誰說香港樂壇已死?香港有一班音樂人,一直在默默耕耘,在各自的崗位上努力;只要你睜開眼就會看到、張開耳就會聽到…… 作者以音樂人的身份,訪問十一位身邊的友好及合作伙伴,當中有談及各自的音樂成長路,亦有各人的音樂分享。如倫永亮談八十年代的改編歌曲;黃耀明談成立人山人海的經過;伍樂城談他的音樂學校…… 從各人的訪談中,可看到香港樂壇的變遷,以及各人在各自的崗位中取得成功的因由。
In Music, Postcolonialism, and Gender, Leith Davis studies the construction of Irish national identity from the early eighteenth until the mid-nineteenth centuries, focusing in particular on how texts concerning Irish...
The study of African music is a study at once of unity and diversity. The range of indigenous musical resources and practices found on this vast continent is as wide...
The book challenges the notion that Irish Traditional music expresses an essential Irish identity, arguing that it was an ideological construction of cultural nationalists in the nineteenth century, later commodified...
Revealing the fascinating body of hymnal work that flourished in Southern communities populated by the children of slaves between 1885 and 1925, this stirring collection of spiritual songs sheds light...
First published in 1953, Halsey Stevens's The Life and Music of Bela Bartok was hailed as a triumph of musicology and quickly established itself as the classic text. Stevens combined...
Portraits of five Black women and the kind of music they sang during a period of social change. Includes Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Mahalia Jackson, Billie Holiday, and Aretha Franklin.
-- Provides a strong visual introduction to the bands and personalities behind the Japanese music scene-- Includes the history of Japanese pop music and examines current trends in indic, acid...
Manuel de Falla and Spanish Music
The Music of Spain
Selected Poems and Songs
本书包括第一章 概述、第二章 中国民族音乐的发展、第三章 中国民族音乐的体裁形式、第四章 中国民族音乐的艺术形态及特征、第五章 中国民族音乐的体系及支脉、第六章 中国民族音乐与传统音乐美学的交流、第七章 中国民族音乐与传统礼仪的交流、第八章 中国民族音乐与传统艺术的交流等。
My Music, My Life
Surveys the history of black music in America, from early slave songs through jazz and the blues to soul, classical music, and current trends.
From Jim Crow to Eminem, white culture has been transformed by black music. To be so influenced by the boundless imagination of a race brought to America in chains sets...
This work provides an in-depth look at the role of black music within the Harlem Renaissance movement, suggesting its primacy to Renaissance philosophy and practice. Floyd holds that the music...