Books of Literature

  • 诺贝尔文学奖名著全编: 上部·1901-1934
    By 吴丹

    本书记录了1901年到1934年间的32部获得诺贝尔文学奖的作者及作品.作者悉心研读每部作品后,采用经典原文结合解析,鉴赏的手法将原著内容在短篇幅内完美呈现 ...

  • The Dragon Hunt: Red Level 1
    By Steck-Vaughn Company

    Red Level 1 Steck-Vaughn Company. STECK - VAUGHA NEW WAY LEARNING WITH LITERATURE The Dragon Hunt and Other Stories Illustrated by Nina O'Connell CONTENTS Who Will Help ? The Dragon Hunt The Trick 2 7 12 N Steck - Vaughn Company A ...

  • 重构文学场: 当代文化情境中的传媒与文学
    By 谭旭东

    重构文学场: 当代文化情境中的传媒与文学

  • Pretext 10

    Pretext 10

  • 文化之和
    By 刘华

    Ben shu chang shi tong guo zhong xin li jie"chuan tong"lai li jie"xian dai",Wei rao"li xing""ge ti""jing shen""xin yang"zhei ji ge gai nian,Qu zhui su ta men zai qi yuan tou de chu xian ji yang tai,Xi wang tong guo zhei yang de zhui su qu ...

  • 人一生要读的100部文学名著
    By 锦章·周, 军·龙


  • Der Held als Filmsehender: Filmerleben in der Gegenwartsliteratur
    By Claudia Schmitt

    Zwei Figuren stehen für die jeweilige Position : Zum einen Mark Underwood , ein Literaturstudent und Jungschriftsteller , und zum anderen Clare Mallory , Tochter von Tom und Bett , eine ehemalige Novizin , die nach zwei Jahren aus dem ...

  • La poesía y la idea: fragmentos de una vieja querella
    By Victor Bravo, Vicente Cervera Salinas

    Así , en las ya olvidadas páginas que recogen las ponencias del 1 ° Congreso de Filosofía celebrado en Mendoza ( Argentina ) entre marzo y abril de 1949 , encontramos un curioso texto de Magdalena Linero donde leemos : “ El poema ...

  • 为什么不叫“第二十一条军规”?: 名著书名背后的故事
    By 盖瑞·戴斯特, 雯·张


  • Modernity is a Qualitative, Not a Chronological, Category: Notes on the Dialectics of Differential Historical Time
    By Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, Margaret Iversen

    Modernity is a Qualitative, Not a Chronological, Category: Notes on the Dialectics of Differential Historical Time

  • Volume 4. Manœuvring, Vivian
    By Maria Edgeworth

    From volume four of the Pickering & Chatto print edition of The Novels and Selected Works of Maria Edgeworth.

  • Responding to Literature: Grade 9
    By Julie West Johnson, David W. Foote, Margaret Grauff Forst

    Responding to Literature: Grade 9

  • 文学传统与文学翻译的互动
    By 张璘

    Ben shu shi yi qing mo min chu de xiao shuo wei zai ti, Yan jiu wen xue chuan tong yu wen xue fan yi zhi jian de hu dong guan xi, Ni jie jue yi xia ji ge fang mian de wen ti:di yi, Chuan tong ji wen xue chuan tong de ding yi he nei han;Di ...

  • 如何读, 为什么读
    By 黄灿然


  • 席德这个小人儿
    By 苏福忠

    本书选收了三十八篇文章, 随笔和感想, 是作者多年来阅读, 翻译和评论外国文学和文化作品的精华.

  • 文学/速成读本/Literature: 速成读本
    By 贝尔


  • 陀思妥耶夫斯基论艺术
    By 陀思妥耶夫斯基, 增义·冯, 振亚·徐


  • 同剖诗心/读译文丛
    By 郭宏安

    郭宏安(1943~ ),吉林长春人,中国社会科学院外国文学研究所研究员、博士生导师

  • 重建阅读空间
    By 郭宏安

    Ben shu zuo zhe shi jin nian lai fa guo wen xue yan jiu ling yu jiao you ying xiang de yan jiu zhe. shu zhong ji you dui gu dian zuo pin ji xian dai ming pian de jie shi, ye you dui fa guo xiao shuo, xi ju de yan jiu he dang dai wen xue pi ...

  • A Common Sky: Philosophy and the Literary Imagination
    By Anthony David Nuttall

    Hopkins , though he will never be the poet of individuation , will always be one of our greatest poets of the distinctive passion of reality . Likewise Scotus was for Hopkins not the logician of individuation but Of realty the rarest ...