Books of Performing Arts / Theater / Playwriting

  • 해리 포터와 저주받은 아이 1, 2부: 오리지널 웨스트엔드 프로덕션 공식 대본
    By Jack Thorne, John Tiffany, J. K. 롤링

    오리지널 웨스트엔드 프로덕션의 공식 대본.해리 포터로 사는 일은 늘 힘들고, 어른이 되어서도 상황은 크게 나아지지 않는다. 그는 마법부 직원으로 격무에 시달리면서도 한 ...

  • 习近平的两种结局——毕汝谐原创戏剧六种: The Two Endings of Xi Jinping---Six Original Plays by Bi Ruxie
    By 毕汝谐 著 (Bi Ruxie)

    当今世道,一个人想做一件举世无二、独一无二的事情(行善 也罢,为恶也罢),难于登月。 然而, 毕汝谐硬是做了一件举世无双、独一无二的事情——自 2013 年始,创作一系列以习近平为主人公的小说、剧本。 中国主席习近平如同日月临空,人人可见可鉴;却独独引发毕 汝谐的持久的创作激情! 2015 年 2 月,毕汝谐敢为天下先,创作习近平主席的两种结局,超前预言习近平的两种结局:称帝或者死于非命。 2018 年 2 月,习近平称帝的狼子野心大白于天下。 毕汝谐实为事前诸葛亮。 2006 年 6 月,毕汝谐接受纽约中国广播网采访时说:作家是什么?词典说作家是从事文学创作的人; 毕汝谐给作家下的定义是: 作家是民族的乌龟背,作家是大众的老寒腿。作家理应是先知 先觉! 毕汝谐是民族的乌龟背、大众的老寒腿,庶几无愧。 毕汝谐的幸与不幸,皆源于其具有神秘主义的特异功能。

  • Playwrights on Playwriting: The Meaning and Making of Modern Drama from Ibsen to Ionesco
    By Toby Cole, MacGibbon & Kee

    Twenty-seven internationally-known dramatists reflect on the modern theater, the creative process and their own work

  • The Musical Theatre Writer's Survival Guide
    By David Spencer

    David Spencer has written a book full of truths a young writer will not find articulated anywhere else. Most of us in the theatre gained our "experience" by making...

  • Naked Playwriting: The Art, the Craft, and the Life Laid Bare
    By William Missouri Downs, Robin U. Russin

    This is a complete playwriting course -- from developing a theme through plotting and structuring a play, developing characters, creating dialog, formatting the script, and applying methods that aid the...

  • The Play's the Thing
    By Lawrence Langner

    How to write and produce a play, by a co-founder of the Theatre Guild who illustrates his points with anecdotes.

  • Southern Women Playwrights: New Essays in History and Criticism
    By Robert L. McDonald, Linda Rohrer Paige

    This timely collection addresses the neglected state of scholarship on southern women dramatists by bringing together the latest criticism on some of the most important playwrights of the 20th century....

  • The Complete Book of Scriptwriting: Television, Radio, Motion Pictures, the Stage Play
    By J. Michael Straczynski

    To survive and thrive in the fantasyland that is show business, you need to know the realities of writing and selling. J. Michael Straczynski learned these realities the hard way....

  • Staging Difference: Cultural Pluralism in American Theatre and Drama
    By Marc Maufort

    This volume seeks to determine how contemporary American playwrights and theatre practitioners translate the current debate on cultural pluralism in the United States. While offering re-visions of the Melting Pot,...

  • Playwriting at Work and Play: Developmental Programs and Their Processes
    By Michael Wright

    Every play is different-as is every playwright. When you're shopping around for a play-development program to push your work toward new heights, you want to pick wisely, selecting one...

  • ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子 第一部・第二部: 舞台脚本 愛蔵版
    By J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

    ロンドン、ウェストエンドで初演された『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子』の公式脚本。ハリー・ポッターとして生きる宿命を負った少年は、おとなになったいまでも、魔法省で忙しく働きながら、夫として、そして学校へ通う三人の子どもの父親として、悩み多き日々を送っています。ハリーが、事あるごとに甦る過去の記憶に悩むいっぽう、末の息子のアルバスもまた、ポッター家に生まれた重圧に、反発しながら苦しんでいました。過去と現在が不吉に混ざりあうなか、父と息子は忌まわしい真実を知ることになります――時として、闇は思わぬところからしのび寄ってくるのです。『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子 特別リハーサル版』は、2016年の夏、ジャック・ソーンが脚本を手掛けた同作の舞台がウェストエンドでワールドプレミアを迎えた日に刊行されました。J.K.ローリング、ジョン・ティファニー、ジャック・ソーンが執筆した物語から生まれたこの芝居は、演劇ファンや批評家たちの称賛を浴び、公式脚本はたちまち世界的ベストセラーになりました。今回刊行される愛蔵版は、特別リハーサル版の増補改訂版です。リハーサル版とは少し異なる本番の台詞や、演出のジョン・ティファニーと脚本のジャック・ソーンの二人による、戯曲を読むことをテーマにした対談を収めました。ポッター家の家系図や、『ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子』の物語が幕を開けるまでの魔法界での歴史など、役に立つ予備知識もまとめられています。ハリー・ポッターとして生きる宿命を負った少年は、おとなになったいまでも、魔法省で忙しく働きながら、夫として、そして学校へ通う三人の子どもの父親として、悩み多き日々を送っています。ハリーが、事あるごとに甦る過去の記憶に悩むいっぽう、末の息子のアルバスもまた、ポッター家に生まれた重圧に苦しんでいました。過去と現在が不吉に混ざりあうなか、父と息子は忌まわしい真実を知ることになります――時として、闇は思わぬところからしのび寄ってくるのです。

  • Theatre and Autobiography: Writing and Performing Lives in Theory and Practice
    By Sherrill Grace, Jerry Wasserman

    That both autobiography and biography have acquired a position of unprecedented importance over the past 30 years is now obvious. Less obvious are the reasons for this phenomenon. Theorists and...

  • Chekhov: Selected Short Stories
    By Anton Chekhov

    Anton Chekhov has long been regarded as the master of the Russian short story and one of the leading exponents of the genre in world literature. This volume comprises the...

  • Storm Riders and Other Plays
    By Dick Higgins

    Storm Riders, the Steinian play (originally produced as an audio work at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta) that dominates this book of short plays, involves an interplay of such as...

  • Spaces of Creation: The Creative Process of Playwriting
    By Jim Hancock, Suzan Zeder

    Powerful imagery, complex emotions, and hidden connections swirl within everyone's inner spaces. As a writer, you must coax these ephemera from your mind, through your fingers, and, finally, into the...

  • Poetics of the Creative Process: An Organic Practicum to Playwriting
    By Femi Euba

    Based on the author's teaching methods and experience, the book presents an examination and analysis of the creative process of playwriting through the insight of the very foundations of drama...

  • Half a Century of Japanese Theater
    By Nihon Gekisakka Kyōkai

    Half a Century of Japanese Theater

  • Fortune's Fool: Trade Edition
    By Ivan Turgenev

    Fortune's Fool had its Broadway premiere a century and a half after it was written (1848) and proceeded to win two Tony Awards for the highly acclaimed performances of its...

  • Arms and the Man
    By George Bernard Shaw

    Exclusive to Penguin Classics: the definitive text of one of Shaw’s most delightful comedies—part of the official Bernard Shaw LibraryA Penguin Classic   Raina, a young woman with romantic notions...

  • Shakespeare's Advice to the Players
    By Peter Hall

    Shakespeare's text is packed with clues that help the reader to hear and the performer to act any speech. He also tells the actor when to go fast and when...