Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • We Won't Go Back: Making the Case for Affirmative Action
    By Mari J. Matsuda, Charles Lawrence

    In the compassionate yet frank meditation, two of America's leading voices on affirmative action make the convincing case that it is time for a more humane understanding of this controversial...

  • Beyond Westphalia?: National Sovereignty and International Intervention
    By Michael Mastanduno, Gene M. Lyons

    Intervention has been a common feature of international politics. But in Beyond Westphalia? Gene M. Lyons and Michael Mastanduno make a distinction between unilateral and international intervention. They raise the...

  • The Survival and the Success of Liberty: A Democracy Agenda for U.S. Foreign Policy
    By Morton H. Halperin, Michael Hochman Fuchs

    Over the course of the twentieth century, Americans came to embrace the defense and promotion of rights and democracy as a vital mission of U.S. foreign policy. But this popular...

  • Madness in the Multitude: Human Security and World Disorder
    By Fen Osler Hampson, Jean Daudelin, Professor of International Affairs at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Fen Olser Hampson

    Human security is a key force motivating anyone involved in international relations. This book explores how our conceptions of human security have evolved in the latter half of the twentieth...

  • Provisional Measures in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
    By Clara Burbano Herrera

    Provisional measures are instruments used by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Their purpose is to prevent irreparable harm to the rights and freedoms ensured, under the American Convention on...

  • Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1995: Report Submitted to the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives...
    By United States. Department of State

    Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1995: Report Submitted to the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives...

  • Qur'an Liberation and Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity Against Oppression
    By Farid Esack

    The demise of apartheid in South Africa in the 1980s followed an unprecedented unity in struggle against oppression from members of different faith traditions. Determined as South African Muslims were...

  • The Rights of People with Mental Disabilities: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to the Rights of People with Mental Illness and...
    By Robert Morris Levy, Leonard S. Rubenstein

    In this completely revised and updated ACLU handbook, Levy and Rubenstein use a simple question-and-answer format to clearly and concisely explain the rights of people with mental disabilities.

  • Human Rights and Responsibilities in the World Religions
    By Arvind Sharma, Nancy M. Martin, Joseph Runzo

    This volume outlines the approaches to human rights and responsibilities within the different world religions. Featuring contributions from over 15 scholars, the book covers such key issues as women's rights,...

  • Of States, Rights, and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenship
    By Oliver Schmidtke, Saime Ozcurumez

    Increased levels of immigration sparked scholary and public debate about its consequences for immigrants, liberal democracies, sovereignty and rights in both Europe and North America. This book addresses questions such...

  • 什麼都別說: 北愛爾蘭謀殺與記憶的真實故事
    By 派崔克.拉登.基夫

    2019年美國國家書評人協會獎 2019年喬治.歐威爾獎 2020年亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎金獎 2019年歐巴馬最愛書籍 《紐約時報》暢銷書 亞馬遜近九千讀者4.6顆星好評 Goodread逾八萬讀者4.5顆星好評     「1972那年,三十八歲的寡婦珍.麥康維爾(Jean McConville)膝下十子,蒙面入侵者在貝爾法斯特將她從家裡強行帶走。這本書是步調如小說般緊湊的精密報導,基夫以麥康維爾的謀殺案為主軸,牽引出北愛爾蘭問題的歷史。他訪問了衝突雙方的參與者,將那個時代悲劇的毀滅與虛耗轉化成鏗鏘有力、引人入勝的長篇故事。」──《紐約時報書評》(New York Times Book Review)     珍.麥康維爾(Jean McConville)綁架案,可說是北愛問題血腥衝突中極惡名昭彰的事件之一。當地人都知道愛爾蘭共和軍(Irish Republican Army,簡稱IRA)是幕後主謀,但是在恐懼與為理想癡狂的氛圍下,沒有人敢挺身而出。二○○三年,北愛爾蘭簽下協議換取得來不易的和平五年後,一處海灘上尋獲了一具人類骨骸。麥康維爾家的孩子一聽說死者的洋裝上別有一個藍色安全別針,就知道那正是他們的母親。因為家裡孩子眾多,她總是隨身別著別針,方便固定尿布或破損的衣物。     派崔克.拉登.基夫這本令人著迷的著作,書名啟發自北愛爾蘭詩人薛穆斯.希尼(Seamus Heaney)的詩作〈無論說什麼,說了等於沒說〉(Whatever You Say,...

  • Seafarers' Rights
    By Michael Anderson, Deirdre Fitzpatrick

    Seafarers' Rights provides the reader with a systematic analysis of the rights of seafarers in the context of the international shipping industry, showing how they are made up of a...

  • A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 7: The Right to Birth Registration,...
    By Ineta Ziemele

    This volume constitutes a commentary on Article 7 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is part of the series, A Commentary on the United...

  • Roe V. Wade: The Untold Story of the Landmark Supreme Court Decision that Made Abortion Legal
    By Marian Faux

    The Supreme Court decision of 1973 in the case of Roe vs. Wade has had more impact on women than any other judicial decision in history. It is the story...

  • Gender, Culture and Human Rights: Reclaiming Universalism
    By Siobhán Mullally

    In recent years, feminist theory has increasingly defined itself in opposition to universalism and to discourses of human rights. Rejecting the troubled legacies of Enlightenment thinking, feminists have questioned the...

  • Women's Rights: A Human Rights Quarterly Reader
    By Bert B. Lockwood

    This interdisciplinary collection from the Human Rights Quarterly brings together in a single volume nineteen of the most compelling articles written on women's human rights issues. For the past twenty-five...

  • International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals : Text and Materials
    By John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law Philip Alston, Philip Alston, Henry J. Steiner

    International Human Rights in Context presents diverse materials consisting of extensive authors' text an dquestions; sharply edited primary materials ranging from intergovernmental or NGO reports to treaties, resolutions and decisions;...

  • Human Rights and Political Justice in Post-communist Eastern Europe: Prosecuting History
    By Aurora Voiculescu

    Values, politics and law are inextricably intertwined in a communal effort to ensure respect for the human dignity of all the individuals in a society. This sentiment is often expressed,...

  • Lost Lives: The Stories of the Men, Women and Children who Died as a Result of the Northern Ireland Troubles
    By David McKittrick

    This is a unique work filled with passion and violence, with humanity and inhumanity. It is the story of the Northern Ireland troubles told through the lives of those who have suffered and the deaths which have resulted from the conflict.

  • 守護的力量: 中華人權協會四十年奮鬥史
    By 社團法人中華人權協會

      人權迭經人類智慧之淬鍊,終成每人可享之甜果。四十年來,本會依此信念不斷宣揚人權理念、促進人權保障、實現人權,所積累之成果印證臺灣人權進步的軌跡,殊值刻載於冊,爰將散軼四方之故往奮鬥前蹟集結於斯。  本會創會以來,深感國際人權蓬勃發展。1979年聯合國通過了《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》、1989年通過《兒童權利公約》、2006年通過《身心障礙者權利公約》、2007年通過《聯合國原住民族權利宣言》。故本會亦與時俱進,致力於「人權保障」並戮力將「人權教育」向下扎根,此外,並與國際人權組織、團體交流,宣揚人權普世價值。    1. 人物特寫:  邀請本會各任理事長、副理事長回顧其任內的重要紀事,或感性抒發難忘的二三事;亦穿插部分專訪,記述其與本會淵源。這些前輩在不同時期給予協會不同的帶領,堪稱本會發展路上的里程碑。    2. 頭條新聞:  篩選本會重要活動或計畫的深入報導,可以看出本會一路走來總是貼緊時代脈動,對於重要人權議題的發聲從不缺席,對於社會弱勢族群的關懷不落人後。    3. 一般報導:  篩選本會各項活動或會務的簡要報導,可以看出本會對於對於人權議題的多元關懷。也蒐羅當時的國內外人權新聞,以映襯本會所處的時代背景。    4. 專題文章:  篩選本會對於重要人權議題的評論與看法,為人權發聲篇篇擲地有聲。另外,TOPS的海外救援工作總是觸動人心,感人的故事隨時都在發生,因此特別以專題的方式收錄,以饗讀者。    5. 方塊文章:  篩選有關人權的名詞解釋或小知識或集中部分活動行事曆,對照該版新聞閱讀能對該主題有進一步的了解。