Books of Life change events

  • The Cockroach
    By Ian McEwan

    Kafka meets The Thick Of It in a bitingly funny new political satire from Ian McEwan That morning, Jim Sams, clever but by no means profound, woke from uneasy dreams to find himself transformed into a gigantic creature.

  • The Day My Life Changed
    By Carmel Reilly

    An inspiring collection of first-hand personal accounts of people whose lives have changed dramatically, sometimes suddenly, as a result of particular incidents or events. JACKET PRICE 14.99

  • Every Single Secret
    By Emily Carpenter

    "A true psychological thriller that will leave you breathless.

  • Thriving on Change: Turning Challenge Into Success
    By Peg Pickering

    60 - MINUTE TRAINING SERIESTM HANDBOOKS TITLE RETAIL PRICE QTY TOTAL 8 Steps for Highly Effective Negotiations # 424 Assertiveness # 4422 Balancing Career and Family # 4152 Common Ground # 4122 Delegate for Results # 4592 The Essentials ...

  • The One That I Want
    By Allison Winn Scotch

    And .»\tIIe just wanted to deal with it and be done with it. tnoye on like it wasn't a big deal." lle \\'tl\'t'.~ his fork in the air. as il' ittfortnittg me that his girlfrieutl has t'1llIt't'l' would have been a nttisanee. ".

  • Hungry for Love
    By Yvonne J. Douglas

    Douglas chronicles a life ruled by constant fear and explains how she began to uncover her issues one by one in a journey of self-discovery that challenged the very essence of who she believed she was.

  • The Encyclopedia of Stress and Stress-Related Diseases, Second Edition
    By Ada P. Kahn

    The Complete Doctor's Healthy Back Bible: A Practical Manual for Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Back Pain. Toronto: R. Rose, 2004. Sauers, Joan, with Peter Edwards. Quick Fixes for Everyday Back Pain: Tips, Tricks, ...

  • No Turning Back: Stories
    By Dan Burns

    Chicago artist, Kelly Maryanski, complements each story with an original ink illustration provided exclusively for this collection.

  • Survivor
    By Lesley Pearse

    London, 1939.

  • Odzyskany los
    By Marzena Rogalska

    "Któż mógłby przypuszczać, że gdy tylko ucichnie wojenna zawierucha, Karla porzuci bezpieczny Londyn dla niepewnej przyszłości w stalinowskiej Polsce?

  • Journeys of Discovery: Transitions, Rites of Passage, and the Sacramental Life of Faith
    By Robert J. Hater

    Journeys Discovery Pastoral / Catechesis Transitions , Rites of Passage , and the Sacramental Life of Faith ROBERT J. HATER , PhD ' ll Christians celebrate joyous times like baptism , First Eucharist , and confirmation .

  • An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis
    By Len D. McMillan

    An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis

  • Emily, Alone
    By Stewart O'Nan

    Newly independent widow Emily Maxwell dreams of visits by grandchildren and mourns changes in her quiet Pittsburgh neighborhood before realizing an inner strength to pursue developing opportunities.

  • Beyond Fear
    By Jaye Ford

    An adrenaline-pumping suspense thriller from an extraordinary new talent. Imagine if your worst fears came true ... again. At seventeen, Jodie Cramer survived a terrifying assault at the hands of...

  • Radical Lives: Dramatic True-life Stories

    Radical Lives: Dramatic True-life Stories

  • Post-traumatic Stress Theory: Research and Application
    By John H. Harvey, Brian G. Pauwels

    ... home . Old age took its toll 8 years ago , when her husband became ill and she could no longer continue her daily ... hassle free , and especially the medical care and security she felt at the nursing home . All of these were perceived ...

  • When Love Abounds: A Novel of Faith, Hope, and Love
    By Linda Robinson

    As she sifts through the events that have shaped her life and the woman she has become, Lou Ellen looks for the key to her contentment, finding that When Love Abounds, there's always hope for the future.

  • Life of Pie: The Key to Rebalancing Your Life!
    By Ted Martin

    Your life has become reactive as you make it through each day in a barely controlled state of chaos. Everything seems rushed because it is! This book provides you with the structure to get control and achieve the life balance you desire.

  • The Good Life
    By Jay McInerney

    Gensyn med nogle af personerne fra romanen "Brightness Falls" (1992), som nu 10 år efter oplever 9/11 på nærmeste hold, en begivenhed som ændrer deres liv for altid og får dem til at reflektere over tilværelsens virkelige værdier

  • The Ice Queen
    By Alice Hoffman

    As in a fairy tale (and the echo in the title is not accidental), the story starts with a little girl who makes a wish one snowy night and ruins her life. Her mother is killed on an icy road. Be careful what you wish for.