Books of Political Science / Labor & Industrial Relations

  • Unions and Public Schools: The Effect of Collective Bargaining on American Education
    By Randall W. Eberts, Joe A. Stone

    Examination of the effects of collective bargaining of public education teachers in the USA - covers trade unionization, working conditions and wages, esp. Wage differentials with nonunionized workers, labour disputes,...

  • The Teacher Unions: How the NEA and AFT Sabotage Reform and Hold Students, Parents, Teachers, and Taxpayers Hostage to Bureaucracy
    By Myron Lieberman

    The NEA and AFT enroll over three million members. Their local, state, and national revenues exceed $1 billion annually, not counting their PACs, foundations, and wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries....

  • Taking Charge of Quality: How Teachers and Unions Can Revitalize Schools
    By Charles Taylor Kerchner, Julia E. Koppich, Joseph G. Weeres

    Taking Charge of Quality outlines proposals for improving the quality of teaching, touching on issues such as standards, peer review, career ladders, hiring halls, school-based compacts, and teacher accountability.

  • Motivation and Work Behavior
    By Lyman W. Porter, Richard M. Steers

    Textbook of readings on Motivation theory in occupational psychology - covers organisational behaviour, leadership effectiveness, group dynamics, human relations, learning, processes, management by objectives, job enrichment, job satisfaction, job design,...

  • Keeping America Competitive: Employment Policy for the Twenty-first Century
    By Edward E. Potter, Judith A. Youngman

    Examines America's competitive position in the global marketplace from 1935 to 1993 and describes how employment laws and policies evolved during this period. Discusses employment policy issues within the context...

  • Towards a European Model of Industrial Relations?: Building on the First Report of the European Commission
    By Marco Biagi

    For two decades now, a social dialogue has been in progress concerning industrial relations on a European level. The publication of the first Report of the European Commission on Industrial...

  • The Politics of Glamour: Ideology and Democracy in the Screen Actors Guild
    By David Forrest Prindle

    Examines democracy in action in the Screen Actors Guild, discusses political issues during the Guild's history, and describes current problems facing it.

  • Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform
    By Marc Karnis Landy, Martin M. Shapiro, Martin A. Levin

    "Promoting competition has been a leading theme of public policy over the past 30 years. In the United States, the movement began in the 1970s with efforts to rewrite the...

  • 劳动文化学 (上):当代中国的劳工意识: Labor Culture:Labor Consciousness in Contemporary China (I)
    By 王江松 著


  • 致敬底层:当代中国的劳工运动 (下): Tribute to the Underclass: Labor Movement in Contemporary China (I)
    By 王江松 著

    这本书是对当代中国第一次劳工运动高潮的同时态的亲历、追踪、记录、呐喊、思考和传播,围绕着四个主题构成了全书的结构和内容:劳工界需要自己的代言人和思想家、 中国社会转型与劳工运动、关于劳工问题的思想争鸣和理论探讨以及关于劳工运动的评论、文告、声明、访谈。正像作者在序言《从倾听底层到致敬底层》中所论述的,这表明中国有一部分知识分子正在与底层民众相结合,与他们一起追求自由、平等和公正的生活价值,追求宪政、民主和法治的政治制度。本书深刻而厚重的苦心孤诣在于,知识分子和中间阶层,既不能弃底层于不顾而径直追求自己的目标,更不能愚蠢地把底层民众推到极左或极右那边去。中国的社会转型,有赖于依托中产阶级的宪政民主右翼与依托劳工阶级的宪政民主左翼的团结和联合,否则必将长期陷入转型陷阱而无法自拔。

  • Economics of Labor Relations
    By Gordon Falk Bloom, Herbert Roof Northrup

    Economics of Labor Relations

  • The Economics of Labor Markets
    By Bruce E. Kaufman

    Widely regarded as the best, most comprehensive, and balanced text available, The Economics of Labor Markets calls upon excellent pedagogical elements coupled with empirical research to introduce students to labor...

  • Hollywood's Other Blacklist: Union Struggles in the Studio System
    By Michael Charles Nielsen, Gene Mailes

    No Marketing Blurb

  • Enhancing Women's Participation in Economic Development
    By World Bank

    Although significant steps have already been taken in this direction, there remains a long road ahead. Also available: French (ISBN 0-8213-3023-3) Stock No. 13023; Spanish (ISBN 0-8213-3024-1) Stock No. 13024.

  • 中國勞工新境況: 勞動關係的變遷與挑戰
    By 辛西亞・艾斯特倫德(Cynthia Estlund)

    美國勞動法權威 研究中國勞動關係現狀的力作中國既在改變世界,也在以我們不能輕視的方式經歷重大變革。隨著中國躍升為經濟強國,充足的資金流入企業,產權結構和勞動關係都發生了巨大的變化。當中國的「血汗工廠」模式已成為歷史,勞工如何表達意見、爭取權利?工會改革和勞動監管如何進行?1930年代美國「羅斯福新政」通過保護勞工權利和改善福利,緩和了民眾對激進改革的訴求。與此相對比,本書全面細緻地分析中國勞工新境況及其對未來中國發展的影響, 是當代中國勞工研究的重要著作。美國著名法律學者艾斯特倫德,專研美國勞動就業法,對中國勞動關係亦有深入研究。作者透過中國與西方,法律、政治與歷史等,跨國與跨學科的比較視野,探討中國的勞動問題以及政府的回應策略,為當代中國勞工研究提供了廣闊的視角和全新的方法。推薦研究美國勞工問題的頂級專家艾斯特倫德為讀者刻畫了一幅平衡、精密的圖景,以呈現中國那截然不同、瞬息萬變的勞工場面。正如所有出色的比較研究,本書也引領讀者重新思考自己政府的成就和不足,甚至啟發讀者能從中國人身上學到什麼。孔傑榮 Jerome A. Cohen,紐約大學法學院艾斯特倫德在書中探討美國和中國的勞工問題,超越了認為中國遍地皆是血汗工廠的一般認知,同時也對工會和勞工 NGO 將獲得有限度的自由發展這一論斷提出質疑。研究結果充滿啟發性,引人深思。高敏 Mary Gallagher,密西根大學艾斯特倫德教授借助美國二十世紀工業衝突經歷的比較鏡頭,觀察中國勞動關係的變遷。羅斯福的新政曾為美國帶來社會進步、政治穩定和共享的繁榮,中國勞動制度的進展將為勞工帶來什麼轉變?本書通過對工人抗爭、工會角色和改革、職代會復興與勞動監管等勞動領域主要議題的分析,令人信服地揭示了中國處理「勞工問題」 面臨的困境和挑戰。陳峰,香港浸會大學

  • The End of Economic Man?: Custom and Competition in Labour Markets
    By David Marsden

    The End of Economic Man?: Custom and Competition in Labour Markets

  • Monitoring International Labor Standards: Quality of Information: Summary of a Workshop
    By National Research Council

    The NRC has convened the Committee on Monitoring International Labor Standards to provide expert, science-based advice on monitoring compliance with international labor standards.

  • Absentee Landowning and Exploitation in West Virginia, 1760-1920
    By Barbara Rasmussen

    Absentee landowning has long been tied to economic distress in Appalachia. In this important revisionist study, Barbara Rasmussen examines the nature of landownership in five counties of West Virginia and...

  • Labor Economics: Choice in Labor Markets
    By Mark Jackson, Don Bellante

    Textbook on labour economics - covers labour demand and labour supply, wage differentials in market economies, and in relation to employment factors and imperfect competition, macroeconomics of labour markets (unemployment,...

  • The Big Red Songbook
    By Archie Green

    The Big Red Songbook