Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • Guitar Army: Rock & Revolution with MC5 and the White Panther Party
    By John Sinclair

    “Guitar Army was our manual for revolt. It's a rainbow-colored Howl, still resonating today with the singular value of idealism.”—Michael SimmonsJohn Sinclair, manager of the notorious Detroit band MC5 and...

  • The New Zealand Bill of Rights
    By Paul Rishworth

    "The New Zealand Bill of Rights" is a comprehensive account of over a decade of jurisprudence under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. The Act shares many substantive...

  • Torture as Public Policy: Restoring U.S. Credibility on the World Stage
    By James P. Pfiffner

    After September 11, 2001 the Bush Administration decided that the most important intelligence about terrorism would come from the interrogation of captives suspected of terrorism. As a result, many detainees...

  • The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law
    By Nigel S. Rodley

    Triggered by the atrocities of World War II, the last few decades have seen an increasing international awareness of the persistence of such practices as torture, abduction and arbitrary, summary,...

  • Human Rights Matters: Local Politics and National Human Rights Institutions
    By Julie Mertus

    Among human rights advocates, dominant wisdom holds that the promotion and protection of human rights relies not on international efforts, but on domestic action. International institutions may capture news headlines,...

  • Medicine Betrayed: The Participation of Doctors in Human Rights Abuses
    By British Medical Association

    Medicine Betrayed: The Participation of Doctors in Human Rights Abuses

  • Legal Cultures and Human Rights: The Challenge of Diversity
    By Kirsten Hastrup

    Cultural diversity, as expressed for instance in different normative orders or legal cultures, poses both a practical and a theoretical challenge to the idea of universal human rights. In the...

  • Human Rights and Human Diversity: An Essay in the Philosophy of Human Rights
    By A J M Milne

    Introduction - PART 1 MORALITY - Rules, Principles and Conduct - Morality and Society - Moral Universality and Moral Diversity - Moral Diversity Continued: Religion and Ideology - Morality and...

  • Human Rights and the New World Order: Universality, Acceptability and Human Diversity
    By Bamidele A. Ojo

    Explores the possible impact of the contemporary international order on the interpretations and implementation of international human rights regimes. Argues that appeals for human rights have traditionally been made on...

  • Clouds of Injustice: Bhopal Disaster 20 Years on
    By Amnesty International

    Clouds of Injustice: Bhopal Disaster 20 Years on

  • Torture and Impunity: The U.S. Doctrine of Coercive Interrogation
    By Alfred W. McCoy

    Many Americans have condemned the “enhanced interrogation” techniques used in the War on Terror as a transgression of human rights. But the United States has done almost nothing to prosecute...

  • Great Quotations on Religious Freedom
    By Albert J. Menendez, Edd Doerr

    This outstanding collection of memorable quotations on religious freedom -- the most comprehensive ever assembled -- covers many centuries of thought and a wide array of sources. On every page...

  • Blackstone's Guide to the Human Rights Act 1998
    By John Wadham

    The Blackstone's Guide Series delivers concise and accessible books covering the latest legislative changes and amendments. Published soon after enactment, they offer expert commentary by leading names on the scope,...

  • Nitrates and Nitrites in Foodstuffs
    By Council of Europe

    Nitrates and Nitrites in Foodstuffs

  • Alma Mater Studiorum Saecularia Nona
    By Federico Carpi, Chiara Giovannucci Orlandi

    Alma Mater Studiorum Saecularia Nona

  • The Worldwide Movement Against Child Labour: Progress and Future Directions
    By International Labour Office, Alec Fyfe

    This study provides the first systematic analysis of the worldwide movement against child labor. It argues that the intellectual and policy frameworks first articulated by the ILO in the 1980s...

  • Redefining Sovereignty: The Use of Force After the Cold War
    By Mary Ellen O'Connell, Natalino Ronzitti, Michael Bothe

    With considerable insight and analysis, the editors and contributors to the book--the world's leading ethicists, political scientists and international lawyers--investigate the use of force since the end of the Cold...

  • Modern Law: The Law Transmission System and Equal Employment Opportunity
    By Alfred W. Blumrosen

    In the past 25 years, settlement of nearly 25,000 complaints of employment discrimination has vastly advanced opportunities for minorities and women. In Modern Law, Alfred W. Blumrosen traces the operation...

  • 死囚的最後時刻:我在美國最惡名昭彰的監獄擔任死刑見證人的那段日子
    By 蜜雪兒‧萊昂斯(Michelle Lyons)

    12年來,蜜雪兒親眼見證了近300起死刑執行關於罪與罰的思辨,這是一份絕對不可略過的證言  ■一個目睹死刑的罕見經歷,見證與反思死刑制度的第一手資料。■一本揉合感性(記者觀點)與理性(制度面執行弊端)的報導文學。■本書不在探討「反對」或「支持」死刑,而是透過真實故事來思考生命的意義與本質。 我不知道罪犯被處決,是否有讓任何事變得更好?他的死是否為被害人家屬帶來平靜?正義是否得以伸張?又或者,在死刑之前,我們全都成了受害者? 亨茨維爾小鎮是個非常特別的地方。它的風景如畫,也是德州司法部的監獄所在,尤其以關押死刑犯聞名,被歐洲媒體稱作「世界死刑之都」。小鎮裡共有七間監獄,城鎮因而圍繞著監獄而發展,監獄體系也成了該市最大的雇主,鎮民多數於監獄就業,本書作者蜜雪兒‧萊昂斯也不例外。1998年,她22歲,以地方媒體身分首度進入監獄報導死刑過程。那時,她覺得受刑人不過是睡著了,相較於被鐵槌擊殺的兩位老人,正義也未免過於失衡。 之後三年,她在目睹死刑執行過程42回之後,蜜雪兒‧萊昂斯積累了在電視上侃侃而談死刑現場的經驗,受聘為德州司法部公關室發言人兼死刑驗證官。十二年內,她親眼驗證近300位死刑犯的生命終結,依法一一記錄死刑現場,近身觀察與探索關於死刑的制度與生命的本質。 起初,基於媒體記者的客觀與專業,蜜雪兒‧萊昂斯還能冷靜地扮演法制上的旁觀者。隨著目睹死刑次數的增加,她心中的疑慮開始浮現出來。她逐漸認識並喜歡某些死刑犯,看著他們死去,嚴密的心防終於敵不住死囚眼角的淚珠與其母親的心碎。成為死刑驗證官(同時成為母親)的她,開始對死刑本質提出質疑──處決犯人是否反而讓我們全都成了受害者? 難得的是,已退休的前任驗證官及公關室主任賴瑞‧費茲傑羅,以共同見識過多起死刑的退役者身分,於本書中回顧了這凡人罕至的歷程,共同探索死刑裁罰的本質。對於死刑存廢爭議,透過作者的第一手記錄,以及個人生命經驗的轉變,無疑是一份不可略過的證言。  ■Amazon五星評價節錄: ▶這是一個很好的閱讀體驗。可以藉機瞭解一些最嚴重的罪犯和處理這些罪犯的人。而且,蜜雪兒讓我們知道目睹到數百次的執行後,會怎麼改變一個人。 ▶作者並沒有試圖改變任何人看待死刑的立場,但她成功的為讀者了提供充足思考面向。這不是非黑即白的簡單問題,也不僅僅是政治言論或抗議海報上的口號。無論您是贊成或反對死刑,都會從一個親眼目睹死刑執行逾300次的人身上,獲得發人深省的新見解。 ▶多年來我讀過的最好的書之一。我哭了,我笑了;我思索並驚嘆於這本回憶錄提及的尊嚴、恩典、友誼和全方位的愛的展現。 「讀完有種惆悵縈繞心頭,讓人低迴不已。」——《休士頓紀事報》(Houston Chronicle)■誠摯推薦 朱宥勳│作家李茂生│國立台灣大學法律學院教授林立青│作家黃益中│公民教師、《思辨》作者黃致豪│律師,司法心理學研究者楊貴智│律師,法律白話文運動站長  ▶如果你暫時沒有太多心思或動力去細細思索「死刑」這個問題,就試著讓本書作者帶著你看看這些死刑犯吧──看看他們如何生,如何死,看看一個近距離的死刑相關工作者心念的艱難。雖然遠在千里之外,作者萊昂斯針對這些在美國德州的死刑犯的描述,對死刑制度的觀察,以及自己所面對的思想困境,栩栩如生。然後,我們或許可以坐下來聊聊死刑是不是正義,或者,怎麼樣的死刑算是一種正義──如果真的有人知道何謂單純的正義的話。 ──黃致豪│執業律師、司法心理學研究者  ▶這本書最特別的地方,在於它並非單純支持或反對死刑,而是以回顧這些事件對於自身的改變。這也是一本罕見的揉合感性(第一人稱的記者觀點)與理性(提出制度面及執行弊端)的報導文學,相信這麼獨特的經歷更能引起讀者們以前所未見的觀點,思考刑罰制度與生命本質的重大議題。對於台灣社會來說,談論死刑或許過於早熟,因為我們都還沒能認識死刑的樣貌,就要思考死刑的意義,因此不論你支持死刑或反對死刑,都建議透過這本書一窺死刑的真實樣貌(即使抱持著偷窺刑場的八卦心態),必定將會讓我們對死刑有更多不同的看法。 ──楊貴智│律師、法律白話文運動站長

  • Negotiating Justice: A New Constitution for South Africa
    By M. D. D. Newitt, Mervyn Bennun

    Between February 1990 when the South African president, F.W. De Klerk, released Nelson Mandela from prison and legalised the ANC, and April 1994 when the first democratic elections were held,...