Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • Three Beginnings: Revolution, Rights, and the Liberal State : Comparative Perspectives on the English, American, and French Revolutions
    By John Allphin Moore, Stephen F. Englehart

    This collection of essays offers a comparative examination of the complex issues of sovereignty, legitimacy, and rights in the English, American, and French revolutions. A symposium of historians, political philosophers,...

  • Minorities in Croatia

    Includes statistics.

  • Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror
    By Steven H. Miles

    “If law be the bedrock of civil society, it can no more undergird torture than it could support slavery or genocide.” –from the Introduction The graphic photographs of U.S. military...

  • Freedom Days: 365 Inspired Moments in Civil Rights History
    By Janus Adams

    Day by day. Dream by dream. Victory by victory. "A book to be handed down--just like a family Bible--to be read by family member after family member,...

  • Rights and Constitutionalism: The New South African Legal Order
    By Dawid Hercules Van Wyk

    This major work, written by prominent South African academics, is an introduction to the new constitutional order in South Africa. It does not aim to provide a detailed commentary on...

  • 香港日記
    By 彭定康

    香港末代總督日記 以五年紀事悼念香港回歸25週年     「擔任香港總督是我的公職生涯當中非常重要的一環,甚至可以說是我畢生擔任過最重要的職位。我認為未來幾年香港所發生的一切,對所有人都至關重要。我們必須持續關切香港,為香港發聲,表明我們認同香港市民為自由民主勇敢奮鬥的價值觀。正如同我們從香港發生的事情所得知的那樣,我們不可認為這些價值觀能繼續存在是理所當然的。香港為自由、個人權利和尊嚴而戰,這也是我們共同奮鬥的目標。」──彭定康     一百多年前,英國以租借方式從清末中國手中獲得香港大部分的土地(即新界)。到了1992年7月,彭定康以末任英國派任總督的身分前往香港履新,準備在1997年將香港主權移交給中國,而非依循過去數十年其他英國處理殖民地的慣例讓其獨立。接下來五年內,彭定康在其港督任?撰寫這些日記,詳細描述香港作為英國殖民地的運作方式,以及隨著主權移交臨近之日所發生的各種事件。     這本日記對於與北京當局的談判、強化香港(遲來的)的民主制度,以及彭定康如何尋求適度的自治制度讓香港在1997年後能持續運作,提供了前所未有的真知灼見。出乎意料的是,不只中國共產黨反對彭定康的政制改革,一些英國商人和政府高官也對彭定康的作為非常不悅。對這些人來說,與北京保持良好的關係似乎比較重要,香港的政治自由和法治反倒是枝微末節。     本書英文版在香港主權移交25週年之際出版,作者反思過去到現在與北京當局打交道的種種經歷。書末短文〈香港的毀壞〉描述香港自1997年以來的情勢發展,對近年香港所遭受的挫敗做了一番權威性的評估。

  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties
    By Howard Davis

    This book provides a wide-ranging and accessible textbook covering the main areas of civil liberties and human rights law as it applies to England and Wales, meeting the requirements of...

  • EU Intervention in Domestic Labour Law
    By Phil Syrpis

    This book investigates the extent to which the European Union intervenes, and should intervene, in domestic labour law. It examines the stated and potential rationales for EU intervention, and argues...

  • Constitutionalism and Human Rights: America, Poland, and France : a Bicentennial Colloquium at the Miller Center
    By Kenneth W. Thompson, Rett R. Ludwikowski

    This work is the 7th volume in the Miller Center bicentennial series on Constitutionalism. The contributors examine in several different essays the historical, political and ideological connections among the constitutional...

  • ABC: Teaching Human Rights : Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools
    By United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

    This publication contains guidance on key areas of basic human rights education for teachers in primary and secondary schools, designed to assist in infusing human rights issues into subjects already...

  • Human Rights Education
    By Jagannath Mohanty

    Human Rights Education

  • Human Rights, Culture and the Rule of Law
    By Jessica Almqvist

    This new book examines the relationship between culture and respect for human rights. It departs from the oft-made assumption that culture is closely linked to ideas about community. Instead, it...

  • Forgotten Tribes: Unrecognized Indians and the Federal Acknowledgment Process
    By Mark Edwin Miller

    The Federal Acknowledgment Process (FAP) is one of the most important and contentious issues facing Native Americans today. A complicated system of criteria and procedures, the FAP is utilized by...

  • Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond
    By Jameel Jaffer, Amrit Singh

    When the American media published photographs of U.S. soldiers abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the Bush administration assured the world that the abuse was isolated and that the perpetrators would...

  • Employment Law and Human Rights
    By Robin Allen, Rachel Crasnow, Anna Beale

    This new edition of Employment Law and Human Rights brings practitioners up to date with the continuing practical impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the employment field. Human...

  • The Human Right to Education
    By Douglas Hodgson

    This monograph endeavours to provide a general overview of the content and development of the right to education at the international and regional levels, as well as an examination of...

  • 民主資本主義的歧路:《金融時報》經濟學家思索資本市場與民主體制的過去、現在、未來
    By 馬丁.沃夫(Martin Wolf)

    ★《金融時報》首席經濟學家擲地之作★★亞馬遜Kindle 優秀非小說讀物★ 食利的資本主義、充斥菁英與職業政客的民主主義在21世紀搖搖欲墜敲響了民主資本主義的警世鐘! 長久以來,馬丁.沃夫一直是言詞犀利的經濟與政治評論家,本書綜合他對民主資本主義和如何解決其問題的看法,精闢且發人省思。──班.柏南奇(Ben Bernanke),前美國聯邦準備理事會主席 2008年金融危機引爆全民不再信任菁英政治,隨著川普當選美國總統、英國不理性脫歐,再到中國資本市場開倒車……民主制度正走下神壇,老牌民主國家陷入混亂;上世紀全球化蓬勃發展,如今關稅壁壘成為新常態。種種跡象顯示,威脅民主資本市場的地緣政治挑戰盡在眼前! 民粹主義、金權政治、專制復辟、立場極化……民主倒退的現象頻仍,究竟是哪裡出了錯?《金融時報》首席經濟學家馬丁.沃夫,爬梳民主資本主義的發展與反挫,指出──經濟政策改革與漸進式社會工程,已經刻不容緩。 》》》複雜的經濟與政治演變,讓問題遠不如表面那麼簡單……  【移花接木的民粹主義!?】以「對抗敵人的人民保護者」面貌出現的領導人存在已久,凱撒、拿破崙、法蘭西斯.佛朗哥都是代表人物,當代川普就是為了達到「金權」目的,利用民粹主義題材,以人民之名濫用個人權利。 【移民大問題!?】近代人類遷徙遠不如二戰之前的所有朝代那麼龐大,但只要發生巨大的政治與金融危機,移民議題就成了政治焦點:英國1950年代開始接納新移民,卻直到1964年大選時種族移民議題才鬧得沸沸揚揚;沉寂多年,直到英國脫歐公投再度沸騰。 【永遠的右派、左派!?】20世紀左派想要經濟均等,右派想要更大的自由。21世紀的政治卻被身分認同的定義所取代。左派轉向聚焦被邊緣化的群體利益,右派重新尋求保護傳統的國家認同。左派支持者從教育程度和所得較低的選民,變成教育程度較高的名門菁英。傳統中產或沒趕上經濟新浪潮的人則成為右翼主要支持者。  【全球經濟倒退嚕!?】資本主義的本質是全球化,然而進入21世紀之後,許多富裕國家認為開發中國家搶了自己的飯碗,紛紛設立貿易壁壘,但解決方式遠沒那麼簡單,而且事實正好相反:生產力成長率減緩、人力資本成長衰減、勞動市場轉型,以及伴隨而來的種種社會變遷,從許多方面來說,經濟放緩恰恰是創造國家富裕的最終成功結果。 本書睿智且嚴謹地根據事實探討民主制度與資本主義之間的牽動與演進,得出結論:為了所有人,我們的理想與利益必須重新校準,因為這涉及了民主制度本身的存亡。 》》》民主與資本主義應該如何革新…… 【建立體制的有韌性/復原力】韌性是市場制度的一大優點,尤其是全球市場,稱職的政府應思考,遭遇意外與壓力下,體系的韌性有多高,及若體系的韌性不足時該如何應對與補強。 【恢復總體經濟穩定性】不過度倚重貨幣政策,轉向實施結構性政策,例如:所得重分配,把更多的所得分配給會支出而非儲蓄的人,及對私人部門的投資提供更強的誘因。 【修改老人年金】集合式確定提撥制退休金計畫是解決高齡化與少子化的好解方,計畫中的成員愈多,計畫運行得愈好,行政管理成本愈低,能享有愈大的規模經濟效益。 【改革政府體制】有效運作的政府體制仰賴精英制的科層體制。政府必須尊重專業,開放心態、廣納建言。政府與學者未能阻擋2008年的金融危機就是前車之鑑。 公民精神不只是口號或浪漫思想,而是能夠拯救人類的唯一思想,只要凝聚的共同信念,便能敦促民主政治與資本經濟帶來人類社會永續的蓬勃發展。 ─本書特色─1. 從經濟觀點闡述民主+資本是迄今最好的政治結合:有強烈的聲音認為,政治不走民主選舉制、經濟不採資本主義,社會才會更公平正義,本書強力反駁這種觀點,也清楚地闡釋為何拆分二者世界將大難臨頭。2. 別被政客的愚蠢的經濟學洗腦,用研究數據聰明看待政治與經濟:有種種跡象顯示,人類正倒退回獨裁威權、金權、民粹主義,本書一次解開全球貿易、人口移民、科技效應、就業結構轉型等面向的影響,闡明富裕和貧窮國家的唯一解方,無疑還是採行民主資本主義。3. 當今政客對號入座,透過歷史教訓理性規畫人民大未來:綜觀歷史,現今政治走向、各國政客、公民政治情結排排站,各自都有代表的人物與事件,回顧這些教訓能讓我們更理性看待民主政治,凝聚改革共識。 ─名人推薦─ 王乾任/Zen大的時事點評版主陳方隅/東吳大學政治系助理教授(依姓氏筆畫排列)

  • Rights of Women: A Guide to the Most Important United Nations Treaties on Women's Human Rights
    By International Women's Tribune Centre

    This section covers a whole range of human rights issues, including violence against women, trafficking and female genital mutilation. You will find several excellent new titles that show how activists...

  • Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances
    By Carmen Meinert

    The demonstrations of monks in Tibet and Myanmar (Burma) in recent times as well as the age-old conflict between a predominantly Buddhist population and a Hindu minority in Sri Lanka...

  • Human Face of Security: Asia-Pacific Perspectives
    By Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific

    Human Face of Security: Asia-Pacific Perspectives