Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • Falun Gong's Challenge to China: Spiritual Practice Or "evil Cult"?
    By Danny Schechter

    "China is nervous because there are now more Falun Going practitioners than there are members of the Chinese Communist Party" --Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong. In one of...

  • The Decline of Deference: Canadian Value Change in Cross-national Perspective
    By Neil Nevitte

    Since the 1980s Canadians have experienced turmoil on an unprecedented scale and on a variety of fronts. Constitutional battles pitted citizen against citizen and publics against leaders. Vigorous new interest...

  • The First Amendment and Related Statutes: Problems, Cases and Policy Arguments
    By Eugene Volokh

    The Second Edition examines United States First Amendment law using expertly edited cases, original note materials, and class questions. The Second Edition includes, among other things: I. New units or...

  • Roe V. Wade: The Untold Story of the Landmark Supreme Court Decision that Made Abortion Legal
    By Marian Faux

    From the back-alley clinics of illegal abortionists to the behind-the scene deliberations of the Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade is a riveting history of the thorniest ethical debate ever...

  • Realizing the Right to Development: Essays in Commemoration of 25 Years of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to...
    By United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

    This book is devoted to the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development. It contains a collection of analytical studies of various aspects of the...

  • Extending Social Security to All: A Guide Through Challenges and Options
    By International Labour Office. Social Security Department

    Social security represents an investment in a nation's human infrastructure. This book outlines basic concepts such as the social protection floor and the social security staircase, analyzes the affordability of...

  • Effective Strategies for Protecting Human Rights: Economic sanctions, use of national courts and international foraand coercive power
    By Symposium on Practical Strategies for Human Rights Protection

    Effective Strategies for Protecting Human Rights: Economic sanctions, use of national courts and international foraand coercive power

  • The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Policy
    By Peter R. Baehr

    Human rights has become a main feature of present-day international politics. This book is about the role of human rights in foreign policy. In the first (general) part it discusses...

  • Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action
    By Robert McCorquodale, Mashood A. Baderin

    On 16 December 1966 the United Nations adopted the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This was the first global treaty that established legal obligations on states to...

  • Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice
    By Geoffrey Robertson

    Among other accomplishments, British barrister Robertson has appeared as counsel in many landmark human-rights cases, and he conducted missions for Amnesty International to South Africa and Vietnam during the 1980s....

  • 西藏火鳳凰:獻給所有自焚藏人
    By 唯色

    藏人的自焚,世界的恥辱!  ■「西藏是拷問中國、國際社會人權和公正標準的最嚴厲問卷,沒有人可以回避,可以繞過去。目前為止,沒有人不受辱蒙羞。」──艾未未 ■寧可自毀,也不傷及他人──「人不必自身敢於自焚,只要敢於在想像中正視自焚,就可以看到自焚者以渺小的一己之軀,與龐大的暴政機器抗爭的英勇與悲壯。」──唯色 ■現代藝術家艾未未──封面設計、推薦 ■另收錄井早智代、劉毅畫作 ■唯色談艾未未設計的封面: 「在有著重要意義的封面設計——所有自焚藏人的名字用藏文記錄其上;中間的一朵火焰壯麗,充滿奉獻的美而非慘烈的苦;潔淨的封面宛如西藏潔白的哈達,以獻給所有自焚藏人——」 ■封面設計概念: 艾未未的封面上燙印的藏人名字,只有在某些角度才看得到,這象徵著他們在這本書中的在場與缺席。就如同他們在所有被自焚悲劇影響的人們的心裡,存在,也不存在。 *** 「秉持非暴力原則的個體抗議者所能做的最激烈方式——點燃自己但不攻擊他人,自己慘死卻不與凶手同歸於盡。」──唯色 過去這段時間,全世界有不少媒體關注藏人自焚的事件,但絕大多數人不清楚到底是怎麼一回事。這本書是唯色對四年來持續發生的藏人自焚事件所做的一種竭力的解釋、沉痛的分析和直率的批評。當然,批評針對的是不義的中共當局以及向不義妥協的世界。 從二○一三年四月起,唯色心力交瘁地寫作了兩個月,關注藏人自焚,尤其關注如此眾多的藏人自焚而世界卻一片沉默的狀況,希望透過她的文字向世界發聲。然而這不是輕易就能發出聲,原因無他,一百四十二位藏人將寶貴的生命付諸於奉獻與抗議的火焰,人世間任何語言對此的描述與評價都是蒼白無力的。 *** ...

  • Clean Clothes: A Global Movement to End Sweatshops
    By Liesbeth Sluiter

    The Clean Clothes Campaign is a worldwide movement that aims to improve the wages and conditions of sweatshop workers. This is the story of their struggle. Large retailers such as...

  • Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific
    By James T. Lawrence

    The existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, and prevent humanitarian crises. These human rights include freedom from...

  • Human Rights Abuses of the Roma (Gypsies): Hearing Before the Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights of...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights

    Human Rights Abuses of the Roma (Gypsies): Hearing Before the Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights of...

  • Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Present
    By John F. Marszalek, Charles D. Lowery

    Provides over 800 entries on people and events important to the civil rights struggle, and cites court cases which show a progression of civil rights

  • Cambodia, where Do We Go from Here?: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on...
    By United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific

    Cambodia, where Do We Go from Here?: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on...

  • Human Rights Module: On Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, Other Crimes Against Human Rights, and War Crimes
    By Jordan J. Paust

    This new edition of Human Rights Module updates and expands the first. This book provides an up-to-date exploration of the "core" international crimes most often associated with human rights infractions...

  • 人_离我_有多_:人_的概念及其在近代中_的_展演_
    By 曲相霏


  • The First Amendment: Freedom of the Press : Its Constitutional History and the Contemporary Debate
    By Garrett Epps

    The press in the United States is freer than in any other country in the world, and virtually any in history. American courts give critics of society and government extraordinary...

  • Education for Human Rights: An International Perspective
    By Douglas Ray

    The fifteen authors who contributed to this work, coming from many parts of the world, deal with human rights (especially those of women, children, minorities and indigenous populations), equality of...