Books of Law / Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation

  • Legal Counseling, Negotiating, and Mediating: A Practical Approach
    By G. Nicholas Herman, Jean M. Cary

    Dr. Paula Mosley, Dr. Wendell York, and Dr. Carrie Jones all now confirm that her tinnitus is permanent. Each of them is of the opinion that the cause of Ms. Mann's condition stems solely from the MRI she received at the Center when she ...

  • 谈向成功: 必要策略与技巧
    By George J. Siedel


  • Federal Arbitration Law: Agreements, Awards, and Remedies Under the Federal Arbitration Act
    By Ian R. Macneil

    Federal Arbitration Law: Agreements, Awards, and Remedies Under the Federal Arbitration Act

  • 中國太醫養生與現代醫學研究:三分治七分養醫學循證: 以明朝太醫劉純養生之道為本,科研實證、臨床測試為基礎, 專治都市人常見疾病!
    By 超媒體出版社, 何博納博士, Systech-publications

    是明朝当时名医李杲的是这方面最有名的方子,刘纯就在他的这个处方的基础上实验研究出他的,其主要成份:熊胆、厚朴、泽泻、草果、乌梅及其保密成份。经过几百年的研究实验,刘家发现这处方还能治现代的夏季热、肝炎、肝硬化、艾滋病、 ...

  • Mediation: Skills and Techniques
    By Anthony P. Picchioni, Laurence Boulle, Michael T. Colatrella

    Id. at 79—80. As a consequence of decreased communication, there is a decrease in the commitment to the relationship and the parties begin to view each other negatively and drift apart. 63 ROBERT MCKEE, STORY 181 (1997). 64 Id. at 189.

  • Environmental Conflict Resolution
    By Christopher Napier

    Environmental Conflict Resolution

  • Mediation: Toward a Civilized System of Dispute Resolution
    By John W. Keltner

    Because the intervention of a neutral third party is currently gaining favor as an alternative form of dispute resolution, this book explores the process of mediation in the context of...

  • Mediating Legal Disputes: Effective Strategies for Lawyers and Mediators
    By Dwight Golann

    For an in-depth discussion of all the issues that a mediator or advocate needs to become an expert on the process, turn to Dwight Golanns award-winning MEDIATING LEGAL DISPUTES. Recognized...

  • Mediation Practice Guide: A Handbook for Resolving Business Disputes
    By Bennett G. Picker

    Widely acclaimed as an outstanding practical guide to mediation. This second edition is a revised and expanded version which provides an invaluable and straightforward understanding of key suitability, preparation and...

  • Arbitration in a Nutshell
    By Thomas E. Carbonneau

    The Nutshell on Arbitration Law is a concentrated summary of all the major aspects of the U.S. law of arbitration. It addresses the major facets of the law---for example, freedom...

  • Cases and Materials on Arbitration Law and Practice
    By Thomas E. Carbonneau

    Recognized as the leading text on arbitration, Carbonneau's Cases and Materials reflects years of teaching arbitration at U.S. law schools and international law faculties, like McGill and Queen Mary College,...

  • A Liber Amicorum : Thomas Wälde: Law Beyond Conventional Thought
    By Thomas W. Waelde

    A Liber Amicorum : Thomas Wälde: Law Beyond Conventional Thought

  • 談判心理學:人人都能成為談判高手
    By 盛安之

    本書特色  談判桌是利益角逐的戰場,也是心理博弈的空間。談判,是一項必須一磨再磨的藝術;是一種挑戰性的工作,同時具有一定的趣味性和刺激性。作為談判者,固然要仰仗自身的實力,但也要具備談判技巧和策略,尤其是心理博弈的策略。我們每個人都是談判的參與者,生活中處處都是談判桌,那麼學習談判中的心理博弈策略和技巧就不僅僅是專業談判人士的事情了,成為一名生活中的談判專家,可以讓我們的生活更加順利、高效,提高自我滿意度。本書一改傳統談判教科書的風格,借助99個致勝秘訣的分析,全面介紹了談判中的心理技巧,讀完這本書,相信談判桌上的心理專家、現實中的談判高手就是你!編輯推薦  全世界賺錢最快的辦法就是談判。從談判桌開始,談著贏得成功。談判無時不有,無處不在。大到國家會談,小到個人切磋協商,談判已經滲透到現代社會政治、經濟、軍事、文化、外交等各個領域之中,成為人與人之間,組織與組織之間,國家與國家之間相互交流溝通,達成共識不可或缺的工具。若想在談判過程中旗開得勝並非易事,豐富的經驗,鮮活的技巧當然必不可少。

  • Economics of Commercial Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
    By Orley Ashenfelter, Radha Iyengar

    This volume presents the most important published articles on arbitration, which is now an established dispute resolution method for the international business community.Complemented by the editors' authoritative introduction, this collection...

  • The Elements of Contract Drafting: With Questions and Clauses for Consideration
    By George W. Kuney

    This law school casebook provides an overview of the issues and processes involved in drafting contracts and other transactional documents. It is designed to enable students to analyze the basic...

  • Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation, and Other Processes
    By Stephen B. Goldberg, Nancy H. Rogers, Frank E. A. Sander

    This best-selling casebook has already helped thousands of students master the fundamentals of dispute resolution. With its broad, comprehensive coverage & direct, accessible approach, DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Negotiation, Mediation, & Other...

  • The Practice of Mediation: A Video-integrated Text
    By James H. Stark, Douglas Frenkel

    This exceptional, all-original book is the first to fully integrate text and video. it combines sophisticated textual analysis of the mediation process with a six-hour DVD illustrating the stages of...

  • International Litigation and Arbitration
    By Andreas F. Lowenfeld

    Preface Acknowledgments Table of Cases Chapter Public Law and the Conflict of Laws The Public Law Taboo The Revenue Rule Reconsidered Jurisdiction to Prescribe A First Look at Extraterritoriality The...

  • UNCITRAL Secretariat Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
    By United Nations Publications

    The Guide on the New York Convention provides an insight on the application of the Convention by State courts.

  • International Energy Investment Law: The Pursuit of Stability
    By Peter D. Cameron

    At a time of unprecedented growth in arbitrations between investors and States over energy resources, International Energy Investment Law: The Pursuit of Stability examines and assesses the variety of contract-...