Books of Law / Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation

  • Expert Determination
    By John Kendall, Clive Freedman

    Launched in 1978, the European Intellectual Property Review is an international journal in the intellectual property field, offering comprehensive coverage and analysis of new developments and crucial litigation

  • Leveling the Playing Field: How the Law Can Make Sports Better for Fans
    By Paul C. WEILER

    The world of sports seems entwined with lawsuits. This is so, Paul Weiler explains, because of two characteristics intrinsic to all competitive sports. First, sporting contests lose their drama if...

  • Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards Against Russian Entities
    By Kaj Hobér

    Arbitration of disputes involving Russian entities has increased significantly since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Kaj Hober, with his expertise in Russian & Swedish arbitration & legal systems, guides...

  • The Law of Alternative Dispute Resolution
    By Margaret C. Jasper

    The Law of Dispute Resolution focuses on the process of litigation and explores the alternative approaches to dispute resolution and the circumstances under which they are applied. It also discusses...

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell
    By Jacqueline M. Nolan-Haley

    The Second Edition of Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell brings readers recent information on developments in the field of ADR. In recent years, ADR has undergone extraordinary growth with...

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Advocate's Perspective
    By Charles B. Craver, Edward J. Brunet

    Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Advocate's Perspective

  • A Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Legislative History and Commentary
    By Howard M. Holtzmann, Joseph E. Neuhaus

    Article 1 - original version [Scope of application] --Article 1 - as amended [Scope of application] --Article 2 [Definitions and rules of interpretation] --Article 2A - as added [International origin...

  • Legal Negotiation in a Nutshell
    By Larry L. Teply

    Representing Clients in Legal Negotiations; Obligation of Competent Representation. Basic Types of Legal Negotiation; Basic Elements of Case Value; Case Evaluation Methods; Goals; Interests; Target Points; Minimum Dispositions; Best Alternative...

  • Mandatory Binding Arbitration: Is it Fair and Voluntary? : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law

    Mandatory Binding Arbitration: Is it Fair and Voluntary? : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the...

  • Appeals Mechanism in International Investment Disputes
    By Karl P Sauvant, Michael Chiswick-Patterson

    This volume brings together significant contributions from leading voices in academia, the legal profession and government on the increasingly important topic of international investment and the legal system in which...

  • 解決衝突與調解技巧,第二版
    By 江仲有


  • 婚姻法與家事調解,第二版
    By 江仲有


  • Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe: Making Restorative Justice Work
    By European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice

    Realising that they knew nothing about victims of crime , a pilot project was established in South Bristol to ask victims how they had been affected . This led to the setting up of the first Victim Support Scheme in Bristol in 1974.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    By Stephen J. Ware

    This softcover Hornbook provides a clear and reliable statement of the law and concepts central to ADR (arbitration, negotiation, mediation and other processes). Its thorough coverage of arbitration law renders...

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: Strategies for Law and Business
    By E. Wendy Trachte-Huber

    Alternative Dispute Resolution: Strategies for Law and Business

  • Towards a European Model of Industrial Relations?: Building on the First Report of the European Commission
    By Marco Biagi

    For two decades now, a social dialogue has been in progress concerning industrial relations on a European level. The publication of the first Report of the European Commission on Industrial...

  • 攻心談判聖經:拿心理學當武器,看穿對方底線,懂得硬軟兼施,輕鬆說服任何人
    By 朱建國

      誘導、震懾、擊倒!  蘋果電腦創辦人賈伯斯都在用  百條實例分析,立即上手!  看懂《延禧攻略》宮鬥套路的最佳讀本  以下場景,如果你覺得熟悉或很想知道解答,那麼你得注意了——  ►► 加薪要求,如何讓老闆愉快同意?  ►► 處理車禍紛爭,怎麼談才利己?  ►► 樓上漏水卻拒修,惡鄰居如何應對?  ►► 遇見死纏爛打推銷員,脫身關鍵是什麼?  ►► 客戶看似認可提案,回公司後就沒下文?  有人的地方就有江湖。在人際互動如此頻繁的現今,「與人打交道」是無法避免的事情。無論是感情糾紛、勞資爭議、貿易競爭與外交衝突等,「談判行為」無時無刻都在我們周遭進行,稍不注意,「結果」就會嚴重影響你我的生活。  ★談判失敗原因千奇百怪,不懂人性弱點是關鍵  《三國志.蜀書》曾云:「用兵之道,攻心為上,攻城為下;心戰為上,兵戰為下。」諸葛亮南征時,正是因為接受了馬謖的建言,以七擒七縱南蠻王孟獲的「攻心」戰術,最終使兩方交好。  談判是一場心理戰,懂得「攻心」,才能有效影響對方、控制對方,最終達到自己的目的。  本書作者朱建國是職場心理專家,長期從事人力資源管理工作的背景,讓他深諳「攻心」之道。在《攻心談判聖經》中,他將從「情緒行為」及「溝通技巧」兩大面向著手,教你如何洞察對方心理,並制訂相應策略,讓對方口服、心更服。  ★看穿情緒語言、洞悉性格習慣,「攻心」的致勝祕訣  為了在「心理攻防」的對決上贏得先機,我們必須懂得「察言觀色」,從動作、表情、語言及性格中,找到有利於談判結果的蛛絲馬跡。  科學家已經實證:無論如何壓抑、偽裝,不自覺的「微反應」都會讓情緒露出馬腳。只要學會解讀,就能加以操控。例如——  (1)面部表情只是寫在臉上的心情,不代表內心情緒毫無掩飾  ►►表情豐富的人往往有點自我中心,他們及時將感情透過表情流露,是想以這種方式來讓別人順著自己的心意走。遇到這樣的人,如果發現他的表情起變化,不妨先暫時認同,以免讓談判發生不必要衝突。  (2)言語上的滿意只是幌子,不停抖動的雙腳才是真正心意  ►►交談時,聆聽者一副滿意的樣子,但雙腳卻不停抖動,代表他對你的話題根本並不感興趣。想瞭解談判對手的內心,不能只聽對方的話語,還要觀察對方無意識的小動作。  (3)「隨便吧」、「你看著辦吧」,其實不是真的讓你放手去做  ►►會這樣說的人往往有強烈的控制欲望,很可能他們對於你的建議有自己的想法,但又不方便直接表達,這時最好能夠引導他說出對他的真實想法,才能有利於進行協商。  ...

  • Systems of Control in International Adjudication and Arbitration: Breakdown and Repair
    By William Michael Reisman

    In a world where nations are increasingly interdependent and where their problems--whether environmental, economic, or military--have a global dimension, the resolution of international disputes has become critically important. In Systems...

  • Mediation: Principles, Process, Practice
    By Laurence Boulle

    This account of the principles, process and practice of mediation in Australia is aimed at students and practitioners involved in dispute resolution. Discusses the underlying theories and different models of...

  • Swiss Rules of International Arbitration: Commentary
    By Christoph Müller, Tobias Zuberbühler

    This book represents the very first comprehensive commentary on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration entered into force on January 1, 2004. It is a practical guide for arbitrators, party...