Books of Nature / Essays

  • Reading Under the Sign of Nature: New Essays in Ecocriticism
    By John Tallmadge, Henry Harrington

    In 1996 the ecocriticism reader appeared, a seminal work defining a then relatively new approach to literary criticism through the lens of environmental and nature studies. Reading Under the Sign...

  • Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species
    By Charles C. Mann, Mark L. Plummer

    In the Sans Bois Mountains of Oklahoma, a lustrous orange and mahogany beetle drags a tiny carcass across a patch of ground shaken by bulldozers clearing the way for a...

  • The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture
    By Lawrence Buell

    With the environmental crisis comes a crisis of the imagination, a need to find new ways to understand nature and humanity's relation to it. This is the challenge Lawrence Buell...

  • Of Discovery & Destiny: An Anthology of American Writers and the American Land
    By Robert C. Baron, Elizabeth Darby Junkin

    An anthology of poetry, short stores, and excerpts from longer works about the American experience of the land and nature by a variety of American authors past and present.

  • The Nature of Kansas Lands
    By Beverley Worster

    Heading west on I-70 through Kansas, travelers can experience surprising changes as eastern deciduous forests give way first to tallgrass, then shortgrass prairie interspersed with canyonlands. But beyond the highway...

  • Swimming with Giants: My Encounters with Whales, Dolphins, and Seals
    By Anne Collet

    In Swimming with Giants, Anne Collet describes the power and majesty of being close to some of nature's most magnificent creatures. Combining science with a sense of adventure, she conveys...

  • 早安,自然選修課
    By 劉克襄

    一聲鳴叫,一片落葉,總是比咫尺旁人的形色更能觸動劉克襄的五感雷達。 他一直在自然的路上耕耘、學習。 一九九二年書寫〈最後的黑面舞者〉,引發大眾對稀有鳥類黑面琵鷺的認識與關心。現今再寫黑面琵鷺,不見激越的詰問,爬梳重點落在保育有成的欣慰、經營管理的難題。此般轉變正是這本書的寫照。 他消化了生硬的科學知識,加諸細膩的觀察體驗,透過溫情流暢的文字,記錄探討台灣的二十多種動物,包括倍受矚目的石虎、白鶴、黑面琵鷺等,以及尋常的麻雀、蝸牛…… 自然是劉克襄永遠樂在其中的選修課。 全書內容清新雋永,感性又理性。除了個別的動物生態,也探索了六大主題:稀有種的保育考驗、拓展到都市棲息的鳥類、共生共榮的難題、動物行為的觀察、人類造成的動物危機、鄉野變遷下的動物命運。 每篇文末更貼心小寫動物的基本資料和焦點議題,同時留神提點近年新興的相關公民科學網站。即便是門外漢,也可以為自然生態貢獻知識力量。 作者簡介 劉克襄  生態系自然人。日行性,習於晨間慢跑。棲息於台北或台中,喜出沒於山徑、鄉鎮、菜市場。勇於嚐百草,知覺敏銳。擅長在城市感受自然端倪,在日常發掘溫情興致。寫作不輟,熱衷繪圖。現職中央通訊社董事長,窗口鳥友為麻雀、斑鳩和八哥。 追蹤網頁

  • American Forests: Nature, Culture, and Politics
    By Char Miller

    Endangered ecosystem or renewable resource? How we feel about forests has to do with more than trees. This interdisciplinary collection of essays examines the history of forestry in the...

  • Nature and Human Nature
    By Thomas Chandler Haliburton

    I shall never forget when I was up to Michelimackinic. A thunderin' long word, ain't it? We call it Mackinic now for shortness. But perhaps you wouldn't understand it spelt...

  • The Cruise of the Corwin: Journal of the Arctic Expedition of 1881 in Search of De Long and the Jeannette
    By John Muir

    In the spring of 1881, the steamship Thomas Corwin began a daring voyage of 15,000 nautical miles into treacherous Arctic seas to search for captain G. W. De Long and...

  • Beyond the Scene: Landscape and Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand
    By Jacinta Ruru, Janet Stephenson, Mick Abbott

    If a nation could be said to have a dominant passion, New Zealand's would be its landscapes. Images of spectacular natural features pervade the media - in the pages of...

  • The Beach: The History of Paradise on Earth
    By Gideon Bosker, Lena Lenček

    "In their illuminating account, Lena Lencek and Gideon Bosker chart the evolution of the seaside from a wasteland at the margins of civilization - when "exotic" meant remote and terrifying...

  • Islands, the Universe, Home
    By Gretel Ehrlich

    Gretel Ehrlich’s world is one of isolation and wonder, of pain and grace, and these elements ignite her vivid imagination. She writes of ravens and elk and prairie dogs, and...

  • The Desert Reader: Descriptions of America's Arid Regions
    By Peter Wild

    Includes selections by Horace Greeley, William Gilpin, Mary Austin, D. H. Lawrence, Aldo Leopold, Wallace Stegner, Edward Abbey, and Ann Zwinger

  • If Mountains Die: A New Mexico Memoir
    By John Treadwell Nichols

    This eloquent, moving, and often funny book is his account of exactly how his life has been transformed by daily, intimate contact with this extraordinary landscape--at once hostile and nurturing--and...

  • Walking Down the Wild: A Journey Through the Yellowstone Rockies
    By Gary Ferguson

    Of the 48 contiguous states, much of what remains of wild America can be found in the rugged folds of the northern Rocky Mountains. Naturalist Gary Ferguson set out on...

  • California Marine Life: A Guide to Common Marine Species
    By Marty Snyderman

    California Marine Life is an invaluable guide to common marine species and various habitats found along the California coast. It is fully illustrated with brillliant color photographs of the fantastic...

  • What Species of Creatures: Animal Relations from the New World
    By Sharon Kirsch

    Literary Nonfiction. North American History. Science. Three centuries ago, white Europeans began to colonize the North American continent. In doing so, they encountered flying squirrels, ruby-throated hummingbirds, and the easily...

  • Field Notes
    By Richard Quinney

    Taking his cue from Emerson and the eighteenth-century naturalist Gilbert White, Richard Quinney examines the beauty of the world and ponders our place in it in Field Notes. As much...

  • Eagles Over the River
    By Jean Clausen

    Through Jean Clausen's columns in the Sauk Prairie Star, Eagles Over the River tracks the dramatic recovery of the bald eagle in Wisconsin from 1975-1997.