Books of Political Science / Human Rights

  • Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political, and Economic Dimensions
    By Stephen P. Marks, Bård-Anders Andreassen

    The relationship between the processes of economic development and international human rights standards has been one of parallel and rarely intersecting tracks of international action. In the last decade of...

  • International Human Rights Law: Texts, Cases, and Materials
    By Mark Freeman, Gibran van Ert

    Designed as a companion volume to International Human Rights Law (Irwin Law, 2004, in the Essentials of Canadian Law Series), this book is a comprehensive collection of international, regional, and...

  • Universal Human Rights: Origins and Development
    By Stephen Andrew James

    James examines at a broad level the concept of universalistic and "dignitarian" human rights, as expressed in such covenants as the International Bill of Rights, two United Nations documents published...

  • The Amnesty International Handbook
    By Amnesty International USA.

    "Published on Amnesty's 30th anniversary"--Cover.

  • 殺劫(新版): 不可碰觸的記憶禁區,鏡頭下的西藏文革,第一次披露
    By 唯色

    文革五十週年紀念新版 文革依然是禁區,《殺劫》依然是禁書 一九六六年,文化大革命的烈火開始燎原,作家唯色出生於西藏軍區總醫院。當時她的父親是中國駐藏解放軍的一名軍官,也是一位熱心的攝影愛好者。透過鏡頭,這位軍官記錄了迄今為止關於西藏文革最全面的一批影像。「與強權的鬥爭就是與遺忘的鬥爭」,在世界面前,文革是中共的一個尷尬,西藏則是另一個尷尬,因而西藏的文革就成了雙重禁區,愈加不可觸碰。 這本書的原版,因藏語「革命」的諧音而得名《殺劫》,十年前的二○○六年由大塊文化出版。那時恰逢文化大革命四十週年,儘管已經過了四十年,但文革在中國仍被列為不可碰觸的禁區,而發生在西藏的文革更是禁區中的禁區。也因此,在文化大革命五十週年的今天,在霧霾日益濃重卻堪稱強大的中國,《殺劫》依然是禁書,文革依然是禁區。 這期間,唯色嘗試使用他父親在文革當年拍照片的蔡司伊康相機,站在他父親當年同一角度,拍攝今日拉薩圖景,兩個時代照片的對比,顯示出歷史的無常……《殺劫》文革五十週年紀念新版,除了全書修訂外,還追加了更多文字與影像的記錄。透過唯色父親的照片,讀者可以進入歷史中的拉薩,去認識曾經有過卻已消失的風景,曾歷盡滄桑卻已輪迴的人們,傾聽曾經發生的故事以及故事中的悲歡離合…..當然也可以跟著唯色,一起追索著他父親當年行蹤,透過他們的文字與影像記錄,見證著更多西藏的生與死。 

  • The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    By Dominic McGoldrick

    This book provides a careful and close analysis of the power and function of the newest United Nations Human Rights Committee. Vested with wide-ranging power, the committee has developed a...

  • The International Bill of Human Rights
    By United Nations. General Assembly

    The full text and complete story of the most exciting, most important document of our times, and what it means for our future.

  • Human Rights: A Reference Handbook
    By Lucille Whalen, Nina E. Redman

    The second edition of Human Rights provides a completely revised and updated guide to this vital topic—from the latest human rights legislation to current publications, Internet resources, information on human...

  • The Right to Adequate Housing
    By United Nations Centre for Human Rights, Rajindar Sachar

    A new & timely publication made all the more urgent by the enormity by the global housing crisis, with inadequate housing threatening the health, safety & dignity of so many....

  • The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on Its Development
    By Matthew C. R. Craven

    The main purpose of this study is to outline and evaluate the development of the Covenant as a human rights treaty guarantee both in terms of its substance and its...

  • The Legacy of George Mason
    By Josephine F. Pacheco

    The Legacy of George Mason

  • Women and Drugs: Focus on Prevention : Proceedings
    By Council of Europe, Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs

    On cover & title page: Drugs and addiction

  • Red Star Over Hollywood: The Film Colony's Long Romance with the Left
    By Ronald Radosh, Allis Radosh

    Until now, Hollywood's political history has been dominated by a steady stream of films and memoirs decrying the "nightmare" of the Red Scare. But in "Red Star over Hollywood, Ronald...

  • China from the Inside Out: Fitting the People's Republic Into the World
    By Ronald C. Keith

    Many books claiming to aid our understanding of China are based on the assumption that it is destined to follow the model of the U.S.; war, empire and unilaterlism. Ronald...

  • Child Soldiers: The Role of Children in Armed Conflict
    By Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Ilene Cohn

    "In this path-breaking study, Professor Goodwin-Gill and Dr Cohn assess the status of the Child Soldier in international law and highlight the ways in which international humanitarian law fails to...

  • Challenging US Human Rights Violations Since 9/11
    By Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute

    Activists, lawyers, students, teachers, union members, government officials, and judges will welcome this thoroughly researched, comprehensive examination of human rights violations in the wake of 9/11. Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute...

  • 婚姻综合类法律法规
    By 叶浦芳主编


  • 抚养赡养类法律法规
    By 叶浦芳主编


  • 轉型正義︰邁向民主時代的法律典範轉移
    By 璐蒂‧泰鐸 Ruti G. Teitel

    國家在朝向自由化的政治轉型過程中, 如何面對與修補舊政權的過往之惡, 又如何重塑人權、法治與民主的文化及制度? 21世紀轉型正義概念先驅,開創轉型期法律典範 從權威到民主的轉型過程中,「懲罰或免責」成為討論重點;是否有義務追溯過往,對舊制度做出懲治?或是既往不咎,讓過去的就成為過去? 本書考察歷史、刑事、行政等多重面向,將轉型正義的理念清楚展開,並以跨領域的視野,透過比較與歷史的研究方式,對處理政治劇變產生的各種不公平後果,作了一番憲法上的、立法上的與行政上的具體分析。 內容由歷史事件取材,上自古代,下至啟蒙運動,涵蓋法國大革命、美國革命,直至本世紀後冷戰時期迄今。縱貫東歐、中歐與前蘇聯的共產體系轉型,以及拉丁美洲與歐洲的軍政府獨裁專制的轉型,並可為南非廢止種族隔離政策後的持續轉型,北愛爾蘭和其他地區的突破性改變,提供若干激盪。  本書試圖超越現行的理論論述,解釋法律在政治巨變的轉型期所扮演的角色。作者認為在此種動盪時期,法律的變革具有特殊且結構性的意義。主要採用歸納的方法,探討諸多法律變革,描述政治轉型期間法律與正義的特殊意涵。本書開宗明義先反駁了「轉型成為自由民主的政治體系」必須依循普遍、理想的典範此種觀念。本書對法律與政治轉型之間的關係,提供另外一種看法。

  • Free East Timor: Australia's Culpability in East Timor's Genocide
    By Jim Aubrey

    'This book is a testimony for the historical record, to document the actions of some of those who did everything they could to help East Timor - average everyday people...