The next mistake was the casting , but how disastrous it was I didn't realize for a while . I had wanted everyone from Paul Newman to Albert Finney , but none of them was interested and available . Finally I came round to lan Bannen ...
Following the careers and approaches of 14 female theatre directors, this book describes how they strove for success in what was once a male preserve. They discuss their working methods...
Julie Taymor is the avant-garde theater magician who turned Disney's The Lion King into a Broadway smash -- and became the first woman to win a Tony Award for best...
Making Scenes: A Personal History of the Turbulent Years at Yale, 1966-1979
Theater, as distinct from other dramatic media, is essentially a relationship between performer, spectator, and the space in which both come together. Space in Performance examines the way theater buildings...
"Everything of any value is theatrical," proclaimed the Italian Futurists in a 1915 manifesto. Their experiments in performance, and the ideas that influenced their music, film, and visual arts laid...
"This volume should be read by those interested in both theatre and interpretive strategies, semiological and otherwise." -- "Modern Language Notes"In "Languages of the Stage," Patrice Pavis explores the questions...
The work of an acclaimed critic and director, this book breaks new ground by describing how the rehearsal process highlights the principal theatrical issues of Shakespeare's late plays: Pericles, Cymbeline,...
Shadow of the Stone Heart: A Search for Manhood
In this volume Peter Brook is in dialogue with college students and faculty. Theatre professor Dale Moffitt has edited and arranged by subject twelve hours of spontaneous question and answer...
"Hal Prince's career in the American theatre ... [as of 1974] has encompassed every aspect of producing and directing. Having served his apprenticeship with George Abbott, he co-produced in 1954...
電影業、廣告業從來都是令人憧憬的行業,Peter哥在業界打滾三十年,又曾在中、港知名大學任教,由他來告訴你「甚麼是導演是甚麼」就最適合不過。 Peter哥將他半生的實戰經驗和體會和大家分享:與大陸客戶打交道就像拍電影,要一手交錢一手交片;大明星梁家輝鏡頭背後的細心與關懷;去韓國人間仙境拍攝,但卻餐餐「受虐」無肉落肚;與奧斯卡得獎美指葉錦添一起捱窮鬥苦的日子⋯⋯ 一段段經歷與心得有血有淚,有憤怒有激情,有循循善誘,告訴你「甚麼是導演是甚麼」!
Masteryear Publishing is proud to present this unique guide to a musical skill long considered mysterious and practically un-teachable. Step by step, author Michael Pollock explains the thinking process behind...
This book is written for all companies, student and professional, who are interested in non-text-based theatre and shines a practical light on the passionate business of the devising process. It...
This comprehensive work is truly the first textbook in the field of dramaturgy. Most of the material-much of it by leaders in all areas of the theater-was commissioned for this...
The Business of the Theatre: An Economic History of the American Theatre, 1750-1932
Shakespeare's text is packed with clues that help the reader to hear and the performer to act any speech. He also tells the actor when to go fast and when...
本書輯錄歌仔戲重要資料、名家講戲範例、表演工作者筆記與傳記等, 不僅為「做活戲」研究的重要文獻,也是藝術家壓箱寶的首次公開。 歌仔戲圈內稱「幕表制的即興演出」為「做活戲」。本書總結作者近二十年深耕臺灣民間歌仔戲田野調查的研究心得,以「即興戲劇」角度切入,深入並完整的探索歌仔戲劇種藝術,透過學理分析,試圖為歌仔戲建立體系化的戲劇理論。藉此為臺灣民間歌仔戲獨到的創造方法發聲,豐富學界對於戲劇創作和表演的認知,並試圖為它建構理論。 本書分為上、下二編。下編《歌仔戲即興戲劇研究的資料類型與運用》輯錄歌仔戲即興戲劇研究的相關重要資料,包括:臺灣民間歌仔戲知見劇目;「做活戲」劇目田野記錄;各類型「臺數」舉隅;名家名劇講戲範例;演員筆記舉隅;重要講戲人、演員及樂師傳記資料等,並針對田野工作冠以「導論」一文,提出田野研究操作的方法和心得。內容看似資料彙編或選萃,實則都是歌仔戲即興戲劇研究的重要文獻,許多更是歌仔戲藝術家壓箱寶的首次公開。
As the famous song goes, this wonderful step-by-step guidebook starts at the very beginning-selecting a musical, planning your rehearsal schedule, teaching theatrical basics, and introducing your chosen musical to the...