最傑出的華裔女性實驗物理學家吳健雄首部傳記繪本最引人入勝的人物故事、最深入淺出的科學知識、最發人深省的議題觸動 她是東方的瑪麗.居禮也是破解原子核祕密並打破宇宙定律的物理天后一起來認識她的貢獻、理解她的挫折、師法她的堅定 曾經,科學家們相信,在自然界中,無論是眼睛看得見的物體,或是隱藏在原子內的微小世界,都具有左右對稱的特性,稱為「宇稱守恆」定律。 但是,有科學家卻不這麼認為。他們想盡辦法要證實宇宙萬物不見得都會左右對稱,最後是她設計了超嚴謹的實驗,才成功推翻這個人們相信已久的宇宙定律。 她,是數度與諾貝爾獎擦身而過的吳健雄。在男性主導的物理科學領域,她用非凡的研究實力,跨越了性別與身分的不平等對待,成為世界上最偉大的實驗物理學家之一。 此繪本精選吳健雄的兒時片段與生命歷程,並描述她的科學研究,讓讀者能學習到科普基礎知識;甚至扣連成長中的生涯選擇,呈現在不友善的大環境中,如何戰勝偏見的經歷。不論是誰,任何人都不應被既有的性別刻板印象框住想像而畫地自限,並在探索未知的歷程中,發現自己未來的更多可能。 ▍誰是「吳健雄」?‧完成β衰變的實驗,以及完成證明宇稱不守恆的革命性實驗‧第一位生前就有小行星以個人名字命名的科學家‧首位獲得沃爾夫物理學獎的科學家,也是至今唯一獲獎的女性和華裔科學家‧有「物理女王」的稱謂 ▍「那不可撼動的傳統,一直是進步的絆腳石。」——物理女王 吳健雄 吳健雄,物理學界的一代女巨人,以實驗設計精巧、仔細又準確聞名。當時物理學界流傳一句話:「如果這個實驗是吳健雄做的,那麼就一定是對的。」 在那個年代,即便身在美國做研究工作,但美國社會仍對女性、華裔帶有歧視的眼光,所以即使吳健雄在物理學界的聲望如此高,也與許多科學家合作過很多艱鉅且重要的研究和實驗,但她始終與諾貝爾獎擦身而過。雖然吳健雄曾表示:「我愛的是我的事業,而不是諾貝爾獎。」但在給1988年諾貝爾獎得主史坦伯格的祝賀信上,還是間接透露了她的真實想法:「儘管我從來不是為了得獎而去做研究工作,但是,當我的工作因為某些原因而被人忽視,依然深深的傷害了我。」 諾貝爾獎巨大的影響力,也在在影響了公眾對吳健雄的評判。許多人認為,她沒有獲獎是因為還沒達到一流的水準。實際上,吳健雄獲得的其他榮譽,比起其他當代的物理學家,更是超出許多! 她是首位獲得普林斯頓大學名譽博士學位的女性(過去授予的皆為男性),也是普林斯頓大學創校百年來第一位女榮譽博士,更是首位華裔美國國家科學院院士,被列入《美國科學名人錄》。1975年,美國總統福特在白宮授予她國家科學勳章,這是美國最高科學榮譽。 她,在那樣充斥歧視的時空下,依然用她一貫優雅的身影,以自己的行動與輝煌成果,奠定女性科學家的典範,並為現代實驗物理學立下極高的標竿。 ▍【女力科學家】系列簡介: 無畏性別迷思與不平等的對待用自己的實力,改變世界 ◎本書關鍵字:物理天后、物理女王、實驗物理、宇稱守恆、宇稱不守恆、宇宙定律、β衰變◎含注音,9-12歲適讀◎教育議題分類:性別平等、生涯發展◎學習領域分類:語文、自然 本書特色 1. 傳記故事X科學知識:不僅忠實呈現吳健雄的一生與各個面向,更是帶領讀者解讀吳健雄的科學研究。2. 輕巧文字X豐富延伸:故事採用深入淺出的口吻,並附重要物理名詞解釋,帶人秒懂物理基礎。3. 特色插畫X剪紙藝術:用中國傳統剪紙藝術風格來演繹圖畫表現,凸顯吳健雄的華裔身分。 得獎紀錄 美國2020年亞洲/太平洋地區文學圖畫書獎美國國家英語教師理事會Orbis Pictus童書獎書單星級推薦 感性推薦 財團法人吳健雄學術基金會葉綠舒|慈濟大學通識教育中心助理教授雷雅淇|泛科學總編輯劉淑雯|臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中心助理教授(按姓名筆畫排列) 好評讚揚 吳建雄的故事是非凡的,終於也讓大家知道她的故事了!──書單Booklist ...
Recounts how the author became the youngest girl to fly a single-engine plane across the United States, describing the support from her parents, the difficulties she encountered, and the fame...
Provides a biography of the woman who graduated from college with honors and traveled around the world on behalf of the physically handicapped even though she had been blind and...
A biography of the Negro concert artist who ultimately triumphed in her struggle for recognition.
She died mysteriously before she was forty. Yet in the last decade of her life Amelia Earhart soared from obscurity to fame as the best-known female aviator in the world....
Born in a two-room, tar-paper-covered house in the far north of Greenland, Marie Ahnighito Peary was destined to have an exciting childhood. Her parents, the famous explorer Robert E. Peary...
A biography focusing on the early years of Grandma Moses, who was known as much through her wit and charm as for her paintings of rural America, and who lived...
Originally written for an adult audience in 1969, this absorbing, moving, and important story of the growth of the Civil Rights Movement has been revised especially for young adults. Introduction...
Dorothea Lange chose to work as a photographer during a time when family was supposed to come first for a woman. Like so many women, she had a husband and...
A biography of Dorothea Lange, whose photographs of migrant workers and rural poverty helped bring important social reforms.