Books of Political Science / Political Freedom

  • 自由未竟: 獨立記者歐洲採訪紀實
    By 甄梓鈴


  • Security Sector Reform and Post-conflict Peacebuilding
    By Albrecht Schnabel, Hans-Georg Ehrhart

    Military and police forces play a crucial role in the long-term success of rebuilding efforts in post-conflict societies. Yet, while charged with the long-term task of providing a security environment...

  • One Nation Under God: The Triumph of the Native American Church
    By Huston Smith, Reuben Snake

    This inspirational book celebrates the faith and courage of members of a traditional church that -- in 20th century America -- still struggling for religious freedom. Their Greatest challenge is...

  • After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities
    By Simon Chesterman, Albrecht Schnabel, Béatrice Pouligny

    International interventions in the aftermath of mass violence tend to focus on justice and reconciliation processes, elections, and institution-building. The frame of reference is at the state level, although the...

  • Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic-industrial Complex
    By Peter McLaren, Anthony J. Nocella, Steven Best

    “This book puts the lie to the myth of academic freedom and that the university is an unabashed training ground for radicals.”—Richard Kahn, University of North Dakota “Essential reading for...

  • Atrocities and International Accountability: Beyond Transitional Justice
    By William A. Schabas, William Schabas, Ramesh Chandra Thakur

    Rebuilding societies where conflict has occurred is rarely a simple process. Where conflict has been accompanied by gross and systematic violations of human rights, the procedure becomes very controversial. The...

  • Laughing Matters: Humor and American Politics in the Media Age
    By Jonathan S. Morris, Jody C. Baumgartner

    This book examines the role of humor in modern American politics. Written by a wide range of authors from the fields of political science and communication, this book is organized...

  • The Military Intelligence Community
    By Bruce W. Watson, Gerald W. Hopple

    The Military Intelligence Community

  • Defamation and Freedom of Speech
    By Dario Milo

    The law of defamation contemplates the clash of two fundamental rights: the right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the media, and the right to reputation. The rules of...

  • Freedom: Freedom In The Making Of Western Culture
    By Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Professor of Sociology Orlando Patterson

    A great (both in reach and accomplishment) piece of work by the distinguished sociologist (Harvard U.), volume 1 of the projected two- volume history of freedom traces the evolution of...

  • The Constitution and 9/11: Recurring Threats to America's Freedoms
    By Louis Fisher

    Government surveillance. Suspension of habeas corpus. Secret tribunals. Most Americans would recognize these controversial topics from today's headlines. Unfortunately, as Louis Fisher reminds us, such violations of freedom have been...

  • Sustaining Key Skills in the UK Naval Industry
    By Hans Pung

    "Building on prior RAND research, this monograph explores in greater detail the need for and retention of specific technical skills in the UK's naval industrial base. It investigates the relationship...

  • Political Economy and Freedom: A Collection of Essays
    By G. Warren Nutter

    These thirty-three essays, many of them previously unpublished, illustrate the broad range of Warren Nutter's thought. There are essays on the Soviet economy and international relations as well as essays...

  • Recruiting for Uncle Sam: Citizenship and Military Manpower Policy
    By David R. Segal

    Which citizens have fought America's wars? Which ones should fight in the future, and how should they be recruited? Should military or other national service be an obligation for every...

  • Trends in the Global Balance of Airpower: Supporting Data
    By Christopher J. Bowie, Kirninder Braich, Lory Arghavan

    The post-Cold War era has many implications for the way U.S. military forces will be sized, equipped, and balanced. The recent war in the Persian Gulf has given a new...

  • Securing The Seas: The Soviet Naval Challenge And Western Alliance Options
    By Paul H Nitze, Leonard Sullivan

    Securing The Seas: The Soviet Naval Challenge And Western Alliance Options

  • The Civil Disobedience Handbook: A Brief History and Practical Advice for the Politically Disenchanted
    By James Tracy

    Non-violent civil disobedience is an American tradition, an essential element of a working democracy. From the Bill of Rights to contemporary direct action tactics utilized by the Ruckus Society,...

  • Deadly Illusions: Army Policy For The Nuclear Battlefield
    By John J. Midgley

    Dr. Midgley, der er kaptajn i U.S. Army, ser på art og omfang af den amerikanske hærs arsenal af taktiske kernevåben samt den policy og de direktiver, der foreligger for...

  • The Furious Voice for Freedom: Essays
    By Leon Forrest

    In this collection's opening autobiographical essay entitled "In the Light of Likeness - Transformed," Leon Forrest tells us that he came from a lower-middle-class Negro household on the South Side...

  • The Triumph of Liberty: A 2,000-year History, Told Through the Lives of Freedom's Greatest Champions
    By Jim Powell

    The Triumph of Liberty is a dramatic and original narrative about a quest stretching from ancient times to the present day. It is the story of people struggling to abolish...