Books of Language Arts & Disciplines / Journalism

  • Who's who of Pulitzer Prize Winners
    By Elizabeth A. Brennan, Elizabeth C. Clarage

    ... Kassel Lewis and Sylvia ( Surut ) . Religion : Jewish . Education : Harvard University , MA : BA , With Honors . Spouse : Linda Rannells ( m . 1951 , div . 1982 ) ; Margaret H. Marshall ( m . 1984 ) .

  • American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1925-1970: 1925-1970
    By James W. Parins, Daniel F. Littlefield

    American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1925-1970: 1925-1970

  • 1971-1985. - 1986
    By James W. Parins, Daniel F. Littlefield

    1971-1985. - 1986

  • The Press and America: An Interpretive History of the Mass Media
    By Michael C. Emery, Edwin Emery

    Each had producers like Sam Goldwyn , Thomas Ince , Louis B. Mayer , Jesse Lasky , or William Fox . Each had its “ stars ” such as horseman William S. Hart , comedian Harold Lloyd , actress Lillian Gish or Gloria Swanson , and Rudolph ...

  • The Great Reporters
    By David Randall

    Its spelling and grammar were not perfect , but it was clear , original , to the point , and the editor of the Dispatch , George Madden , saw in it a raw talent . He wanted to commission an article from its author , a task that would ...

  • A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a Modern Narrative Form
    By John C. Hartsock

    At whatever level of consciousness , this was Hurston's method of getting a predominantly white society to try on a different and African American subjectivity , one that appeals to the deepest of mythic archetypes .

  • Writing Opinion, Editorials
    By William L. Rivers, Bryce McIntyre, Alison R. Work

    Biography Index ( New York : Wilson , 1946– . Quarterly ) . The Biography Index encompasses biographical material in current books and in an overwhelming 2,600 periodicals . Con orary Authors ( Detroit , Michigan : Gale Research Co.

  • Hard News: Women in Broadcast Journalism
    By David H. Hosley, Gayle K. Yamada

    After Chase left CBS in 1977, Sharron Lovejoy anchored the broadcast and then Betsy Aaron. Chase, Marya McLaughlin, Connie Chung, and Stephanie Shelton voiced a weekday version of "The American Woman" on the CBS Radio Network starting ...

  • Bush's War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age
    By Jim A. Kuypers

    And how did the public hear what he said, especially as it was filtered through the news media? The eloquent and thoughtful Bush's War shows how public perception of what the president says is shaped by media bias.

  • Tilt?: The Search for Media Bias
    By David Niven

    Limbaugh ridiculed Jennings ' behavior as just another example of " foolish , whining , babyish , unrealistic selfishness on the part of liberals . " Were Limbaugh's criticisms warranted ? No. In fact , the misrepresentation of Jennings ...

  • Nosotros, Colombia...: Comunicación, paz y (pos)conflicto
    By Juan David Cardenas, Juan Carlos Gómez, Sergio Roncallo Dow

    ... en las prácticas periodísticas y en el proceso de elaboración de las noticias (Anderson, 2013; Belair-Gagnon, 2015; Boczkowski, 2004a, 2004b; Cottle, 2000; Domingo & Paterson, 2011; Howard, 2002; Schmitz Weiss & Domingo, 2010; Ryfe, ...

  • Taking Liberties: Early American Women's Magazines and Their Readers
    By Amy Aronson

    In " Nineteenth - Century Suffrage Periodicals , " an article in William Solomon and Robert Chesney , eds . , Ruthless Criticism : New Perspectives in U.S. Communication History ( Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , 1993 ) ...

  • A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a Modern Narrative Form
    By John C. Hartsock

    ... An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism, 1 98o-1 988." Style2% ( 1 989) : 566-6 1 7. . "Stylistics and the Study of Twentieth-Century Literary Nonfiction." Literary Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy. Ed. Chris Anderson.

  • 对空言说
    By 约翰·彼得斯

    (Hannah Arendt)、丹尼尔·贝尔(Daniel Bell)、沃伦·布里德(Warren Breed)、肯尼斯·伯克(Kenneth Burke)、厄文·戈夫曼(Erving Goffman)、C·怀特·米尔斯(C. Wright Mills)、大卫·里斯曼(David Reisman)以及哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas)。(2)控制论传统, ...

  • 華麗なる「バレエ・リュス」と舞台芸術の世界: ロシア・バレエとモダン・アート
    By 海野弘

    20世紀初頭、ヨーロッパをセンセーションの渦に巻きこんだ「バレエ・リュス」。美術とダンス、音楽、文学、ファッションなどが結ばれてできた“総合芸術”が、モダン・アー ...

  • 《豫报》、《河南》与中国现代文化
    By 秦方奇主编, 秦方奇, 袁桂娥

    [47]关于河南官场的贪腐问题,署名仇顽的文章《宝丰汪令攫钱之大奇术》,揭露宝丰汪令“修庙则得攫钱”“演戏则得攫钱” “捐官则得攫钱”,还有“攫钱于土匪者”“攫钱于罪犯者” [48]。署名酸辛的文章《对于邓狱之感喟》也写道:“二十世纪两大毒物:一野蛮专制政府, ...

  • Life on the Death Beat: A Handbook for Obituary Writers
    By Stephen Miller, Jim Sheeler, Alana Baranick

    “Decades later, when the protagonist of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' sang 'Whatever Happened to Fay Wray?' viewers knew her solely as King Kong's screaming woman. What had happened to Fay Wray was that she had retired from acting, ...

  • 妖艶粋美: 甦る天才絵師・鰭崎英朋の世界
    By 松本品子, 鰭崎英朋


  • 第四版草稿:普立茲獎得主的非虛構寫作獨門技藝,從蒐集題材、彰顯主題、布局架構、採訪技巧、自我懷疑到增刪裁減,定稿前的8大寫作鍛鍊
    By 約翰·麥克菲

    到後來,他的見識漸廣,就忍不住開始崇拜漢.凡.米格倫(Han van Meegeren),因為他偽造了楊.維梅爾註9早期的所有作品;基於同樣的理由,他也推崇艾爾佛烈多.費歐拉凡第(Alfredo Fioravanti),因為他偽造的伊特拉斯坎戰士騙倒了全世界,甚至還在大都會博物館的 ...

  • Feeding the Beast: The White House Versus the Press
    By Kenneth T. Walsh

    Recounts how the White House dealt with the press during the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations, and argues that journalists should be more objective and less critical, and the government less manipulative and more open Walsh ...