Books of Nature / Essays

  • Wild Borneo: The Wildlife and Scenery of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan

    A celebration of Borneo's natural wonders, from its rainforest-covered lowland areas to its mountain ranges, highland areas, and winding rivers, with over 200 stunning color photographs. The island of...

  • Seeing Nature: Deliberate Encounters with the Visible World
    By Paul Krafel

    Seeing Nature is a series of true stories or parables that offer tools for understanding relationships in the natural world. Many of the stories take the reader to wild landscapes,...

  • Let There Be Night: Testimony on Behalf of the Dark
    By Paul Bogard

    The development of the modern world has brought with it rampant light pollution, destroying the ancient mystery of night and exacting a terrible price--wasted energy, damage to human health, and...

  • The Sheep Book: A Handbook for the Modern Shepherd
    By Ronald B. Parker

    The Sheep Book carries the reader along through a year in a sheep's life during which sheep and shepherd form a symbiosis. A knowledgeable shepherd manages a flock in such...

  • Natural Histories: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library
    By American Museum of Natural History

    For the first time, Natural Histories allows readers a privileged glimpse of seldom-seen, fully illustrated scientific tomes from the American Museum of Natural History's Rare Book Collection. Forty essays from...

  • End of the Earth: Voyages to Antarctica
    By Peter Matthiessen

    End of the Earth brings to life the waters of the richest whale feeding grounds in the world, the wandering albatross with its 11-foot wingspan arching through the sky, and...

  • Arctic Refuge: A Circle of Testimony
    By Hank Lentfer, Carolyn Servid

    Originally presented to Congress on March 28, 2001, this book brings together the latest word from key conservation leaders as well as firsthand accounts by Alaska residents on how they...

  • The Natures of John and William Bartram
    By Thomas P. Slaughter

    John Bartram was the greatest collecting botanist of his day, and personally introduced fully one quarter of all the plants that reached Europe from the New World during the colonial...

  • The Yosemite
    By John Muir

    In the classic nature work, The Yosemite, the great American naturalist, John Muir, describes the Yosemite valley's geography and the myriad types of trees, flowers, birds, and other animals that...

  • Nature's Altars: Mountains, Gender, and American Environmentalism
    By Susan R. Schrepfer

    From the ancient Appalachians to the high Sierra, mountains have always symbolized wilderness for Americans. Susan Schrepfer unfolds the history of our fascination with high peaks and rugged terrain to...

  • Making Time: Essays on the Nature of Los Angeles
    By William L. Fox

    A master of combining science, history, and his own experiences into a riveting read, William L. Fox will make you look at L.A.--and any urban landscape --in an entirely new...

  • Next of Kin: What Chimpanzees Have Taught Me about who We are
    By Roger Fouts, Stephen Tukel Mills

    "Roger Fouts fulfilled humankind's age-old dream of talking to animals by pioneering communication with chimpanzees through sign language. His decades of groundbreaking work with these amazing animals - who share...

  • Adios, Amigos: Tales of Sustenance and Purification in the American West
    By Page Stegner

    Page Stegner's extensive writings on American history have made him a popular and critical favorite. Adios Amigos maintains his high standard. These essays expertly interweave natural history, conservation polemic, ecology,...

  • Brave New West: Morphing Moab at the Speed of Greed
    By Jim Stiles

    When Jim Stiles moved west from Kentucky in the 1970s to make Moab, Utah, his home, that corner of the rural West had already endured decades of obscurity, a uranium...

  • The Mountain Spirit
    By Michael Tobias, Harold Drasdo

    Photographs and essays by leading authorities in the field provide diverse perspectives on the aesthetics of mountains and mountain climbing

  • 讀書讀書
    By 老舍, 周作人, 林語堂

    《讀書讀書》選錄了24位現當代文學名家共48篇文章,從文學家的角度講述如何讀書,應讀什麼書,還有介紹不同的讀書方法,不論是為了求知而正襟危坐,還是意在消遣而隨便翻翻,皆可體會到讀書的樂趣和魅力。 書中記述了現代讀書人的「讀書」、「買書」、「藏書」的各種情態,以及不同地方書肆的經營情況,呈現了豐富有趣的讀書風尚。   編者簡介 陳平原 北京大學中文系教授(2008至2012年任中文系系主任)、教育部「長江學者」特聘教授、中央文史研究館館員,國務院學位委員會學科評議組成員,中國俗文學學會會長。研究範疇包括20世紀中國文學、中國小說與散文、現代中國教育及學術、圖像與文字等。 著有多本專著,包括《中國小說敍事模式的轉變》、《中國散文小說史》、《當代中國人文觀察》、《千古文人俠客夢》等。

  • 湖濱散記: 新潮文庫407
    By 亨利.大衛.梭羅


  • Voices of the Land
    By Jamie Crelly Purinton

    A visual and written tribute, Voices of the Land brings together a diverse community who speaks out for greater stewardship of our landscape. The authors, whether ecologist, farmer, chef, mushroom...

  • The Africa Diaries: An Illustrated Memoir of Life in the Bush
    By Dereck Joubert

    Academy Award-winning filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert have lived in the wilds of Africa for 20 years, fiercely dedicated to understanding and protecting the majestic animals surrounding them. They live...

  • On the Spine of Time: A Flyfisher's Journey Among Mountain People, Trout & Streams
    By Harry Middleton

    This powerful story of one angler's adventures in the Great Smoky Mountains is a descent into wildness, a meditation on the landscape bathed in greenness and truth, and the discovery...