Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • Guide to Human Rights Research
    By John J. Tobin, Harvard Law School. Human Rights Program

    Covers general human rights research tools, international law instruments and material on specific human rights issues.

  • Children of Minorities: Deprivation and Discrimination
    By Paolo Basurto

    This collection of essays, condensed from papers presented at a meeting organized by UNICEF's International Child Development Centre on"Discrimination against Children and Families of Minority Groups and Indigenous Peoples," (Florence,...

  • Tort Liability for Human Rights Abuses
    By George P Fletcher

    Advancing a bold theory of the relevance of tort law in the fight against human rights abuses, celebrated US law professor George Fletcher here challenges the community of international lawyers...

  • Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder
    By Irving Louis Horowitz

    Argues that genocide is the consequence of certain forms of unbridled state power. See ch. 12, "Functional and Existential Visions of Genocide", for discussion of the Nazi genocide of the...

  • Curing the Selectivity Syndrome: The 2011 Review of the Human Rights Council
    By Human Rights Watch, Juliette de Rivero

    "In April 2006 the United Nations General Assembly established the Human Rights Council (HRC) to elevate attention to human rights in the United Nations and address shortcomings of the HRC's...

  • Management of the Beaver (Castor Fiber): Towards Restoration of Its Former Distribution and Ecological Function in Europe
    By Council of Europe, Bartholomeus Andreas Nolet

    Management of the Beaver (Castor Fiber): Towards Restoration of Its Former Distribution and Ecological Function in Europe

  • Turkey: No Security Without Human Rights
    By Amnesty International


  • Islam, Liberalism and Human Rights
    By Katerina Dalacoura

    This timely book, newly revised for this edition, addresses the question of human rights in the international context, focusing in particular on the interaction between human rights as a value...

  • The Un Commission On Human Rights
    By Howard Tolley

    "In 1946, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights became the first international body empowered to promote global human rights. During its first twenty years, the Commission established most of...

  • Human Rights Regimes in the Americas
    By Vesselin Popovski, Monica Serrano

    This book examines the complex role of human rights norms and standards throughout the region, illustrating the evolution and impact of international conventions, laws, and institutions. The chapters combine historical...

  • 自由,凌駕一切: 美國人文景觀的塑造者
    By 林博文

    自由女神像不應只是觀光景點, 她提醒世人要珍惜自由, 要使自由穿過無知的黑暗和人類的壓制。二戰結束至今,大英帝國早已夕陽西下,蘇聯及其東歐衛星集團亦已分崩離析。日本從戰爭廢墟中復甦後,國力已漸下降;中國則以強大經濟力崛起,躋身強國之林。然而美國能以唯一超強之勢稱霸世界,科技、經濟和軍事的領先全球,固為原因之一。但細究其根源,思想自由、新聞自由、言論自由、表達自由、學術自由和創作自由等基本人權,才是美國能夠傲視寰宇的源頭活水。 新聞自由和創作自由看似稀鬆平常,卻是美國成為強國的不二法門。《獨立宣言》起草人、美國第三任總統傑佛遜早就在1787年說過一句迴盪古今的話:「如果由我來決定:我們是要一個沒有報紙的政府還是要一個沒有政府的報紙,我將毫不猶豫地選擇後者。」 自由民主國家與獨裁專制國家的分野之一,就是前者的言論與新聞自由,是由人民所爭取,又得到憲法和法律的明確保障;後者則毫無言論與新聞自由可言,即令有一絲一毫妝點門面的「自由」,而這些「自由」卻在軍法、戒嚴法、黨章、特務和公安的虎視眈眈下,萎縮或變形得不成形狀。即使在民主、自由和法治早已上軌道的美國,還是會發生打壓新聞、言論與出版自由的逆流,更遑論那些自由其名、專制其實的國家和地區了。 本書刻畫了促進美國新聞與創作自由的一批先驅人物和少數反面角色。希望他(她)們的理想和貢獻,亦能鼓舞華人社會。 

  • 走進世界喧囂: :從戰地到家門,無國界醫生創始成員揭露人間黑暗邊緣,寫給世人的美好生活倡議書
    By 帕提克・埃伯哈

    這不僅是一本打破地界的救援記事 更是國際公民思考自身義務與價值的敲門磚 ★跨國行醫先驅、無國界醫師創始成員帕提克.埃伯哈(Patrick Aeberhard)寫給國際公民的人道呼召 ★戰爭與人性醜惡並不遠!政治、倫理與醫療間交互提問 ❝ 當我們把自己定義為無國界醫生時 這只不過是說 我們有能力跨越這些國界,僅此而已 我們無法任意拆毀、廢除國界之牆 那是受難者們的監獄 同時也是為他們遮風避雨的庇護所⋯⋯ ❞ ...

  • 權民一體論: 遞進自組織社會
    By 王力雄

     大規模社會離不開間接溝通。本文將間接溝通結構對溝通的掌控視為權力。當間接溝通的結構不容民眾對其溝通,只按自身需要溝通民眾時,權力便與民眾分離,社會分成有權和無權二元,溝通樞紐成為當權者,權力為其私有。以往的政治思想大都默認權力是一種獨立存在,只考慮如何對其制約與馴化。本文則把消除權力與民眾的分離視為解決問題的根本,並提出實現權民一體的操作方法——遞進自組織,讓權力重歸溝通。 【分章提要】 ■第一章 社會的基本劃分是有權和無權;從組織角度可描述為「權組織+被組織」;權力的強制性主要不是出於強力,而是出於組織的程序性溝通。 ■第二章 社會是一種溝通結構。因為直接溝通的範圍有限,大型社會需由多級「溝通樞紐」架設間接溝通的結構。權力源自溝通。「溝通樞紐」對溝通的掌握即是權力。 ■第三章 本應服務於民眾的間接溝通結構,利用對溝通的掌控,不容民眾對其溝通,只按自身需要溝通民眾,權力由此與民眾分離,為當權者私有,溝通結構異化為權組織,民眾成為被組織的無權者。 ■第四章 追求個人意志的滿足是人的基本性質,正義則是所有社會成員對這種追求的平等節制——即不扭曲他人的個人意志。只有自組織狀態下個人意志的向量求和能實現這種平等的節制。 ■第五章 社會意志是所有社會成員個人意志的向量和。社會的基本性質是追求社會意志的滿足。但迄今尚無社會意志實現向量求和的結構,只有權力意志主導的數量求和結構。社會意志因此總是被權力意志扭曲。 ■第六章 被扭曲的社會意志或是通過對權力意志施加壓力迫使權力進行調整,或是通過支持革命以強力更新權力,由新權力體現社會意志。這使得社會意志在總體上決定社會發展走向,然而無論壓力調整還是強力更新都存在滯後。 ■第七章 代議制使得權力更新不再通過強力,但仍然是數量求和結構。權力意志可通過操縱代議制的數量求和扭曲社會意志;反之數量和的壓力又會迫使代議制縱容消費主義和民族主義。 ■第八章 是否能讓社會意志無需通過壓力和強力,即可與權力意志無阻礙地溝通,從而使得社會意志無滯後地隨時實現? ■第九章 個人意志向量求和的方法是在經驗範圍内隨時選舉「和載體」。「和載體」再以遞進的層塊不斷求出更大的向量分和,最終求出社會意志。 ■第十章 八條基本規則形成自動運轉和自我調節機制,可生長出遞進自組織社會。 ■第十一章 遞進自組織讓權力從統治回歸溝通,實現逐層提煉理性的「遞進自治—遞進聯邦」。 ■第十二章 遞進自組織可以解決代議制難以解決的Vetocracy(否決政治)、民族主義、消費主義。 ■第十三章 用遞進自組織的方法實現遞進自組織本身,形成人類社會按照社會意志駛向未來的自動車。 

  • Ultimate Penalties: Capital Punishment, Life Imprisonment, Physical Torture
    By Leon Shaskolsky Sheleff

    Ultimate Penalties: Capital Punishment, Life Imprisonment, Physical Torture

  • When the State Kills-: The Death Penalty V. Human Rights
    By Amnesty International

    African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica,

  • The United States and Southeast Asia: Developments, Trends and Policy Choices : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Asia and the...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific

    The United States and Southeast Asia: Developments, Trends and Policy Choices : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Asia and the...

  • Libya: progress on the path toward cautious reengagement : hearing before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations

    Libya: progress on the path toward cautious reengagement : hearing before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One...

  • Applied Social and Political Philosophy
    By Elizabeth H. Smith

    This book surveys the main theories of applied social and political philosophy and those theories to contemporary social/political issues of race, gender, war, peace, and ethnicity.

  • Taking Liberties
    By Simon Watney, Erica Carter

    The number of people affected by AIDS in the UK doubles every 10 months and the number of reported cases is expected to be over 6000 by the end of...

  • Kenya: Taking Liberties
    By Africa Watch Committee

    C) Cases of sedition and breach of the peace, January 1990-July